Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
DoubleSafety 4.1 was available as a giveaway on October 29, 2007!
DoubleSafety is a program for automatic data backup. With an effortless user interface, you can store backups on your hard drive or use a local area network, send them to an FTP server or write to a CD or a DVD. You can also automatically encrypt data using the 256-bit AES algorithm.
Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista
1.98 MB
i used xt's but didn't own anything until a very old 286. :-)
anyway, "yeah" to a few more of above comments:
restore is very critical. it needs to be tested.
setting up traditional backups is so time consuming, that if you have decent income to by hardware/media, then drive imaging is probably the best. better to choose one of the imaging apps that allows you to restore flexibly. then setup specific backups or sync for fast changing important files (such as business emails?)
try googling for site*.giveawayoftheday.com backup freeware
or similar
read user reviews elsewhere, such as at snapfiles, softpedia, betanews, acf, etc.
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#2 'every 100$ hard drive I have purchased comes with backup software.'
those apps tend to be terribly inferior. anyone who tries them uninstalls within minutes (notorious gotd mode!) Hypothetically, you could use drive imaging for overall backup, plus one of those crippleware apps for simple syncing (hourly email), but only if those crippleware *are usable* for simple syncing. meanwhile there's been adequate fw since forever for simple syncing.
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I did not get far with this one, I installed it, Unlocked it and it started to crawl, then it simply locked up my system altogether. 30 seconds later the "wizard" finally came up...
Overall the application ran as though it was a bad remote desktop application over a dial-up connection, the Zip files came out corrupted.
EXE is compressed too so I could not hack it quickly to see what was up with it. Stick with the freeware alternatives offered is my advice.
SYSTEM used to test
AMD Dual core 2GHz
1Gb ram
Radeon 9600 256MB
Sandboxie + Altiris SVS to protect my system from the barrage of bad applications!
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Did what it said it does. Don't care for the interface. Don't like the zipping of the backup. Don't want my photos compressed.
Backed up and restored several items and folders without problem. OK for Daily backups. Not sure about full system files. Its OK.
Thanks GAOD.
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After over 25 years messing with pc's (yeah, I owned a 4.77mhz 8088), it still amazes me how many people try to skimp on backups, or ignore them altogether and then bitch and moan - usually to their tech-savvy friends - when it all falls apart....which it ALWAYS ALWAYS does, sooner or later.
Take it from someone who's been there. DON'T SKIMP ON THIS!!
Buy a couple of these:
or similar - $100 and change each
get a copy of Norton Ghost or it's open source equivalent
Rotate em out weekly.
then RELAX
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Number 21, would you call this prog: DoubleTrouble?
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SelfImage is a free open source utility for making image backups of entire disks or partitions, including Linux partitions that Windows doesn't recognize
DriveImage XML is also free
SyncBack is a free backup utility packed with features
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I tried three times to back up some picture files and HTML; it failed and log would not really say what the problem was ( to much for the DVD, or what ever )and also would not go back to check settings. Either had to try it again with same results, or start with new try. Nothing to relate how many bites I was backing up.
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Not sure if anyone has mentioned this one or not, but I have been using a freeware program called Back2Zip that can either backup files to zip file or simply copy the files in their original explorer style. oh, and did I meantion that it uses virtually no memory at all to oporate!
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#36: You can download Seagate DiscWizard or Maxtor Maxblast, those are powered by acronis, and so the OEM-versions talked about
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#11 WerWölfchen
Where can I find this?
- Acronis True Image (free OEM version if you own a Maxtor/Seagate
drive or in different free promotion Versions from magazines.)
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downloaded w cd/dvd loaded in comp and nothing happened but download w no explaination how to make it work Please provide.Thank You
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Ok this program look exactly like the program featured on GAOTD just a few weeks ago, sure the icons look different and the featured screenshot is different but the core of the program is the same? Very useful program nevertheless, for all day-to-day back up needs.
Document Backup – Sept 5th 07 - http://www.giveawayoftheday.com/document-backup/ - $29.00
Backup Expert Oct 9th 07 - http://www.giveawayoftheday.com/backup-expert/ - $29.95
DoubleSafety 4.1 Oct 29th 07 - TODAYS GAOTD - $39.95
Can anyone confirm this?
Next, the difference between this type of program and Acronis or Norton Ghost is that those program are specifically designed to backup an entire hard-disk, os, apps and user settings, which is great for getting an operating system up and running is a short space of time. Today’s give-away is very different beast because it backups files on an individual files basis. Great if your working on a project, or want a duplicate set of photos of backup photos on another drive.
No31, Try “second copy”, www.centered.com it does exactly what you want.
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Vry nice but already have 3 backup programs!
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I think I will pass on this one as well.
However does anybody know of a back up software that give you the ability ti trigger backups on file or folder changes?
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Software downloaded, installed and activated perfectly (XP) I ran the program and it ran without a fault and created the zip file exactly as it should.
I quite like the idea of a zip format as it means that I can get my files back after a crash without having to re-instal the software which by then will no longer be available free from GAOTD.
As a simple means of backing up files I think it's great although very large files could become very unwieldy. Even then these can be broken down into different sections.
As a simple, straightforward piece of software that does exactly what it says on the tin I am very pleased with it.
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Try xxclone http://www.xxclone.com if you want to back up your whole hard drive. I have successfully used restores from it.
It will copy everything including the registry and system files. It does require a partition or another hard drive. It makes the backup of the C drive bootable so if something goes wrong you can boot from the back up. I find it useful to back up my computer after getting it set up just the way I want so I don't have to start from scratch and redo all of my settings if something goes wrong. Note: The free version only does full back ups.
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Whether or not you use this giveaway, you might well be interested in finding out where you can store those precious files for FREE!!
Here's the best one that I know of giving UNLIMITED storage, online, of any files that you care to upload. Check out the Q&A here.
If anyone knows of better ones then please share.
Regards this download, I have read others' reviews and decided against but have Emailed the company explaining why, and given them this site address so that they have the oportunity of coming back with a reply, but if you check out the 'AWARDS' that they boast of, they dont seem all that impressive, either.
Most never heard of except for TUCOWS but the site they refer to doesn't look the same as I remember. (The cows should be Black & White)
Any comments on this?
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@ 21(Chris Kent), 23 and others:
This programm is neither "great" nor bad or dangerous...
But its not so good an idea to back up your whole system with a zipping programm;
1: You will fail to restore system files which are in use (or you must have some knowledge
about de-/registering dll and other system components e.g. the "hives" (registry files).
2: If the system wont start up ("boot") you would need another booting system which
can correctly write to NTFS file systems to be able to restore your system/files.
3: And you should have all system files: Basically your installation CD/DVD an in addition
... Thus it doesn´t make too much sense to back all thes files up.
For developing better backup strategies read my earlier comments of today (#)a
In general: Programs like the todays offer are intended to backup your personal files and only in some cases a complete programm installation: what will get lost are the registry settings - and they are often substantial for get an application running.
the odd ZIP format is not as odd as one might think: most zippers/unzippers don´t have any problems with the missing tables inside the zip file: You can restore saved files with almost every unzipper, but some will not show the contents in the manner you are used to.
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Just wanted to know how this might be different from the Titan backup utility you guys offered a little while back. Are there any noticable benefits over the other program?
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With all the problems associated with this application pointed out by Bladedthoth it has put me off trying this out. Besides Vista Ultimate has backup built in which works great with no hassle. Thanks anyway GAOTD.
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I think more people should take a look at what BladedThoth has to say on this title, today. He seems to put great effort and time in reviewing software and his experience and knowledge proves to be very helpful quite often.
At any rate, he does not appear to be quite so enthralled with this program. And I think raises some legitimate points. It might still be a good one to try (As Yahoo! is quoted to say, "you can't beat the price."). But it does gives me pause. And I'll have to think about this one.
Thanks, Blade.
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This might be a newbie question but it might help those of us who don't really understand the backing up process to use this program properly.
Which files, folders or programs is it essential for me to backup so that I can quickly and easily return my computer to an operating condition such as it is now in? Windows is a huge folder on my computer, it contains fonts and games and screensavers that I don't want to backup because I can easily reinstall them off their original cds but it also contains updates and configuration files that tell my computer how I want it to look and to run. Someone once told me that the most important folder (aside from the registry and the driver files) on my computer was the system 32 folder, that within that folder is every bit of information on what I have changed or installed or updated or whatever and that by backing up that one folder, I am saving every bit of information that I would need to return my computer to the condition it is in now should I ever have to need to. Is this true? If it isn't, what exactly should I be looking at to back up? I'd really appreciate some help.
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What about saving the settings of Windows Mail in Vista ? It's not mentioned. Nor is Registry settings.
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I had high hopes for this software. I installed it and everything worked fine and the program was very user friendly and easy to work with. I ran a test backup of about 800 mb (4055 files) that included a mix of media, development files, executables, etc. Everything appeared to work great, but when attempting to restore the files I was Very Disappointed.
I was unable to open the zip files outside of the program - which is a big red flag to me. But more disappointing was that when running the internal file restore Double Safety was unable to restore 273 files! To be fair, I ran the backup again without compression and it still failed to restore all 273 files. Using a file compare utility I found that it was having trouble with any system files and several development files (dll, sln, c, cpp, h, etc.)
No matter how well a program runs a backup and how easy it makes it, if I can't access my files, the program is worthless.
Thanks anyway GAOTD, but this program needs some more debugging before it can be called commercial software.
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can this back up program files as well like windowsXP, photoshop, microsoft office....etc.???
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Hello all! Today's 15-Minute Review is up! Check it out!
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This program installed easy and registered without any problems.
Useing the wizard I made a DVD back-up of 278 files.
It compressed, burned and verified the data, perfectly.
The interface for the program was poorly done.
The burning defaults are no compression for image files.
Over all this is a smooth running, stand alone product.
Enjoy sense its free for us : )
Thanks GAOTD
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this program is GREAT!
but, to be honest, Acronis True Image is way better.
Anyway, thanx GAOTD for this wonderful giveaway! :+)
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Bad program. lock up my computer so I had to restart. nothing happens after I have selected the drive I wants to back up.
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Too little for too big of a price.
The idea to have zip backups is no longer valid. Keep in mind that for the price of this program you could buy a 80GB internal or 40 GB external Harddisk.
Encrypting your backups kan be done much easier and cheaper by other means such as using Truecrypt.
Conclusion : all functionality offered can be done as well if not better with one or more opensource / freeware products. This then poses the questions why one should bother with buying this.
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A good little program. thank you GiveAwayOfTheDay! i have been using nero which came with my pc but this is much easier AND it zips the files which i also like.
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Wanted to try it as my system crashed once already. However it is only a TRIAL version. So in my humble opinion, it not only would cost me to buy it, but it would cost for an FTP server to store it too. If I used CDs, to back up my things it would take a TON of them. So its not really FREE, in the end.
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For a general introduction to backup alternatives, see post #39 of my utilities blog, http://jonathanstoolbar.blogspot.com . For reviews of other local backup programs (not including today's giveaway, but perhaps this will be a follow-up), see post #40. For reviews of Web-hosted online backup services, see post #26 and the follow-up in #27. The current post (#43) reminds you of easily overlooked items to back up and lists some relevant utilities. And finally, see my new contribution about peer-to-peer backup services in the Community Voices blog at PCWorld.com, http://blogs.pcworld.com/communityvoices/archives/2007/10/the_next_big_th.html . I hope this information is helpful.
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Has low RAM consumption while awaitin jobs to be done.
- not many Options for special tasks;
- only "incrementel" or full backups: if a saving gets lost or defective,
you will run into danger: all following savings might no langer be valid
(or at least not fully valid...)
"differential" will produce bigger backups, but offeres an extra in safety!
very funny for germans:
... since Version 4.1 an option "german(dutch)" was added...
I can´t remember when the netherlands became part of germany?
Good for "everyday-use" in environments which don´t need too high a safety level. - At least MUCH better than to have no backups at all...
But what I install in professional environment is savings of the full
system partitition in intervals of 1-8 weeks or/and after major updates or changings of relevant applications - and ALLWAYS ON EXTERNAL MEDIA - WHICH HAS TO BE SEPARATED FROM THE MACHINES - everything depending on the usage of the system and the circumstances.
(... and keeping Backups in 3-months intervalls for 2 years, a yearly backup fpr 10 years)
This fundamental backkup allows to get back to a working system within a few seconds(or minutes) - and almost by simply pressing a button...
The ADDITIONAL DAILY (OR PERMANENT!) data backup allows - in additon
(or alternativly) - the exact recovery to the (almost) actual state.
Some FREE programs for saving your data permanently:
- Back2Zip
- SmartSynch (free Version)
- Karen's Replicator
- DirSynch (german only?)
- SKBackup (german only?)
... and FREE programs for saving your complete system:
- Acronis True Image (free OEM version if you own a Maxtor/Seagate
drive or in different free promotion Versions from magazines.)
- Savepart (a system partition whit open files can ONLY be saved from
DOS or a 2nd system)
- Drive Snapshot(!) is not free, but can even be used after the test period
to "mount" a saved partition ans/or restore those partitions (from
DOS and Windows XP/2K/NT)
- Paragon DriveBackup in different free promotion Versions from magazines.
For more and better security!
(german) werwölfchen
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Cool, I still use the version offered here earlier (3.6), and it works perfectly (for my needs anyway). In fact, it's so good that I'm not sure whether to get this updated version. : ) But I guess it isn't likely to be any worse, so I should probably get it.
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Download and installation went fine. The software is fairly easy to navigate around, mostly self-explanatory. Successfully managed to do a couple of trial back ups with it, docs and audio, one to another h/drive and another burnt to DVD, the program did both well, without the need for any other program to burn the disc, it also cleans up any files you may have already on the disc if you want it to. Restored both back ups to new locations and they are the same as the originals, open/play fine.
At first look I was not keen on the idea of zipping backups, then I realised that this is easily over-ridden, I didn't want high quality photos to be compressed in any way. The settings menu and the options given whilst going through the back up operation, seem to deal with whatever adjustment I needed to do that differed from the defaults.
On first inspection I'd say that this is a fairly straightforward program, easy to understand, not too many bells and whistles, if all you want to do is backup without too many options(the options it has seem to cover all bases for simply backing up)this software will probably suit most people fine.
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No right to dvd/cd it worked well for me i would buy it.
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Does it write directly to DVD or do you need to use another program?
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good one!I realy enjoy it!Thanks gaotd!
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Obviously an update to the earlier program that was made available.
Good on you for the update nice program use it daily
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I never thought I'd ever see this in my life, but this program actually allows you to back up files to FTP as one of the options! I am glad to see this option as it is practically impossible to lose your files if they are on the Internet. Kudos, Giveawayoftheday!
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I'm impressed--This has been up for al most a half-hour, and nobody has written about how great the program is...before they can even have used it. Well it downloaded and registered easily and created a nice icon. I'll get back about the program. It seems a bit much, however, when every 100$ hard drive I have purchased comes with backup software.
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Pretty Much the same as Free "EZbackitup". But i dont like Zip format, as i always backup to External Hardrive and i like to maintain the Explorer File Directory Path for quick Access. Good for what it is - but there are also good free alternatives.
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