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Block Webcam and microphone was available as a giveaway on May 21, 2019!
How to Block WebCam and microphone ?
It is becoming a problem to steal your privacy by illegally hacking your webcam or microphone.
You can use the webcam cover, but you can forget the cover after using WebCam, and there is no alternative way to prevent microphone hacking.
There is another way.
Please try "Block Webcam and microphone". You no longer need to use the webcam cover.
Approved programs (such as Skype, Viber) can use WebCam and Microphone, but unapproved programs can not use WebCam. If some programs access your WebCam or microphone, then you will first see a pop-up window asking you to confirm your approval. You only allow use of WebCam or Microphone for programs you trust.
You can protect your WebCam and microphone from hacking with very simple settings.
* Prevent malicious programs use of WebCam or Microphone to access information.
* You must specify the applications that can use the WebCam, Microphone.
* We provide a list of widely used applications for user convenience. (Please register the accepted application easily with a single click)
* The application that is installed by default when installing Microsoft Windows can use the WebCam, Microphone.
* If an unregistered application attempts to access to webcam or microphone, ask the user whether to allow the this operation.
* When the main program is terminated, all programs can not access the WebCam or microphone.
Windows 7/ 8/ 10 ( 32&64 bit); Windows Server 2008 R2 or later; supported languages: English, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese (simplified), German, French, Portuguese, Russian, Dutch, Turkish, Korean, Hindi
20.5 MB
The 'USB Safe Guard' product converts regular USB to secure USB. This secure USB can have an expiration date and expiration count policy. Secure USB can be opened with read-only or read/write privileges. In addition, administrators can remotely control the use of secure USB. You can also receive USB usage logs by email.
Do you want to protect your cloud sync folder data safe while you are away from your PC? This 'Hide Cloud Drive' product hide sync folder and Tray Icon of cloud drive. It also protects your files by hiding the Desktop, Documents and Pictures folders. We support Google Backup and Sync, Google Drive File Stream, Dropbox, MS Onedrive, Box and Amazon Drive.
The 'Block Ransomware and backup' product allows only authorized applications to modify / create files in the secure folders. This allows you to protect your data from malicious programs such as malware and Ransomware. In addition, if the files are created / modified, the backup will be performed automatically.
Secure PC allows you to hide your important files when you are away from the office for a while, or to protect your files by temporarily changing your regular documents to read only.
As someone else pointed out you can block web cam etc via Win 10. i installed this as at the time I didn't realise you could via Win 10. The pop up that enables you to stop the program from blocking stuff doesn't stay up long enough to select which option you want. My Steam client was blocked as was my screen capture program ( a paid for version of Ashampoo Snap), I had to deactivate the program to get my Steam client to open.
Although I like the idea, I've had to uninstall the program as it's too bothersome.
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We apologize for any inconvenience.
Your phenomenon occurred because we blocked an unregistered program from using WebCam.
If you register "Steam Client" as an allowed program, this program allows to use WebCam for Steam.
The display time of the Pop-Up screen asking whether to block or not is increased more than the current time, and the user will have enough time to choose.
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To clarify... If I install this, will I be able to allow other programs that xSecuritas does not have in their "safe" list? If a program is not on the "safe" list,and tries to use my web cam or mike, I will get a pop-up box asking me?
Is this also true for browsers, and more specifically for each individual Tab in a browser. (Chrome and IE)
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If a program that is not part of the Safe List attempts to use the WebCam, a pop-up window will ask if you want to allow or block the program.
You can of course change the permissions later.
We also always allow WebCams for IE, Chrome, Safari, Opera and FireFox.
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xSecuritas, I want to block my microphone in certain circumstances in Chrome. Is there a way to do that? On a tab basis?
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Currently, we allow webcam and microphones for all browsers regardless of tab(url).
1. Control webcam by url (tab) - ie, edge, safari, firefox is possible. But for chrome and opera, I have to think about it. Because chrome has recently changed its url acquisition method.
2. Disable use of webcam/mike in the browser regardless of the tab (url), is possible with minor modifications.
***I think that your suggestion is nice.
Please give me some times.
I will check it again
Thank you.
*** support@xsecuritas.com
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It says it can block illegal hacks, how does it know what's illegal?
Can it also block legal hack, such as by a legal court order, and again, how does it know?
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From the description above: "If some programs access your WebCam or microphone, then you will first see a pop-up window asking you to confirm your approval. You only allow use of WebCam or Microphone for programs you trust."
BTW: The same function ist already included in Windows 10!
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Peter Blaise,
Well. It's a matter of using terms. Sorry.
Rather than telling to block malware, it is more appropriate to block unauthorized programs.
We block the use of the webcam in the following ways:
1. Allows WebCam-using programs to be installed when installing MS Windows.
2. We also allow many popular programs (Skype, Viber, etc.), which are allowed by policy, and you can disable them.
3. Therefore, it may seem that this program is not playing a role when using only the programs that we basically allow.
4. However, try removing Skype, Viber, etc. from the policy.
You can see that the webcam is blocked.
** When configuring the allowable program, you can register the process name or digital signature.
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Be very careful installing this program hard to uninstall and Thank you for your support xsecuritas can't even reply to a message on your website,anyway you are finely uninstall.
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Programs provided by xSecuritas are not complicated uninstall.
However, only passwords are required to prevent other users from uninstalling the program.
When uninstalling the program, the following Option is available.
"Delete the data files when uninstalling the program" checkbox
=> If you select this, all the policy files (database), etc. will be deleted.
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Since you disable your webcam this program is obviously not for you. Just move on, please.
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TK, I am grateful that TK has informed me of the wrong part of the program or the part to fix.
I also know that I can not completely block 100% malware, so I am wondering how to handle it. Rootkits and more ...
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Many have commented on how to block the camera from seeing anything you wish not to be seen (in my case, I wish nothing to be seen.) Is there a similar sticker way to block the speakers? So they can't be hacked but will let music come through.
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As an exhibitionist, I love to be watched, so anybody may hack my camera as they like. No need for this software :)
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LoLiTa, What is your IP address?
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LoLiTa, I'm interested, how do I connect to you? :-)
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I found that many, if not all of chinese software you have installed in your computer, by law, they have full access to your camera and the mike via back door software not seen by any security software because they operate on already installed "friendly" access allowed patch.
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Actually No [& it's *mic* BTW].
In fact, I'd think that if it was that easy & prevalent, then gov agencies like the NSA and companies like NSO Group Technologies wouldn't bother engineering their own stuff.
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Awhile back, someone hacked my webcam and then one day, they started shouting obscenities through the speaker. I don't know how many days, weeks, or months they had been watching. Or what they saw or what personal information they were able to hear. I highly recommend you take webcam security very seriously. I will be installing this.
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$50 for something (you don't know what it is actually doing) that will have full access to your camera and microphone? Just unplug you camera, it is free and 100% works.
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Alexey, How do you unplug a camera that's builtin to your laptop? Would not simply turning on Airplane mode work as well as for the microphone?
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laptoper, just go to device manager and disable camera. It is fast and easy.
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Alexey, laptop camera or mike can easily masked with a small tape when not in use
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Some computers have BIOS settings to disable as well.
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laptoper, a tiny piece of electrical tape works wonders, 100% opaque, a dab of silicon caulk works as well (removable when dried up).
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If you can turn it off, malware can turn it on. Turning it off in Device Mgr. would probably work with some malware, but there's no guarantee it'll stop all malware.
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Joe, hello namesake, just my 2 cents :-)
A piece of dark cloth put over the top of a laptops cover (and the camera) works just as well but sounds less risky, as glue from the electrical tape can leave a mess. Also, that silicon may not be that easy to remove if it gets inside the microphone's "hole". I'm not sure if it's possible to turn a camera on w/o illuminating the its light, but I believe disabling both the camera and microphone should suffice (the light coming on would be a warning?). I personally use a different arrangement (not for privacy reasons, just like a big screen and "regular" keyboard as much as privacy). Plug my laptop at home to an external monitor and keyboard. The laptop sits off the desk, so if someone hacks my camera, they will see the touchpad area....
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laptoper, just keep the volume control on your mike settings to 0 value and nobody can hear anything and on your camera, just set the brightness button to 0 or dark and nobody can see anything.
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laptoper, At my work we install webcams in laptops that don't have one (find spare USB inside, route the cable, drill a hole, etc.).
To unplug one is 100x times easier :P Just open the lid and pull the connector. As a little bonus you can also cut only the power and connect an external switch.
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On a PC why not just unplug the camera from the USB port until it is needed. We use the camera to talk with our children regularly, but that is all we use it for.
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Stan, Because modern computers come with webcam built into machine. they are not the separate thing like you have.
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Robert, i have yet to see a tower pc with built in camera ,mic granted many use laptops but many also use towers
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walter, I have a Dell Inspiron all-in-one with a built-in camera and microphone.
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[ Frank D ],
You can download the service manual and see how to open the computer and unplug the camera and microphone.
Then using any external microphone and camera that is completely controllable and easily unpluggable on demand when not in use will give you back control.
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TK, use an Edding for your built-in cam and a dummy microphone plug to disable the built-in microphone – voilà!
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Peter Blaise, Thank you. I didn't want to actually disconnect my webcam and microphone, I just wanted to let everyone know that there are desktops with built-i webcams and microphones. But thank you for your reply and information.
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Robert, laptops may have a built-in webcam -- which you just put a piece of tape or you can purchase webcam "sliders" to enable/disable the camera. As well, in device manager camera/microphone can be disabled. "modern computers" (no such thing) does not come with a webcam UNLESS you add it as an "accessory" when purchasing a workstation. I do not even give Microsoft via Win10 PRO access to my camera/microphone, why would I give the access to this program? I cannot trust an overseas software company access to the media devices.
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Cannot find any actual user reviews about this software just sites for DL and ads. Did find this old discussion about the subject however... https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/47345/surveillance-blocking-laptops-microphone-from-spying-on-you
Apparently if you are using Win 10 there is a work around found here... https://www.windowscentral.com/how-disable-your-laptops-webcam-and-microphone
I never worried about the microphone and have covered up the webcam ever since I learned of the possible hack years ago.
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Did a search for this company. It is not apparently related to the Swedish company Securitas which trades on the stock exchange. Appears to be registered in Canada last year. Am curious as to why to pick a name so close to such a well known company....just a fluke, trying to ride on other's coat tails or something fishy? Getting paranoid in my old age I guess. Still I wonder.
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LadyLei, Yes. Our company name is xSecuritas, which is different from the Securitas company in Sweden.
When I emphasized the meaning of security, I put an X as a prefix.
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TK, Thanks for that info. I don't get why someone wants to hide who they are if they are being straightforward with their business. Despite the developers explanation about the name, it still strikes me a pretty shady move. Could have just called it XSecurity and avoided the appearance of being part of a well known company.
Will not be trying this for three reasons: first I don't see a need for it on my machine, second just strikes me as a poor way to start a business and does not inspire trust for users and third, no real user reviews or trusted sites testing it.
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Hi. everyone...
The 'Block Webcam and microphone' product allows only WebCam or Microphone to be used for the applications that are allowed.
This helps prevent malware, Ransomware, etc. from leaking your personal information using your your WebCam or Microphone.
In addition, if a malicious program attempts to use the WebCam, it immediately blocks it and logs it.
Related Videos
* Quick Guide: https://youtu.be/090U2Soy0Ks
* Tutorial: https://youtu.be/Rqt8efpyWZM
* See more videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW9UHqHn07a5Tk_L2bmsXyw
If you have any questions, please let me know.
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TK, I agree to Disable the BIOS and Perfectly Block the WebCam.
However, in this application, I chose a way to block the WebCam or microphone to control the Registry access.
The reason is to use it when using a PC, some programs use WebCam, and others do not use WebCam.
Of course, if the malicious program does not refer to the Registry, WebCam Disable may not work.
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TK, We do filter the driver and everything else for the registry.
On Windows 10, there is no other way,
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xSecuritas -- nice try but all of this can be handled w/o an "app", in fact its more secure if handled via BIOS, or OS or inside the offending application. I can disable all recording devices in device manager and even more secured via the BIOS. After what happened in the US 2016 elections, its now more than ever more important to NOT let any software on my workstation, as any software installed could be a potential for hacking/spying/tracking. So will not allow any foreign software on my workstation. I can write what I need myself.
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Thank you for your good advice.
The motives for making this application is as follows.
Of course, you can disable the WebCam through BIOS or Device Manager. However, my purpose is to make WEBCAM available only to application that is allowed by the user, and to block others.
Well. And in my application there is no BackDoor or malware at all.
Thank you for your feedback and I hope that everything is going well with you.
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