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DAYU Disk Master Pro 2.8.2 was available as a giveaway on May 3, 2015!
DAYU Disk Master is an advanced and reliable data backup and system recovery software for home computers, which can improve overall system performance. DAYU Disk Master will help you to protect your sensitive files or data from unauthorized access with strong encryption mechanism. It will easily migrate system to SSD or HDD for replacing or upgrading the disk.
Adjust the size and position of the partition without damaging the data, check the hard disk health status by using SMART and Temperature display and view detailed hard disk information.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ /8.1/ 10; amd64 or compatible CPU with a main frequency of at least 500 MHz; 1GB RAM
20.8 MB
DAYU Disk Master covers all the needs to recover your lost data and restore crashed systems in minutes. It's advanced and reliable data backup & system disaster recovery software for home office and business desktops and laptops. It enables users to perform self-service backup operation with comprehensive full/differential/incremental backup.
The biggest nightmare for a computer user is data loss and system crash, once happened, reliable and up-to-date backups are extremely necessary and important. Virtual disk and backup software and checking hard disk's health software.
My personal experience is that if you try out many different Hard Disk / SSD Recovery and Backup software, somehow the backup process of your chosen preferred Backup software (which was very fast to begin with) is then slowed down to a crawl.
It is bad if you have many of such still installed inside your hard disk.
But even after you have uninstalled those other try-out software, the ill effects of dramatic SLOWNESS remain.
Cannot figure out why.
What I did was to go into Registry using RegSeeker and remove all traces of those.
Generally, most software want to leave their Remote Access Parameters and Services Current Control Sets in your Registry.
So after trying out many software you may have hundreds or thousands of those unwanted dangerous things. Remote Access is not always, but can be dangerous and there is a Category of Malware known as RATS , Remote Access Trojans.
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I find this very comical & maddening... Here's software that's supposed to save me from problems, aggravation and work but after I installed, every time I tried to open it - it forces my machine to crash & reboot. Great help!
Running Win 7 Ultimate - 64 bit
Thanks GAOTD and DAYU for the chance to try this without buying.
GAOTD is awesome.
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I do not like software that communicate in the background with home base. Even checking not to send info (quality) control, it still sends it.
Therefore, uninstalled.
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Is it true that if I restore my PC using an image of the original PC that I will lose all installed software?
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Take an backup of your system with this software installed.
Create Rescue Disk from this programs TOOLS menu on your usb drive/stick.
Then you use the rescue disk to recover your system, and you
will have this software installed+registered..
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Go to TOOLS dropdown menu, and choose CREATE RESCUE DISK for your USB stick. :-)
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Karl what program u using to uninstall via reboot?
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He answered to this question before. He uses DeepFreeze, which is paid, but there are another similar tools, like ToolWiz, which are free.
Keep in mind- those software is not exactly for uninstallation. Simply explained- if you use this software- for example- to "freeze" your C:\ drive- everything you are doing will "disappear" after you restart the computer. Everything- even viruses, even one simple file, created until you are "frozen"... If you want to make some permanent changes- you have to de- freeze the computer, make the changes and freeze it again.
I know tis explanation is not clear enough, but I don't have a time to go deep in the details. Just google it and spend some time to read about this...
Have a nice sunday!
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the only good:
- dramatically improved the speed for drive backups since last giveaway (at least on my main "Work"-system which is still XP...)
- a handy set of useful toos
is faulty!
- on my system could and still can not mount a backup image of the system (C:)
- does NOT delete any image FOR REAL - even if had chosen "delete image" and those images vanished in the GUI.
- to many clicks for several tasks
It´s mostly ever useful to read comments on earlier giveaways of offered tools (see Karl´s link above!)
sorry, but even if I see some good approaches: finally useless due to the faults and drawbacks.
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I really don't understand backup/restore software as a giveawayoftheday. What happens when you re-install your pc and then need to do a restore as you won't be able to install the software again
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There should be a free supplemental for-restore-purpososes-only version to download.
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honest an serious companies doe alway allow RESORATION with their free or test versions...
If you find that the companies does NOT offer this, forget about them and their product.
Having said this, there are lots of good and honest programs "out there".
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It is one of the reasons I tend to buy any GOTD offers I find really useful, and in this instance I bought AOMEI Backupper at the very cheap GOTD offer and got the lifetime license.
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Are you really saying you wouldn't spend $29 to restore your computer if it broke down?
I would... and I have.
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Nice. I am using this program now since the first giveaway and really like it. Some bugs have been fixed since then. But one really nasty bug is still there - from time to time the program says "wrong registration code" immediately after start and crashes. It keeps saying invalid registration code if started manually until windows has been rebootet. System Win7 professional 64bit.
On last giveaway i installed it also on my tablet with Windows 8.1 64bit - here the bug appears nearly on every boot. :-(
This is not acceptable for a program with that high version count. I could tolerate it in alpha stage but this program already reached version number 2.8.
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I tried it.. Worked just fine. Did what it claimed for me... only I use Aomei to do these things already (which works wonderfully imho), and though this software was effective in it self... If I had a choice between the two, and I do have a choice , I'm not picking this one. I find the interface to be vanilla. Didn't have tool tips to guide me.. and the ease of use for the features found in Aomei as compared to the uncomfortable methods used in this one will not have me switching any time soon. Thank you for the opportunity to try this software DAYU and Gaotd.
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I too am quite happy with Aomei i grabbed the pro version they just offered on here . easy to use
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Just few months ago I got a giveaway license of 'DAYU Disk Master Pro' from another forum. Downloaded the installer from official site and during installation it demanded the key , registered with the key flawlessly but after finishing Installation I could not open the interface . After waiting few minutes nothing was happened. Sometime splash screen came and disappeared. Couldn't locate the problem, Again and again tried with freshly installed (even freshly downloaded the installer ) program but the result was not changed.
Anyway my aim was to check its ramdisk feature as it has been recognized as a good 'ramdisk' program. It has a free version which I didn't try.
For 'Ramdisk' the freeware 'Softperfect RamDisk' caused 'BSOD' many a times. Switched to 'DATARAM RAMDISK' (free version limited upto 4 Gb disk) which I found really easy and efficient one .
As per Karl's recommendation I tried to use freeware 'ImDisk Toolkit' which really makes a good impression . But unfortunately it increased the boot time significantly. Now I have switced to 'GILISOFT Ramdisk' (paid program) which in the first run caused 'BSOD' but after a fresh installation it has never failed and caused any sorts of problem. Very easy to configure and it doesn't affect the boot time while the image is set to mount automatically with windows start. The ramdisk can be set to save to image with a predefined interval of time. It's really fast and reliable. I can conclude that 'ImDisk Toolkit' will be the recommended freeware undoubtedly while I have no complaint against 'DATARAM RAMDISK'.
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"But unfortunately it increased the boot time significantly."
The boot time depends mainly on the data written to the RAM. It differs if you load a directory (with many files) or an image, which loads as fast as you copy 2 or 4 GB. The disadvantage of loading an ISO file is, that you have to built a new disk image each time, you change something in this file - e.g. a new FireFox version. The difference comes from different "loading options". I prefer for some reason the MicroSoft copy, because of more error detection.
Yahid, thank you for your excellent contribution for this forum!
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Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1.3 Pro 64 bit system.
A (Chinese) company without name and address. Digitally signed as Qiong Liu.
We had a previous version DAYU Disk Master Pro 2.2.7 on October 7, 2014. Here are the old reviews:
Upon start... what a shame! The company does not correct errors, mentioned in the comments from October last year. Negative!
The settings are in the help(?) section. Still the first setting: remember window size. A special setting for that???
Disable the "customer experience" if you don't want to have unknown data sent to this unknown company.
With this tool you can backup& restore, zip files or folders, but no options for the zip - the options you select are those for the backups (in the zip section nonsense)
You have a S.M.A.R.T value reader. It claims to see errors, where other specialized HD control tools see a perfect system:
Hard Disk Sentinel Pro:
This software:
And you can create a RAMDisk:
Hmmmm. Today is Sunday, not a sunny day, but I'm in the mood to be very nice...
Uninstalled via reboot.
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Forgot the manangement picture, and wrong double URL...
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Thanks Karl,at giving an effecient, organized, shephard/leader comment. co-incident , the game giveawayoftheday is the same game offered back in Oct 2014, Mahiong. higher priced than other games offered here, 19.95. Possibly theirs . Merely stating such . Valuable point or merely observing , truth is i don't quite trust far away business. though in their books ,America's far away.
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Looks like it would come handy.
Do you know, is there any limit to how much data it can backup?
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