Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
DesktopSecretLock Standard 1.5.15 was available as a giveaway on August 28, 2019!
Desktop Secret Lock adds an additional level of security to your computer or remote desktop server.
Desktop Secret Lock uses a non-standard locking method for enhanced security, and its own unique password which is separate from your computer’s password.
A locked computer looks like it’s unlocked, but it is in a mode which securely prevents anyone from accessing the working desktop.
You will be notified if someone has clicked on your desktop or pressed any key in your absence.
locked desktop looks like the everyday, unlocked desktop, ready to be used.
Desktop Secret Lock creates its own desktop and displays it instead of your normal Windows desktop.
Desktop Secret Lock can lock the desktop by use of a shortcut key, or by specifying a certain period of inactivity.
Desktop Secret Lock has an option: "Saving key file to USB flash stick".
Windows 2000/ XP/ 2003/ Vista/ 2008/ 7/ 8/ 8.1 (x32/x64)/ 10
2.7 MB
A wonderful and useful app! Thank you
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How long is this licence good for? 3 months? 6 months? A year? At what point do I have to pay to keep using this software? I don't want to end up with a locked desktop that won't open unless I lay down the money to get a licence to use it.
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Larz Marlowe, Did you bother to look on their site? They don't do annual subscriptions.
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Larz Marlowe,
License is lifetime!
You can it without time limitations, but only for non-commercial use.
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You may accidentally lock yourself out of the PC permanently.
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Great just was test it now works excellent !! Use a passwort that you will allways remember !!
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At the very best, it only provides very very superficial protection.
To the creator of this software: don't tell lies and mislead people thinking this is "strong protection" and "almost unbreakable".
From their own website, first question in FAQ section:
Question: How to unlock my PC if I forgot my unlock password?
1) reboot into Safe Mode,
2) next delete "C:\Program Files (x86)\DesktopSecretLock\DesktopSecretLock.exe".
So, even the laziest person can 'break' into a PC 'protected' by this program.
I wouldn't even be surprised if you can just kill the process DesktopSecretLock.exe via taskmanager on a 'protected' system to instantly get rid of it.
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Before writing this, just try to kill DesktopSecretLock.exe on the protected desktop and let me know when you will get success.
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So this is the STANDARD edition of the program, the PREMIUM features are listed on this page:
Since both work via password afterall, the question is why you would install a third-party program instead of using Windows own built-in feature to accomplish the same.
I installed todays offer and tried it out, does what it claims in short but since Windows has it's own feature for it (and nobody knows my Windows password), i don't see why i would use a third-party program to lock the screen. It's only three clicks away for me in Windows 8 itself. Maybe i have use for it in the future.
But thanks for the offer to Greatis and GOTD.
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You can be hacked via Remote Desktop Services Vulnerabilities:
(August 13 2019) Microsoft released patches for bugs in Remote Desktop Services:
Hackers can use the password brute-force attack or unknown vulnerability in RDP protocol to get access to your PC.
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If your computer has a CD/DVD-Drive or USB to boot a forensic Linux distribution your Windows password will be recovered in 10—15 minutes.
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At least Windows itself gives 500% more protection than this program does.
And knowing that Windows itself is indeed not completely secure, it says a lot about the so called 'security' this program offers.
To break the security this program offers: just boot up in Safe Mode and remove the process from the startup folder and you're done.
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Lea, yeah and if someone wants access to the data on the hard drive, a locked Desktop won't help much to avoid that. So i don't see the point here.
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senzai6293, i forgot to add, we are not talking about any encryption or a encrypted hard drive or anything here, this program will NOT stop advanced users (or computer-savvy individuals) from accessing whatever they want that is on the hard drive, maybe it's ok to have if you have family members that could know about your Windows password and you don't want kids for example to get into the Desktop this way. If i really want to stop someone from accessing any data on the HDD while i'm gone, i'm going to encrypt the whole drive to be sure. Everything else is wishy-washy, imo. If someone has enough time to reset someones Windows password (being so sophisticated), that person will probably figure out how to get to the data on the drive without Windows password (using the forensic Linux distro you proudly mentioned), completely bypassing the Desktop itself. TL:DR - Locking your Desktop is as safe as using a Windows password. So my initial comment stands. Lastly, what happens, if you boot into Safe Mode with this program installed? The answer is provided by Greatis themselves https://greatis.com/desktopsecretlock/support.htm ;)
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Dmitrys, idk what you are on about and what it has to do with todays offer but here you go:
It's pretty easy to create a user account without admin privilegs on Windows, so good luck with all the mentioned "possiblities" on a user account that allows for basically ZERO changes on the system. ;)
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Do you know about the ways to block boot from CD/USB and access to BIOS setup?
Use Google search for help.
Of course, Desktop Secret Lock does not include Kensington lock :-)
Desktop Secret Lock adds an additional layer to the security.
You Windows password may be know to your co-worker/admin.
It may be brute-forced or compromised.
Your PC may be hacked remotely via RDP service.
Desktop Secret Lock was made as a second wall.
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Went to check out the link given to look at the "forums". First there is a captcha to just look at the web page. I don't believe you should have to jump through hoops just to read a forum....to post, yeah, but to read them strikes me as overkill.
The link takes you to the advertising/info for the program, not to a forum. Then I see this "You must use your real IP address to enter the giveaway (Not a VPN or proxy)." Sorry but a lot of us use VPNs for security and I have never run into a problem using mine to acquire any type of program, paid or free from any site. If I change servers I might have to confirm my ID with an email response for sites such as discord etc., but have never been refused entry because of my VPN. So even if this was useful for me I would not buy it from this developer. JMHO.
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LadyLei, I just clicked the link using first a VPN, oops captcha, then using no VPN, no captcha. I have run into this VPN issue, from a few highly ranked companies who specialize in computer security software. Not a big deal to me as long as I know the company I'm dealing with, in this case Greatis Software. And that link takes you to the actual company page for the program, not an advert https://greatis.com/desktopsecretlock/ from there you can look at FAQ's etc.
Personally I'm going to give it a shot. At least then I will know who tried looking into the comp while away from it.
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TK, Have never had to enter a captcha twice on this site in all the years I have been using it. Well, if I switch from the game page to the windows page, but only for posting a comment; not for downloading or voting on a piece of software whether or not I am using my VPN. Perhaps it is the particular VPN you are using?
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"uses a non-standard locking method for enhanced security"
That is a warning sign. It simply isn't how good security is done.
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Iain Harrison,
Non-standard means that this is not Windows workstation lock (standard method of locking PC).
Desktop Secret Lock creates own desktop, similar to Winlogon desktop.
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Desktop Secret Lock is a neat utility that offers strong protection against local threats and it provides tools which can make it almost un-breakable. Due to its ease-of-use, the software can be safely operated by both skilled and non-technical users.
Desktop Secret Lock has an option of "Saving key file to USB flash stick". This feature is extremely useful if you forgot your password. Just insert your flash stick into USB port of your PC and it will be unlocked.
If you are looking for a tool that can lock your computer to save your private data from threats and protect Windows from un-authorized access against threats, Desktop Secret Lock is the only choice for you.
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"is the only choice for you" tells a lot about the writer of this comment and his indepentence and his neutral point of view
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Except that this program does NOT provide good security AT ALL
At the very best, it only provides very superficial protection.
Don't tell lies and mislead people thinking this is "strong protection" and "almost unbreakable".
From their own site, first question in FAQ section:
Question: How to unlock my PC if I forgot my unlock password?
1) reboot into Safe Mode,
2) next delete "C:\Program Files (x86)\DesktopSecretLock\DesktopSecretLock.exe".
Even the laziest person can 'break' into a PC 'protected' by this program.
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