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BootRacer Premium 9.20 was available as a giveaway on July 9, 2024!
BootRacer is a light-weight, easy to use and convenient tool for monitoring the Windows PC boot time and controlling over startup programs. The main approach of BootRacer is an ability to exclude a user password timeout time from the calculated total.
How does BootRacer save my time and my life?
Windows 2000/ XP/ 2003/ Vista/ 2008/ 7/ 8/ 8.1 (x32/x64)/ 10
22.2 MB
Lifetime, no updates
It took some digging, but found this description
BootRacer is a light-weight, easy to use and convenient tool for monitoring the Windows PC boot time and controlling over startup programs. The main approach of BootRacer is an ability to exclude a user password timeout time from the calculated total.
How does BootRacer save my time and my life?
BootRacer calculates the clear Windows boot-up time (without password timeout).
It monitors your PC's boot time and notifies you about any speed degradation.
BootRacer measures Total Time used by startup programs at every boot.
You will know which programs slow down Windows boot-up.
You can easily disable slow down programs from Windows startup.
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pnj, Saved a full 2⅝ seconds on startup. May not seem much but consider 2⅝ x 365 = 784 ɇ 60 = 12⅓ minutes in a year!
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You can read more on their own page how it works... scroll down ... There is even a youtube video... but that one is better to watch on youtube page, because it's so small to see on their age.
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Some of the comments mention the network etc., but there is nothing in the app or reading its manual that says anything about networking, other than the enterprise version can export logs to a network location &/or database. Note that it says an update is available, but clicking the icon brings up a giveaway related page instead. Basically BootRace adds / uses a service to measure startup times, giving you more granular results than Windows itself provides with its not measured, none, low impact, & high impact listing. It can also block processes / apps from auto starting, provides optional tweaks, and *may* give you more control over some services. Of course you can turn AutoStart off using Windows existing controls, turn services to manual start or disabled in the Services control, use Sysinternals Autoruns, or simply delete the app or process from one of the 3 Run keys in the registry, disable or delete a task in Task Scheduler, and delete a shortcut in the Startup folder of the Start Menu.
BootRace adds the program's folder with 56.3MB, 300 files, 29 folders, -- after removing language files not needed 48.9MB, 159 files, 18 folders. A couple of files are added to Public Documents, and a folder to ProgramData. Besides the service the registry gets an uninstall key, one for the app, and one for Asprotect. A few permission related entries are also added.
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I have used it for several years now. There are options to turn off services that you may not use or want, such as Fax and more. Since I have a connected printer, I leave that one turned on.There are other options as well, for turning things off or turning them to manual start. Since I use my microphone for online groups, I leave that setting on in the privacy settings.
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Can I use this free version on more than one computer? I have 3 computers in my home office network, and I'd like to be able to use it on all 3 of them if possible. (?)
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Rich Holler, It depends on your network, if you have dedicated server then you only need to install it on the server, if you have peer to peer network then you have to install it on all your computers.
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Julius, Mine is a peer-to-peer network, so I'll need to install it on all 3 computers. But my question was whether this free license would work for all 3 computers?
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"Can I use this free version on more than one computer? "
No reason why not. The key is included in the readme.txt file -- just install it normally on each PC/laptop. You do need to do it today however, which is standard GOTD.
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Got it, thanks! ...tho I now might be too late to get it installed on the #2 and #3 machines. But no worry, those 2 aren't in nearly as bad shape (too time wise) as the 1 I've already installed it on. ;-)
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Will it work with windows 11?
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David, It does, without a problem.
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David, yes
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David, System Requirements:
Windows 2000/ XP/ 2003/ Vista/ 2008/ 7/ 8/ 8.1 (x32/x64)/ 10
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David, And Windows 11, I would assume.
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Why don't you look at the screenpictures,
it will tell you whether you can use Windows 11
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Never mind. Another window finally popped up and after some digging I finally found the point to register the program. It would be nice if they told you where to look because it's not that obvious.
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Dennis, It's clearly explained in the text file !
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Don't see anywhere to register and enter the activation code when I started the program. Been doing this for years so I am cognizant of the process. Anybody have any suggestions?
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Dennis, took me a while to find it. In the start screen (bright purple with a circle of stars) there are three bars at the upper left. Click for a menu.
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I have used this before and it works great. Thank you, GOTD and Greatis Software.
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Jimmy , it is good software if you run mission critical applications, otherwise it just tells you boot up time and nothing else. Some apps run slow because the software is looking for the hardware to be online before it loads and that is the purpose of this software to find the slow drivers to load. If you disable the software to get fast boot time, some of the hardware needed those drives will malfunction.
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