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Desktop Icon Toy 3.3 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Desktop Icon Toy 3.3

Desktop Icon Toy is an easy to use desktop icon enhancement tool.
$19.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 649 103 comments

Desktop Icon Toy 3.3 was available as a giveaway on April 12, 2009!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Automatically remove background from Images!

Are you tired of a boring desktop? Would you like to give it more pizazz, and brighten you day? Desktop Icon Toy is an easy to use desktop icon enhancement tool, which allows you to make many funny but useful patterns out of your windows desktop icons. You can change and restore their layout with just a couple of quick mouse clicks.


  • Arrange Desktop Icons
  • Save Desktop Icon Position
  • Animate Desktop Icons
  • Remove Desktop Icon Texts
  • Show/Hide Desktop Icons on Demand
  • Lock Desktop Icons
  • Change Desktop Icon Size
  • Place Desktop Notes
  • Change Desktop Icon Text Color

System Requirements:

Windows NT4/2000/XP/2003/Vista (32/64 bits) operating system





File Size:

537 KB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Bring back the Start button and menu to Windows 8.
Developed by Microsoft
Developed by Stardock Corporation
Developed by Repkasoft

Comments on Desktop Icon Toy 3.3

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yup, i know i installed it properly, it even says it is registered to givewayoftheday, but it also says i have the trial version, and it stopped working after 14 days. I sent an email to the co, and didn't get an answer, how annoying, since this is the second time i tried to install it. I like it, but i don't want to pay for it. i took it off. oh well.. lets do it without the trial next time

Reply   |   Comment by Julie  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Installed fine on Vista Home Premium and activation was successful. HOWEVER ... after 14 days it quit working because I would not pay for it! I really like this program (I have it installed on another computer) and hope GOTD will offer it again... but not the trial version.

Reply   |   Comment by Gary  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

i wasnt sure i would have much use for this program, but since i usually have sooo many icons on my desktop, i thought i'd give it a shot. i wouldnt call this a "cant live without it" program but its drfinately on the "dont wanna do without it" list. like several people here mine failed to register as anything but the trial version, even after getting the usual thank you for registering message....my icon clock is permanently at 5:53

it will be a welcome day when this giveaway makes its way around again

Reply   |   Comment by DW  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Could it be possible to run this program as a freebie again. Mine didn't register the first time, and I love it. I put it in an ellipse x, so it circles my picture that I have as a background. Thanx

Reply   |   Comment by Julie  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I downloaded and installed on 4 computers. All were registered and worked fine, but then 1 of the PC,s started giving me a message that it was the trial version and I would have to purchase a license ( same problem as post # 100). I sent an email to the comapny's tech support address 4 days ago and have not received a response.

Reply   |   Comment by Rick M  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

been using this since it was posted on the site. Now I'm getting a message that the trial version is expiring. Strange, since I'm sure it was registered (or activated) when I downloaded.

Hopefully it will be available again soon so that I can double check if I made a mistake or not.

Reply   |   Comment by TerryP  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I had installed this software on Windows Vista. It started hiding all the icons without my permission. But then I used to be able to restore the icons by exiting the software. I finally decided to uninstall the software. AFter the next reboot, guess what the icons are all gone again. Now I don't even have the software running in the background and I have no way to recover the icons back. At least before I was able to exit the software and recover the icons, but now what do I do. What a piece of junk!!!

Reply   |   Comment by Car Man  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Unfortunately, I never was able to get this software to register. I followed the instructions exactly and even ran it in administrative mode (I'm running Vista), but no dice. All I got was a trial.

Reply   |   Comment by Tkael  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hello Macs-PC, did you get this to activate on 64-bit? I did download the 64-bit version from their site and I ran the activator and I was still stuck with the trial version. I woke up this morning with 13 days to activate. I really liked this little program and was hoping to get this activated. Oh well, I guess the company didn't want it to happen because they never got on here and offered a solution. You seemed so confident that your solution would work Macs-PC, but did you actually get it to work. Not everyone here is computer illiterate and we already tried going to the site and getting the 64-bit version. The problem is, this version won't activate with the GAOTD activator.

Reply   |   Comment by housry23  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

#73 - Mike....

Thank you! I had this the first time it was offered here and loved it...mostly for its ability to save/restore desktop layout...But it never worked right on my Vixta 32 bit, and I've gotten really squirrelly about installing just any old thing that comes down the pike. Saw this today, wanted it....bad! But not after reading comments about Vista 64 bit version not working. At the last moment, I saw your post....Thanks to you and Bubby, I now have my pointless, useless, ridiculously fabulous Desktop Icon Toy again!!!!

Reply   |   Comment by hamstergirl4444  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I don't think I have ever seen such a completely useless program as this before - but it was so much fun to play with that I am going to keep it. I am also going to get it for my work pc, as this will keep my desktop the way I like it, since my boss continually uses my pc and messes things up. Wait till he sees the dancing icons and runs away thinking he did something wrong!

Reply   |   Comment by gmon  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

so i try to save the location that i currently have because i like it but after i save it and then put on a different layout then try to switch back to the way i had it it just lines them up randomly on the left side. any ideas(xp)

Reply   |   Comment by Ed  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

#18, 38 I concur. See no need to arrange desktop icons in patterns.

#57 I disagree.
"Burn in" is a problem with older monitors. If you have an LCD screen there is no "burn in" since there is no cathode ray tube with an electron beam burning the phosphor off the inside of the glass tube.

If you have an older monitor then use the on/off button.

And if you "resist the urge" to tell others about software that is useless to you, then expect to see lots more useless software.

I think is is an excellent website for people to let software programmers know what they would like to see on the market.

35 years in the industry.

Reply   |   Comment by Ivan  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

correction, I meant #57; also, guess I should have said to rant about!

Reply   |   Comment by windowsexplorer  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

%57--still must have old-fashioned CRT monitor to care about screenburn

Reply   |   Comment by windowsexplorer  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#73 - Thanks. That worked! Thanks GAOTD!

Reply   |   Comment by Tony  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Cool. I like my RocketDock, though... I'll try this out anyway.

Reply   |   Comment by Ina  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

OMG! Easily the best program of all time.

Reply   |   Comment by Big Haircut  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Necessary - No. Fun - Yes. There is no point to this software other than a touch of fun factor...of which I LOVE!! This is the 3rd time that GotD has offered it and the 3rd time I have downloaded it. Its worth every penny I'm spending on it today (FREE) and every penny they are offering to sell it for if you weren't lucky enough to catch it today.

So download it and have some fun with your desktop. :)

Reply   |   Comment by Shauna  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Ted @ #77 "I guess I got a bad installer. (Home XP) When I opened the ‘Activate’ program; I got this in bold red at the bottom of my desktop: Desktop Icon Toy - unregistered, 0 days left. that’s it?! The program opens but doesn’t work since there are no evaluation days (14) left. I un-reinstalled but the same 0 days results. Works fine on my wife’s (Home XP) laptop."

Hi Ted
Can you check to make sure you are installing as an adminitsrator ?

Earlier today - as an experiment to see if it is portable or not - I copied the program folder across to one of my other laptops & ran the program on that laptop - only to get the same red error message as you got.

This means that - unless the install completes the Registry modification - the software will check the registry & find crucial data missing & so lock-up !

ONE reason that this may happen is lack of installer privilege that comes with being a "Limited" or "Guest" user - rather than an "Administrator"

If you want to log in as an administrator you will need to do the following . . .

Log out of XP
back to the Welcome Screen
NOW Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete together
Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete AGAIN
this should now change the welcome screen from a single Icon style - to a Login Box style
At this point you want to remove YOUR user name in the user box & instead type in "Administrator"
Don't type anything in the Password OR Domain
Now Press ENTER / OK

Logging into this may take longer than normal on the first attempt because there's a high probablility that the Admin account has not actually been set up yet & so only exists as a brand new install. All user settings etc. need to be created along with the settings folder etc. in the Doccuments & Settings folder.

Once this is complete the windows desktop etc. will look totally different to what you are used to - THIS IS OK - your settings still exist as normal under your usual login. Now go into Control Panel / Add/Remove Programs & uninstall the icon program.

You may need to re-download the install file if it was downloaded to your usual desktop. (this CAN be accessed BUT if you are normally using a limited access level - the chances are you don't want to go into that depth of using Explorer as re-downloading the file to Administrator MAY be quicker.

Re-install the program while logged in as an Administrator & see if this makes any difference.

If you want to make your own user account to be Admin - simply go to Control Panel / Users & change YOUR account from Limited - to Administrator. ( This is how most people use their PC's IF they are in the habbit of installing software ! )

I hope this helps you !

Cheers Folks


Reply   |   Comment by M@CS-PC  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

great little program. installed easily on windows vista, no hangups. easy to use and fun to look at. glad to have it!

Reply   |   Comment by j brickner  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

I don't really see the purpose of this. I agree with 82. All it does is move your icons around so that they're even harder to find than usual. Cute, but ultimately annoying. I downloaded it last time and it worked well, but, after using it a couple times, I turned it off and ignored it completely.
What IS useful is a free program called "Fences" (http://www.stardock.com/products/fences/), which really organizes your icons so that they are EASIER to find.
Thanks anyway, GAOTD; maybe I'm just not the target market for this one.

Reply   |   Comment by BillDee  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Loaded the 64 bit version ... installed OK ... worked OK ... however it will not register ... it stays on the 14 day trial .... !!

What next ??

Reply   |   Comment by Canuck  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Now, I've been enjoying many programs offered by GAOTD, but this is most certainly the most useless I have seen. Like, people, get a life -- if you don't have anything else to do with your computer, go out and watch the sunset or smth. Really.

Reply   |   Comment by mrl  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-24)

This is a very nice fun program :)
the layouts are very nice and watching the icons arrange themselves is fun :P u can also create ur own layout and save it for example u can write your name with the icons or arrange the icons in groups for example photo programs in a grp audio ones in a grp games etc ...
or make them be a part of the background or act as a frame for the background i especially loved the heart layout ... for those complaining about icons jumping u can easily disable that ! on the tray icon > hover effects > uncheck dance icon ...

this is very nice thank u :)

Reply   |   Comment by samgreen  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

I give this program a thumbs up. It is fun and easy to use. (XP Pro SP3) I especially like the clock settings; another quick way to refresh my wandering mind how much time I have wasted playing and not working.

Thank you for the hint on how to get it to register #26.

To al those complainers: Repeated, Useless, etc What is wrong with you people, this is a FREE program and GAOTD is awesome for offering us anything at all. If you download the program and find fault with it then by all means tell us. If you are "irked" because it isn't something you want, go buy whatever it is you want and leave the rest of us to enjoy GAOTD offerings.

Happy Easter to all

Reply   |   Comment by SilkyKiss  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Forget all the naysayers. Two words to describe this application.....Simply Awesome!

Reply   |   Comment by Tim  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

thank you, #73,,, that fixed it,,, so cool, thanks,, i wanted this last time, but didn't realize at the time why it didn't work. i hope to have fun with this.

Reply   |   Comment by Julie  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-6)

I guess I got a bad installer. (Home XP)

When I opened the 'Activate' program; I got this in bold red at the bottom of my desktop:
Desktop Icon Toy - unregistered, 0 days left.

that's it?!

The program opens but doesn't work since there are no evaluation days (14) left.

I un-reinstalled but the same 0 days results.

Works fine on my wife's (Home XP) laptop.

Reply   |   Comment by Ted  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-7)

This software is just one of those seemingly useless software ever created. However, wouldn't you rather have this software to spice up your home or office computer once in while, to liberate you from periodic desktop boredom?

I certainly would like to have this sitting in my desktop to keep things interesting. When at work, amusing things however small or big, makes a huge difference. Inspite of this, I just have to say: IDeskSoft, the price is a killer.

Reply   |   Comment by StUnNER  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-11)

Beautiful tool for fun, with smooth installation

Reply   |   Comment by Farrukh  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

I love this program, downloaded it last time it was given away here. I had to reset my computer and lost this, but now I can get a new version, thanks GAOTD!

Reply   |   Comment by zaqovt  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Hi - I'm Back again . . .

To those of you who have XP or Vista 64-Bit

The reason for the exerienced install / run problems is because GAOTD is only supplying the 32-Bit version which is incompatable with 64-Bit Windows. ( It's like putting Diesel in a Petrol car ! )

You just need to download the 64-Bit install to make it work OK on your system !

IF you have already installed 32 bit version ( GAOTD download ) then uninstall it FIRST !!!

Download the 64-Bit install file ALSO


( REMEMBER to ONLY SELECT 64-Bit version - 1.31Mb )

On this screen you WILL BE ADVISED IT IS A 14 DAY TRIAL - DON'T WORRY - you have the Activator already !!!

Now run the install of the newly downloaded 64-Bit version

Once this completes -

Open the GATOD file & double left click the "Activate".

You now have the full install for XP or Vista 64 bit.

I hope this helps you all !

Cheers Folks


Reply   |   Comment by M@CS-PC  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+16)

Great little program...once I read #26 & #56's solution for getting properly registered.

#57 - Screen savers are only needed for those that are using obsolete monitors still. Screen burn is almost a forgotten term to most of the modern world.

Those that are complaining about the 'bouncing' icons....you can turn the bounce off under options.

All others that are complaining, it is a FREE program that says what it is in it's name.....a TOY!

Reply   |   Comment by ChronicChaos  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-6)

I downloaded and activated with no problem but I cannot get the program to open. Comment #14 is a help but I can't figure out how to use the program from right clicking on the tray icon.
Anyone have a solution?

Reply   |   Comment by rayfray  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-9)

OK found it under Help,General, Misc.activate single mouse click.

Reply   |   Comment by schatze  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-10)

OK, I got around the install problem and now have the non expiring version but this program seems to have changed the mouse clicks. I can no longer single left click the icons on my desktop to open them. Otherwise the mouse works with one left click. Any suggestions how to fix this?

Reply   |   Comment by schatze  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-6)

What I like most about it is that it hides the desktop icons. I always end up with my desktop full of icons. It really gives me a headache looking at them till I sort them out. So it's nice for me to have a "clean" desktop. I can see my beautiful wallpaper! Definitely thumbs up!

Reply   |   Comment by mariamltz  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

I liked this program at first, but it soon became an irritation. Just isnt a need to having icons jumping on my screen. I like the idea of just the graphic icon only. It is a keeper. I like the program ok, but not terribly excited about it. Lots better than a easter screensaver giveaway. Easter is pretty much a meaningless, over commercialized holiday like xmas is. So, from my perspective, Icon Toy is pretty good giveaway choice. I rate it a 5 our of a 10.

Reply   |   Comment by chuck  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-11)

System requirements up top says it works on Vista 64 but it doesn't. Still, I was only interested in its claim to remember icon positions (XP was bad but Vista is worse) so I´m grateful to #28 and #36 for their suggestions. I will be sussing them out.

Reply   |   Comment by Celt42  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-8)

Two thumbs up!!

Reply   |   Comment by Thomas  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-10)

Thanks @26! Your method: Right click icon in tray,Click on Exit then activate worked for me too.

Reply   |   Comment by Praveen  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-5)

Holy Hanna @ #57 -Mike- Rant on man!~!Most of us here really do understand the need for screensavers and the advantages of screen protection over ram usage...I digress.. As for this program, its cool and D/loaded, installed and registered easy enough. I really dont know if this particular little proggy has the audacity to call itself a screen saver though. Its more a little toy that in all likelyhood I'll grow bored with in a day or two. So would I buy such a thing? In all likelyhood, probably not, but at the moment it amuses me.

Reply   |   Comment by Argonaught  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-5)


It would be nice if you posted your systems OS, Ram etc..

Reply   |   Comment by Alien_Bay  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-8)

It doesn't appear to cover vista 64, which is a pity, as I loved this program on XP. Anybody know a fix?

Reply   |   Comment by ww2nerd  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-5)

I downloaded because I definitely have a use for it. I have loads of icons on my desktop. On two monitors. But the ability to hide them is what appealed to me. I do video tutorials and having a black background with no icons is very appealing.

Besides, the clutter of icons is annoying but since I don't want them in my task bar, I've put up with them. Now I don't have to. I can hide or show them at will. YES!


Reply   |   Comment by Judith Tramayne  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Any idea for a SW that just saves the icon`s positions ? That`s all I`d need, since my son loves to moev them around all the time...

BTW, Mike`s right, nothing else can be added.

Reply   |   Comment by joe  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Just like the name suggests, today’s GAOTD it is a toy, a $19.95 toy, to be exact. As a “toy”, it should be able to provide enough options for keeping someone occupied for at least a couple of hours before its novelty wears off. There isn't too much functionality infused in it but, it’s a great partner for killing those dead hours at home or the office. The program is easily handled and set up offering different icon layouts that are dynamically formed. More functional aspects of the software are icon hiding. All the elements of the desktop can be hidden at a specific activity; when the mouse is off the icon area or when it is not on the desktop at all. This way you will no longer have to worry about placing shortcuts when installing new software, as they will not be visible anyway. For toggling between the different layouts made available and the aligning options, you can use keyboard shortcuts. These are changeable for them to be as comfortable as you want. The pitfall is that you have no possibility of setting keyboard shortcuts for any other action.

A supplementary option allows you to throw the invisibility cloak on all the icons on the desktop. However, keep in mind that icon hiding has been a Windows staple for quite some time; Right-click anywhere on the Desktop > Arrange Icons By > Show Desktop Icons (check or uncheck). Eliminating the shortcut overlay (that little arrow up in the lower left corner of the icon itself) is available in Desktop Icon Toy so that all shortcuts are clean and good-looking. More than this, you can disable icon tooltips and text background if you’re familiar with them. All this brings me to what I consider is the greatest feature of this program. It allows you to revert to the initial state of the icon, so you will not lose your order once playtime expires.

(Aside: Some of these features are available in Microsoft’s free powertoy program “Tweak UI” which I would only recommend for intermediate and advanced power users to play with, as there are other features in Tweak UI that can mess up you, as well as your PC, if you don’t know what you’re doing).

- Renegade -

Reply   |   Comment by Renegade  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Kelly @ No. 18 "Do people actually look at their desk top longer than a couple of seconds. That is about as bad as screen savers . . . Like screen svers if it is your thing then get it and play"

You do realise that "Screen Savers" are essential . . . Right ?

They may appear to be nothing more than a fancy add-on to windows that makes your screen pretty while you're away from the computer - BUT THEY'RE NOT - You'd understand if you'd seen the number of screens that suffered "Screen-Burn" ( thanks to being left on 1 bright screen constantly ) that I've come accross & replaced as a hardware engineer.
I have an old laptop that I've been given because the screen is useless - all you can see over the windows screen is an old DOS based program FROM MANY YEARS AGO & it's so bright that it makes using the laptop impossible.

This problem affects both types of monitor / screen - LCD ( Laptop & TFT ) AND CRT ( the old LARGE Cathode Ray Tube ) Monitors - so there is no one who "Doesn't Need One" !

Screen Savers are designed to "Save the Screen" by changing each area of the desktop frequently enough to prevent long exposure to BRIGHT patches !

IF you are in the habbit of NOT using a screen Saver - might I suggest that you use the XP screen Saver "Blank" which simply "Blanks" the screen to Black - as if the screen was asleep - BUT - instantly returning to full presentation on a mouse movement or keyboard key press.

Alternatively you can change the Power Options in display settings to make your screen go to sleep after a couple of minutes of PC non-use BUT this option means you will have to wait longer for the screen to refresh than just using the "Blank" screen saver.

While I can totally see the appeal of this icon software - it's not essential

So although they both affect the display of windows - THEY ARE VERY DIFFERENT - so you may want to think twice before dismissing them out-right in future !!!

As was pointed out before - this software is a bit of FUN - What's wrong with that ???
Personally I have NO ICONS on any of my desktops - instead they are on the task bar at the base of the screen BUT I would NOT have a go at people who DO use desktop icons - I'm even giving the program a trial run myself - with the intention of maybe reccommending it do my Dad & others who DO use them.

Just because the software is not something YOU NEED - doesn't mean you have to have a go - IF it was totally USELESS or DID NOT WORK & was full of FAULTS etc. then by all means complain - to warn others BUT from what I've read here today - this is not the case at all & so I WILL TRY IT OUT !

IF YOU KNOW of a freebie that does the same job - please tell us - BUT NOT the fact that YOU DON'T WANT TO USE IT !

What use is that to anyone ? I'd say by the -14 that your comment has so far - others agree with me.

Most days I find softwares that are of no interest to me BUT I RESIST THE URGE TO TELL EVERYONE ABOUT IT. The other day we had a stocks & shares calculator - pointless to me BUT I'm sure a few people found it invaluable.

Please remember - this FREE service that GAOTD provides is for everyone & Everyone's TASTES & NEEDS - you may only find 1 program per week that you want - THIS DOES NOT NEAN THAT GAOTD ARE DOING A USELESS JOB - it means they are covering OTHER PEOPLE !!!!

Cheers for now

- Mike -

Reply   |   Comment by M@CS-PC  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+13)

I had to do like @26 ZzyzxFromOR to get activated and rid of the 14 day trial message. Right click icon in tray and go to about and then register info and it should read registered to giveawayoftheday if properly activated.

Reply   |   Comment by pawtucketjdb  –  15 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-6)
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