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DENOISE projects Standard (Win&Mac) Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — DENOISE projects Standard (Win&Mac)

DENOISE projects removes all seven types of noise!
$29.00 EXPIRED
User rating: 72 49 comments

DENOISE projects Standard (Win&Mac) was available as a giveaway on June 25, 2020!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
A system cleaning and tuning suite for Windows.

DENOISE projects is currently the only available software that removes all seven forms of image noise: luminance noise, colour noise, banding, colour clouds, hot pixels, salt & pepper as well as holes. The completely newly developed Smart Pattern Matching noise technology perfectly removes noise from your images while still keeping the colours, sharpness and finest details.

DENOISE projects automatically analyses your image and chooses the noise reduction algorithm that perfectly fits your photo. Open the picture you would like to correct and see the magic happen – it just takes a few seconds!

Please note: the program archive includes Mac version as well!

System Requirements:

Min. System Requirements: Windows 10/ 8/ 7, 32 Bit; Prozessor Core Duo, 2 GB HDD, 1.280 x 1024 Pixels Screen Resolution, Graphic: DirectX-8-compatible, 128 MB, 32 bit colour depth; Mac OS X ab 10.7, 64 Bit, Prozessor Intel/G5, 2 GB HDD, 1.280 x 1024 Pixels Screen Resolution





File Size:

112 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Mirillis Ltd.
Developed by PhotoInstrument
Developed by ZONER software
Developed by Andrew Zhezherun

Comments on DENOISE projects Standard (Win&Mac)

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Used it a few times and it worked brilliantly, but now it won't work at all. I load an image and it just repeatedly calculates denoise.

Reply   |   Comment by Rusty Knight  –  2 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

An excellent way of seeing how well of a job this does it to split the leopard image and see if you can get the same results as the one that has been processed. I've tried duplicating the Leopard before and after images. The resulting image is improved but nowhere near the degree as the sample shows. Try this experiment to see if anyone can come up with the same settings used to get the really clean version of the leopard. I'd like to know what they used to achieve the clean version.

Reply   |   Comment by Gary  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Several people noted registration difficulties earlier in the day. I have numerous Franzis programs from previous GotD offerings and using the same e-mail address / Franzis User ID (customer number) the install & registration was fast & easy.

I do not have any of the Adobe programs which could use it as a plugin, so just tested it in stand-alone mode. The interface is very similar to their HDR Projects 4. I tested it on a scanned 35mm film photo taken on a cheap point-&-shoot in 1983. It was an outdoor shot taken after sunset so was very dark and grainy. The scan, unsurprisingly, has a lot of noise in it, mostly visible when you're zoomed in. When I opened the image with DENOISE projects, it automatically started working on it, figuring out for itself what it thought was the best option for noise reduction. While it didn't make the photo look good, a look at it zoomed in showed that almost all the noise (thousands of tiny off-white pixels) was gone, with only the barest amount of detail softened. (To be fair, the original is so poor and muddy, there's really not much that can be done. The old GIGO issue.)

So my experience is that it was easy to install, easy to use, and did exactly what it said it would do. If you're thinking of trying it, I would say it is definitely worth the time & submitting an an e-mail address. Thank you again GotD team and Franzis!

Reply   |   Comment by Joe Blow  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

I registered but somehow I must have closed something with the serial number on it .
Where can I find it.

Thank you

Reply   |   Comment by Wayne  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Just installed with Windows 10/x64. Have Lightroom 5.7.1, and PS (older version) and it's saying it still needs a serial number. Don't understand why it won't install completely.

Reply   |   Comment by Peter Morrison  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Sorry, needed to use the same registration code for the serial number... "my bad."

Reply   |   Comment by Peter Morrison  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Mac version is very old and won't install on recent versions of MacOS

Reply   |   Comment by Roger  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Note: I did do a screenshot of one of your examples to try to duplicate your shown results after de-noising, and could not even get close to the great results your program did. I used my Corel PSP 2020 32bit version. I tried the many De-noise options to test the difference.
I downloaded this. Took a pretty long time to download the 112 MB's. I am on cable so normally on my side I get that much quickly. After downloading I liked that you have a lot of plugin 64 or 86 bit options to use in programs. I use Corel PSP 32 bit plugins (yes they have a 64 bit version as well, but most of my wanted plugins are for 32 bits). So I deleted this before proceeding further. So, not for me and what I am comfortable using but I"d say it is a cool program for others to use.

Reply   |   Comment by Doyle Allen  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Doyle Allen, I know this is not a current GOTD, but the program interests me so I'm reading through the comments. Would like to observe that I would think the data available for the program to analyze and work off of in a screenshot would be sorely lacking compared to an original photo data/metadata file. I would also think that might greatly affect the results.

Reply   |   Comment by Jo Wilkens  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

While installing it says that a supported version of Lightroom, Photoshop, or Elements could not be found on this computer. I'm a subscriber to Adobe Creative Cloud and both Lightroom and Photoshop are installed.

Reply   |   Comment by BCE  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

If you don't have Denoise projects yet, assuming you edit images, this is probably worth getting.

I bought Denoise projects Pro 2 -- I'm still undecided about their new Pro 3 -- and use it quite a bit via P/Shop. Using it that way is a little bit slow, waiting for the app to open and analyze the photo, but keep the results on a layer I can modify or discard. While it works [or obviously I wouldn't use it], at default settings the results are not nearly as dramatic as the images on their product pages suggest. While I can amp up the settings, doing so usually has side effects elsewhere.

To describe the results I get, I need to start with the basics... Camera sensors, & the pattern [grain] of chemicals deposited on film negatives & prints, vary in sharpness. As you zoom in on a photo in an image editor, the less sharp the image the more you can see blobs of colored pixels. With some cameras the colors of those blobs is far from uniform, achieving colors by blending rather than showing the true colors more naturally -- same as how a printer works to print green by blending blue and yellow. At any rate, using Denoise projects doesn't eliminate those blobs -- doing so would make the photo even less sharp -- but it does consolidate them, making the tiniest blobs & stray pixels match their larger neighbors.

It does help the overall appearance of many photos -- it helps most all of our old prints I'm scanning -- but Franzis' advertising exaggerates to put it politely. You are not going to get the same results as a mid to high range Canon or Nikon or Sony camera unless you use one of those Canon or Nikon or Sony cameras. You can't unblend pixels any more than you can unblend a drink. ;)

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+20)

BTW - I am using Catalina OS!

Reply   |   Comment by Peter Emola  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Peter Emola, I think that is the problem. Not supported by newer MACOS

Reply   |   Comment by Todd  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I can't install the mac version??
Error: The application “Setup_Mac.app” can’t be opened.
No way to fix installer??
Please Help!

Reply   |   Comment by Peter Emola  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Do you have tutorials for all of your programs? Where do I find them if so...I only saw 3 for 'cut out projects'.

Thank You, Franzis...would love to have one of your Sharp Projects on this site someday. Thank you again!!!

Reply   |   Comment by unruly  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

unruly, hope this link helps you...

Reply   |   Comment by Terry  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Franzis has phenomenal programs! I'm glad to have another one! Thank you, Franzis and Giveaway!!❤❤❤

Reply   |   Comment by Kate  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I emailed them about not being able to register the photoshop plugin and just got an automated answer. I was really wanting this to work, but since I can't get the plugin to register I will uninstall the program. :(

Reply   |   Comment by Don  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I downloaded & installed the program.
Standalone program registered fine.
Photoshop plugin gives me an error that it cannot connect to the internet to register.

Reply   |   Comment by Don  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Thank you so much. I love it and it came at the right time for my images I am working on. I wish I could load an image here to show. Thank you again

Reply   |   Comment by Tony Bennett  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

I've been using Neat Image for years. It's a is a Denoise program that is free for personal use. It does a great job. I highly recommend it.

Reply   |   Comment by Gary  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

Installed per instructions. Install said I didn't have a compatible copy of LR or PS, which I do--I have an active install and account of LR Classic, LR CC, and the last two versions of PS CC on my computer.

So what is not compatible?

In addition, I ran it standalone, and on my 30" 4k monitor, the menu font is approximately 4pt. Just slightly above what I would need a magnifying glass to see.

Reply   |   Comment by Neil  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

The installer package said I did not have Lightroom installed but that I could install the plugins later. I have Adobe Photoshop Lightroom installed. Please advise how to install the plugins. Thank you for this giveaway! Franzis' products are always very good.

Reply   |   Comment by RC  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Program downloaded, installed properly and registration was fine. It says I didn't have a copy of Adobe Elements installed. But I do, Elements 2020, the newest version. Does DENOISE not recognize this version of Elements?

Reply   |   Comment by Tom Bedwell  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

Tom Bedwell, Probably not as this version of Denoise is quite old. The plugins for elements mention 11, 12, 13 & 14 only.

Reply   |   Comment by rich  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

Tom Bedwell,

I've found that I often have to copy/paste the plug-ins into the correct folder for whatever image editing app manually. I've also found that with some image editing apps it works better to have the plug-ins in the same folder as whatever Franzis app, then put shortcuts to them in the plug-in folder for the image editor.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The registration procedure doesn't work. There is no blue button "Request registration code". And the only thing that works is the "forgot password" option. I have had top click that to receive an email with the link to create a new password (although I did not have a previous account!) Then, with that password, I have been able to log in and request a registration code. I have received immediately a new email with the codes. Fine. But when I try to use it, I see a "Wrong registration code!" dialog. So, for me, it is impossible to register the program. Pity, as it looks interesting.

Reply   |   Comment by rol  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Thanks, Tester ! I have understood the problem. I have seen that there are two other giveaway available at the Franzis home page, and I have tried to register Denoise with the key for HDR. Now, everything works fine, and I have installed the 3 giveaways without problem. :-)
However, the fact is that the page to request the key is misleading, as you have to ask to reset your password to be able to register, even when it's the first time you visit the site. That's very strange, but luckily the new password did the trick.

Reply   |   Comment by rol  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Is this version V1.17.02351?

Reply   |   Comment by Cereus  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Cereus, yes

Reply   |   Comment by rich  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

rich, thank you for the answer!

Reply   |   Comment by Cereus  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

After installing the program, I tried to load an image (jpg) but the program does not recognise it. It produces the following message:
"DSC_0001.JPG: File could not be loaded. An error has occurred."
Any help?

Reply   |   Comment by Georgios  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Georgios, please see my earlier replay to #1
Try to avoid "strange" letters or signs in folder or file names. It should be done starting with the root folder ( the very first one you open )
Hi All, after doing a small research I have found solution which works (in my case at least). It seems to work also with other programs from FRANZIS (HDR#4, PhotoBUZZER).
Solution: your file or folder names should not contain some special/specific signs/letters which cannot be recognized by the software.
EXAMPLE: After renaming folder ZDJĘCIA to ZDJECIA all pictures located in this folder can be seen and opened. In this specific case replacing "Ę" with "E" did the trick.
I hope this advise will help.

Reply   |   Comment by Jerzy  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+11)

Jerzy, thanks for your hint, it does work!!!
BUT!!! If it happens to live in Greece and, obviously, use Greek names for your folders then what?
Change ALL your folders' names??? GREAT!!!

Reply   |   Comment by Georgios  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Good noise reduction! a keeper.

2 points:
1. installation stops searching for photoshop after finding first version. People keep CS6 AND current.
2. can't handle filenames with foreign characters (fails to open).

Reply   |   Comment by AR  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+11)

Downloaded and installed with no problems. Registration isn't as straight forward as many, but ok. Signed up for the newsletters which I will later unsubscribe. The email with the codes came quickly and I just copied and pasted the codes where indicated on the registration form.

This is a later version than my previous DOTD, but I didn't detect changes while casually clicking around. It still doesn't support drag and drop which ought to be part of any graphic program.

I didn't work with the image I tested - accepted Denoise suggestion. I know that there are a great many ways of cleaning an image in the program, but I was just lazy. In the past when an image is beyond my usual noise cleaner I've found an acceptable method in Denoise. In other words, I'm an occasional user.

I loaded a picture of the Virginia mountains with a bridge in the foreground. The suggested cleaning resulted in an image that looked like a Thomas Hart Benton painting. The sharp leaves were softened into smooth patches of greens and the rolling mountains looked like they were covered in green cotton balls. The steel of the bridge became smooth and the rust became spreading pools reminiscent of a watercolor painting.

Now, I know that I could have gotten a much more acceptable image by using the copious adjustments that Denoise offers. But I accepted what the program suggested for the sake of this comment. The resulting photo actually is my current desktop wallpaper. It serves that purpose very well, but the image would not be acceptable for a document illustrating the summer foliage on the Appalachians near Walton's mountain.

Reply   |   Comment by Lighter  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+34)

Dear Franzis team, thank you for the software. After completing the registration steps the instalation went smoothly. Program starts without any problems however none of my images can be downloaded I keep on receiving the message : Loading
Loading image: IMG_20190408_101242.jpg
IMG_20190408_101242.jpg: Preparing image
IMG_20190408_101242.jpg: File could not be loaded
An error has occurred.
Verified many times and each time the same problem.
Could you help please?
Thank you.

Reply   |   Comment by Jerzy  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Jerzy, see #7. The filename or folder can't contain special characters. Rename your images without the "_".

Reply   |   Comment by Dave  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Is the licence lifetime?

Reply   |   Comment by Hariharasuthan KS  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+22)

Hariharasuthan KS, Everything they have given away historically has been a lifetime licence... I'd be confident this is too...

Reply   |   Comment by JohnL  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Is this for a trial period or free "Forever" without any restrictions?

Reply   |   Comment by Nigel  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+15)

I have the paid version of Franzis Denoise projects 2 and many other of their programs. They all work great, but a little pricey. I recommend this program to at least try it, while it's FREE. Thank you GAOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by Terry  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+19)

Terry, I have installed on WIN 10PRO and this program simply does not open images. Are you also using WIN 10?
Could you please advise how this problem can be solved?
I have already verified with many different .jpg photos and each time the same problem. Error message and file cannot be loaded.
Thank you.

Reply   |   Comment by Jerzy  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Hi All, after doing a small research I have found solution which works (in my case at least). It seems to work also with other programs from FRANZIS (HDR#4, PhotoBUZZER).
Solution: your file or folder names should not contain some special/specific signs/letters which cannot be recognized by the software.
EXAMPLE: After renaming folder ZDJĘCIA to ZDJECIA all pictures located in this folder can be seen and opened. In this specific case replacing "Ę" with "E" did the trick.
I hope this advise will help.

Reply   |   Comment by Jerzy  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+22)

Terry, I find the trick with Franzis software is to subscribe to their News Letter and wait for the deals to come by...
Also their English Language manuals are amazingly good for a German company... someone really puts the effort in.

Reply   |   Comment by JohnL  –  4 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)
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