Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
CDRWIN 8 was available as a giveaway on February 14, 2011!
CDRWIN 8 is concentrated and proven burning power for your CD-, DVD- and / or Blu-ray-writer with a diabolically new and modern interface, which offers the most important functions quickly and clearly arranged.
"Better arranged than e.g. Nero" is what our software is titled in edition 01/2011 of ComputerBild (Europe's biggest computer magazine)!
Windows 7/Vista/XP
40.8 MB
MakeMe3D turns your movies into real 3D-videos! MakeMe3D can convert existing 2D-videos automatically into the third dimension. The new 3D-videos are compatible to the known Anaglyph 3D glasses and to the new Stereoscopic 3D Hardware.
The universal audio converter! freeTunes enables you to convert your purchased CDs, DVDs, music- and video files legally into more compatible formats (which can still be played tomorrow). In addition to audio CDs and video DVDs (for ripping the sound tracks) also music files, audio books, podcasts and video clips are supported. For output you can select between MP3, AAC, OGG, WMA & WAV and even create ring tones for the iPhone!
MovieSaver is a so-called video downloader, which - once fed with a URL that links to a video - loads and stores it on the home computer. Freeware!!!
Multimedia for Android - originally easy! Android Converter enables you to create video clips and audio- and photo files for your Android-based mobile- or smartphone. Converts Video-DVDs, video files, nearly all audio files (including DRM-protected ones), DVD-music tracks, clips of video platforms and audio-CDs to Android-compatible files.
i-Studio 6: The music- and video converter for Apple iPhone, iPad, iTouch, iPod and Co... With this variety of functions, equipment and user-friendliness, i-Studio is currently unrivalled!
I was pulling my hair out last night and finally figured out the company website was down for over 3 hours. Not a very good time to have server problems. I submitted my registration request this morning and got my serial number by email. The serial number successfully registered the product after the offer had technically expired. Thought everyone should know.
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Registration page: http://www.pnlm.de/aktionen/cdrwin8_free_en.html
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The registration server finally acknowledged the email link and provided me w/ the S/N... Yea !
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I got it...it is sensative to the firewall access...
back in my mind now...wow...8)
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Some bad news:
1. CDRWIN from Engelmann is not the same program as well known CDRWin from http://www.goldenhawk.com
2. In the manual you can find copyright "2009, 2010 S.A.D.", license from S.A.D. and support address http://www.sad-support.com but S.A.D. is just an online shop and there are NO english pages there.
3. In the manual you can find system requirements:
"The program is supported by Windows 2000, Windows XP (Home, Professional and Media Center Edition) and Windows Vista."
You can run the software in Win2k, but you cannot install it - installer shows error message "Can't find entry point for MiniDumpWriteDump procedure in dbghelp.dll library".
4. Engelmann.com and cdrwin.de websites are now unavailable and registration is impossible.
So the advice is - don't install and use CDRWIN now. Let the vendor fix bugs and run fixed software as GOTD once again.
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After running the installer a window pops up with a key icon in the upper left of the window's title bar. The rest of the window is just blank. After a while it says it cannot connect. I have no idea what to do about it. Apparently this is where it is supposed to ask for my email so that I can receive the registration window, but since nothing will appear and there's no direct link listed on this page I am out of luck I guess. I have been working on it for hours and tried on two different systems and all I get after install is the blank square window that with the key icon in the corner that won't connect. I have all the virus and firewall programs turned off.
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Installer did not work (reg pop-up came up blank), so yet another GOTD failure. Too bad good products like this are subjected to GOTD's registration incompetence.
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Any idea why the web site is not responding?
I actually got the 1st email, but link provided times out when I click on it. I have been able to to access other sites on the web, so my net access is okay (unless it is a problem between US and Europe).
I'd love to to get the S/N so that I can finish the software setup.
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For the users who are reminiscing of "CDRWin" from years ago - I'm fairly certain they are referring to the original CDRWin - from http://www.goldenhawk.com/
It looks like this program has simply adopted the name (whether intentionally or unintentionally).
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OK...I went thru all the comments...reinstalled twice...and still have not seen the screen location to input an email and get some registration...god I feel like a moron...is it just me???
I get a Buy Now and a Demo Version and a Enter Serial and Exit...
now someone pls tell me which box to hit to get the registration done...8(
Thanks ahead of time...my brain has this emty feeling...hahaha
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Installed OK on Win 95, registration took some time due to my dial up keep dropping (phew) but does not recognise DRIVE A; I have quite a few floppy's to copy so this would be helpful if it worked
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It installs, but I can not seem to get it to open let me register.
I have tried it on my Vista, Windows 7 and XP computers
On my Windows 7 and Vista Computers, it comes up with a window with a key in the upper left
Navigation to webpage was canceled
What you can try:
Refresh the page
Refresh does not help
On XP it came up Action canceled
I can click the "Request free unlock key" and it bring up another window with a key. Still no luck
Ran as Administrator - Still no luck
Disabled my Firewall and Antivirus (which, I DO NOT LIKE DOING) - Still no luck
Anyone getting this type error?
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Went through the length process of registering (mine took over 2 hour), after all that was done, I got one of the same errors I had read about from an earlier post. Maybe I am just having an off day, but this program doesn't seem to worth the time or the trouble.
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no need to drop everything, just allow once on the firewall for the key app. They give everyone the same key, so check your spam folders. should be there in a flash.
CDRWin's purpose (or at least it was, it's been around for years and a great tool) in using the bin/cue format and cuesheet is so discs with both data and music tracks (game discs, etc) and oddball format blips used for copy prevention don't get in the way. There are other measures that sometimes need taken using a backup of a disc, but at least CDRWin gives you a *really* good chance of having a correct copy.
It'll be interesting to see what the changes are- IIRC Pegasus was the author last time I got a copy, around version 4.something.
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Seems fairly decent. It is about as good as the Cheetah software, which I normally use.
The firewall issue is unnecessary, just go to the link directly in your own browser (look in properties for the link) instead of using the link they install.
But do you need to even bother? Everyone ultimately gets the same exact reg code! So why do they even bother with this email nonsense?
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Downloaded and installed with no problem (did not turn off my firewall or anti-virus) and got the email with the key almost instantly (use hotmail) XP SP3
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CDRWIN was one of the first CD copying and ripping programs, before everyone and their maiden aunt had one. For many years, it was considered to be the best of the crop too.
I haven't tested this enough to say whether they still hold that distinction, but I did rip some CD's and it did a great job on a couple of pretty obscure and DRM'd-to-death discs I use for checking this kind of thing.
I also did not have any problems with the registration process. The first email came within seconds and so did the second one. I used one of my Yopmail.com anonymous accounts.
Try that and it should work for you too. Forget about the German thing....
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To those of you who are apprehensive about downloading this software because of the install problems that some people seem to be having, read the following.
The program loaded without any problems on my Win 7 Pro 64-Bit system. It gave a generic "may not install properly if you don't disable your firewall/antivirus program", but many programs display that warning. I NEVER disable those programs, and I generally don't have install problems with other programs when I ignore this warning. CDRWIN 8 installed fine with all of my usual protection running.
The first email asking to confirm my email address arrived within 5 seconds. I clicked the confirmation link, and the email containing my serial number arrived again, within 5 seconds. I copied the serial number, started the program, and pasted in in place and it accepted the serial number without any problems.
At this point, I cannot comment on the functionality of the program, but the install was flawless for me.
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Installed easily enough. Return e-mails gave registration key. Am using an external LG DVD drive running under Vista Home . Program slow to load and will not copy dvd even though it recognizes external drive as source. It states ‘select proper source device’ even though the drive is recognised. Needs to be tweaked to copy from external drive
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Computer People: the comment section of this web site is for US to express OUR opinions. If you believe that you have to agree with every comment written, maybe you are misssing the value of reading comments. We all have knowledge and/or experiences that are benefical to share. Everyone is not required to like all features of the software offered by GOTD. Criticize the software not the commentators. Technical misinformation excluded, but here criticizism is not of value and clarification is. Other's who come to GOTD might(this is a suggestion) value the comments to make a decision on whether to download the days offering. If my opinion is wrong, it is wrong and I can deal with that. I always read comments before downloading. I use these expressions to decide whether I might like or want to use this program. Maybe I will take my frustation out elsewere and burn a CD. Thanks for listening.
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I used CDRwin when it first came out years ago for the early windows systems. I loved it then. This is a blessing in disguise, as all people who use it one or two times will be confused and think its lousy. Please try it a few times and like me, you will not use another copier. Brilliant software, Thank You G.O.T.D!! installed perfect on my windows 7 64 bit home.
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Does not copy DVDs.
I tried copying several different DVDs which I wanted to have back-ups for. CDRWIN 8 would not copy any of them. The DVD is detected with the correct name, but after pressing the START button, I receive the message "please select proper source device".
I alternatively tried to just create an image from the DVD, but this does not work. I tried adjusting Settings, re-setting to default, but received the same result.
Additionally, most movie DVDs would require some compression to allow writing to 4GB DVD+R. I could not see anything to allow compression.
Thanks GOTD for allowing me to take a look.
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Back in the day, when cd's were new this was the best. When dvd's started showing up I felt their their support fell behind and I switched to the freeware Imgburn. I have never went back. They have since caught up and this one works as well as any. There seems to be a flood or burners and converters on the market with only the price setting them apart. This is a fantastic giveaway nonetheless.
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Loaded and registered flawlessly and quickly.
Some of the headings (e.g."Copy Disc") are cut near the bottom on my Win 7 quad computer with Sceptre monitor.
Thanks Engelmann Media GmbH
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OK, download at your own risk. Got it. Thank you previous 50+ writers for that information.
It might be funding a satanic cult because of the logo?
Right, and so was kazaa, etc.
Does the thing work as advertised? Has anyone tried it yet?
Who knows 'cause everyone is whining about the process to get there.
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Oops, I meant to say that IE9's hardware acceleration stomps Chrome by up to a factor of almost 1000, not 100, on my graphics hardware, which is two or three generations old. Better graphics hardware would have an even higher relative performance. Of course, Chrome will eventually add hardware support for more than WebGL.
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#47, Ron, it's clear that you didn't even read what I wrote. You're one of those people who thinks that whatever they read/use/like, etc., is the greatest and never even bothers to look at anything else. Chrome doesn't have the hardware acceleration that IE9 does, so of course it gets stomped by a factor of 10 to 100 on tests that are designed to showcase IE9's hardware rendering and standards compliance. I wasn't doing a review of browsers, I talked about today's offering and let people who aren't as close-minded as you know about some of the changes in IE9, since the Release Candidate will be very close to the released version. It takes time to trace installations and run tests, I'll test the Firefox beta when I get around to it. I'll be re-installing Windows 7 soon, SP1 will be available next week. I only installed Safari to check something with a different browser, and Chrome to check out WebGL. Normally, I also install Opera, which used to beat both Firefox and IE in performance, but with its own limitations.
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I sent the e-mail address about 4 hours ago & no response yet.
I hope they get it to me before this giveaway expires.
If not the publisher will be getting an e-mail from me & it won't be a nice one.
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#14 - check the date on your computer. If you have the wrong date the program will say expired.
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Install went quick and easy, the email with the registration key arrived almost immediately. If you don't get it, try a different email provider if it isn't in your spam folder.
I like the cute little devil or daemon mascot. It's ancient computer history that certain types of programs are called daemons. And anything that burns disks is just begging to be associated with flames. (burning cds & dvds, flames, get it?)
The same fools that complain about the mascot icon being a little devil are the same fools that complained to university labs whining that the greek letter psi looks like a devils pitchfork. (Hey morons, it looks like a trident, not a pitchfork, besides, a pitchfork is a common everyday farm tool and has been for a thousand years you morons.) (And yes, there is a quite a few differences between a trident and a pitchfork other than usage.) So to you people, you know who you are, shut up and get off your high-horse of ignorance so you can try to learn something.
To everyone else, I apologize for ranting at the ignorant trolls.
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First time poster, long time reader. When I saw today's software, my jaw dropped to the floor. I used trial versions of CDRWIN years ago and loved the program; it had a really handy cue sheet editor for audio tracks, etc.
I guess I was lucky as the registration process was nearly instant and didn't receive any messages to turn of my firewall. Great program. Thank you!
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CDRWIN is one of the oldest & most respected CD mastering/burning packages. I used it extensively while I was a CD Engineer at Philips. I'm surprised to see it here on GAotD. Haven't tried this version yet, but it's definitely worth a go no matter how cumbersome the activation process is.
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FUBAR was off-topic about his rant about IE-9. Sounded like a commercial posting. Of course he hasn't tested Firefox Beta yet - no need to as it would 'stomp' IE-9, I'm sure.
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I was skeptical after reading some of the reviews talking about the registration process but I went ahead and downloaded anyway because I want something that will allow me to back up my DVD PC games. I downloaded the program, registered with my e-mail address and received both e-mails (second included the serial #) and the process from start to finish was less than 2 minutes. Simple...have yet to test is as I am at the office without anything to copy, but as far as the registration process it was a breeze. AND I didn't disable any security features to allow for installation.
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Would love some discussion about the actual program rather than the installation proceders/mascot. Those issues have been beaten to death yet I still have no clue if the program is any good...
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I have tried every option to create source device. when I attempted to copy a DVD it states ‘select proper source device’ even though the drive is recognised. Yet another reason one needs UNI BLUE registry cleaner. TG I've got uniblue.
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I will not even try this out, because when we had another "giveaway" from them recently I was slammed with a ton of email from them to buy their other products, which wasn't going to happen since the free one was less than exciting.
Further, they had another "free" download on site but when I submitted my email to get the product key, it would not give me one because it said my email was already registered. When I emailed them for a key, they wanted me to download an executable file and send them the report it generated. Not in this lifetime or the next.
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Good to have Cd/DVD burning/copying software that isn't full of bloatware, as is the case with Nero! Just something of a shame if it doesn't handle ISOs - or write bad data, which is often used to legitimately on some CDs or DVDs.
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Eventually got this registered on my Win7 Ultimate (32 bit) pc, tried burning a video_ts file, crashed with first burn, sorry it's going.
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@#33 I have used this for many years and it was initially as a backup tool for the original playstation games. But only if the game ISO file was ripped as a perfect 1:1 disk image or patched to allow the backup to work.
Copy protections on games are very sophisticated and it is impossible to say if an individual game is able to be duplicated although I believe 1 duplicate copy is legally allowed, the ability to copy it would take some more investigation. Take a look at some of the XBox forums with the specific game in mind that you want to back-up.
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Must be my ISP, uninstalled, re-installed and used Gmail account. Emails sent quickly. Registered fine and am burning first disk. Seems to be a good program. Thanks GAOTD and Engelmann!
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I am going to repeat what compu2 said, he said what I want to say.
I installed on XP sp3 (without deactivating antivirus or firewall) and did not encounter any problems, and there was no delay in loading once installed. When I entered my email address in the popup box, I received an email within seconds. On clicking the link in the email, again I received a response within seconds. Registration went smoothly.
I can see why others have had problems with aspects of the “devil” references, but I am trying to give an opinion of the program itself. The main page is garish; it shows links to various tasks. While the program seems to be fairly simple, it has plenty of the main features that most people use.
I did not have any problems at all.
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Download and install fine on WinXP Pro SP3. Still waiting after an hour and a half and no emails for registration. Going to find their site and try emailing from there. Anyone where else to register?
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The 2nd e-mail finally showed up--about 4.5 hours later. I guess maybe it just takes some patience. Funny, though, since the first one was so quick...
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Installed just fine on Windows 7/64 Home Premium, WITHOUT having to switch off my antivirus or firewall, received the needed emails in less than a minute, and it accepted the serial number just fine. If the rest of the program works as well as the installation and registration, should be a good program.
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Not so sure about this shifty piece of software...
im going to stick with imgburn!!! nothing beats free and clean software like this.
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This is the same group we got Simply Good Pictures from a couple weeks ago which I did install but when I went to use it a couple days later, it wanted a reg. key and I THOUGHT I had gone through all the install steps. I had a TON of pics that I felt would benefit so I emailed the company and after quite awhile I got a very nice email with the key. I use the software and it is very nice and I was impressed they honored my request a few days after the offer ended. This software sounds too complicated for me.
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Pretty basic, but functional. Easy Drag-n-Drop. Installed and registered easily on XP64. While I prefer the code in the readme.txt (as do most of us), registration was fairly easy and painfree--definitely fast. The interface is basic, and easy to understand--hard to get lost here. Readily recognized my LG Lightscribe burner--speaking of burning, I can personally pass on the Devil oriented stuff--but, if they had an image of Jesus, I suppose there'd be comments about that too. Now to the sniveling part. They "recommend disabling the FW and AV to ensure a smooth install"--I don't. If anything, add the setup.exe to the exception list of your AV/FW, but never disable your protection. I didn't see a feature to let you extract and save/load boot images--important for those who want to make unattended install disks, etc. It says it copies games, just not the ones with security features, etc...they have another program for that, only it's not compatible with anything over XP. As far as extracting boot files, and easy op, I use UltraIso. As to copying secured games and playing without the disk in the machine, I use Alcohol 120%.Today's goodie does appear to have better audio features, than the other two. For those who wish to re-install today's goodie, download their ver 8 .exe from the main site, and use today's code that was emailed to you. You can then reload after a format (tested on VM).
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Works fine. Everything from download, installation to execution perfect. No problem with with registering or retrieving the serial number. Looks like a nice keeper working with Windows XP Home (SP3).
Good Day!
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