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Black&White projects 4 elements was available as a giveaway on July 13, 2018!
BLACK&WHITE projects 4 is the perfect tool to enable all photographers with a special affinity for black and white photos to make their creative mark. The new spectral sensitivity engine allows you to grasp the grey value for every converted colour and customise it to any tone value. The 80 handcrafted presets offer you a plethora of options from your images’ hidden information. Give your picture a 100% analogue finish with high-res film emulations adapted from classics like Ilford, Kodak, Rollei and Fuji.
Minimum: Windows 10/8/7 (32 Bit); Prozessor Core Duo; 2 GB HDD; 1.280 x 1024 Pixels Screen Resolution; Graphic: DirectX-8-compatible, 128 MB, 32 bit colour depth
240 MB
Here are the additional features at BLACK & WHITE projects 4:
Franzis is a great publisher. Excellent software. Unable to register. Their server was down. Overload requests?
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Despite repeated requests no code ever received in inbox or spam folder. gave up in disgust
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Downloaded, installed, followed all the instructions but no mail with code. I'm a registret customer at Francis software, so i can't figure oot what's going on. I'm now off to work and will check later today.
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This is a very old programme as down loaded a free copy a couple of years ago, checked version number and it is the same.
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This installed on Windows 8 without issue. The emails were prompt. I got the codes before I knew they were there. I am a seasoned Paint Ship Pro user and am excited to see what this can do for me.
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Looked worth a try, sadly after several attempts, and several hours checking mailbox(s), I didn't get any email with reg information. Thus a fail.
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Cannot get new password. When I click "forgotten your password" it tries to open the Windows 10 mail app. I don't use this app. It should send the new password mail direct to my registered and recognized email account. I got the download link email OK but apparently the forgotten password instruction link needs repair.
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Still waiting to get a code.... I give up
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ZIP files is corrupt!!!! The Mac Version (.APP cant be started!), so something in the zip is either missing or corrupt.!
Please upload correct version for mac again . I am using mac High Sierra (10.13)..
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I have wanted to try Franzis products before. But when I installed it that time (first and last) I got a virus that embedded itself as an Adobe component. I want to try (itschy fingers) but, I keep my laptop too dear to try to take that rizk!
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I can not get the email from them.
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More artistic photos or images can sometimes work better in B & W, because it forces the viewer to see the substance without being distracted by the color. Put another way, we're used to color photos conveying information, as snapshots or selfies we don't necessarily pay much attention to -- a dramatic B & W image OTOH can make us stop & really look.
Franzis Black & White Projects is one way to convert most of the data in a color image to B & W -- presets and controls or settings let you maximize the drama. Photoshop & Lightroom can do much the same, though without the preset thumbnails, & without the focus just on the B & W conversion, it can be harder to achieve the same effects. Some cameras also have B & W built in -- this link isn't to sell cameras, but to show a few images where B & W makes a difference.
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I would have liked to try the software but It would not even let me install without downloading an extra app (gmx-email) I don't want the app (as I have a link on my desktop (1kb)) I'm not wasting valuable SSD space for apps that I do not want or need.
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So you are saying, your e-mail provider (GMX) is forcing you to download an app (GMX email), to check your email, and you are blaming today's giveaway for that?
Okay then.
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Downloaded, Installed no problem. A quick look through the programme and I think it may serve to be the most useful B/W prog to me. Thanks for this GOTD. BB from the UK.
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I'm not even getting the first email so I can continue.
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Did you fill out your personal details, and then proceed? That's when it sends the email. Not the first time you enter it, but after you confirm your personal details
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No problem getting download or emails, software installed and registered without a problem. The registration process is bulky, but worth it for what looks like an excellent piece of software. It's easy to use and the end result is impressive. I'm very much into color, but now have a way to broaden my interests. Very generous giveaway. Thanks to Franzis and GOTD.
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Franzis, I am getting an error that you are unable to process my registration of this software with my current Email provider and to try with a different provider. My current email provider was good enough for the previous software that I have from you and I continue to receive your emails daily from those previous software registrations. How is it that my provider can not be used to register this software. Please explain. I have logged in to your site using these credentials with no issues.
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What's your e-mail provider?
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Dan, its a rather common and large in the US sbcglobal, part of ATT.
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Their site must be getting slammed. I can't connect to any page I've tried. I want to try this software; hope I can get and try it before the time is up.
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It doesn't work for me either, returning a 500 error.
I was still able to download the software from GOTD directly, and they use a different website for registration - and that one works fine.
You should be able to download and activate today's software despite their own website being temporarily down.
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Got older verwsion before and purchased. Yes, this company and this product is REALLY GREAT for photo artists. Did I say great? Yes, REALLY GREAT! Notwithstanding the true/accurate comments below by ouialaraison.
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Very good software. I own Photoshop Elements 2018 and am not sure it could do as much B&W manipulation as this.
As mentioned by others, the install process has way too many steps, but follow the instructions in the readme file and you should be fine.
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Can't understand why many people have problems. For me, it downloaded, installed and activated smoothly after following the readme instructions. Also take note of ouialaraison's helpul post.
Windows 10 Pro, 64 bit, 8 GB ram, 4-core CPU, Nvidia quadro k420 graphics.
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i cant register at all they dont send any information to my email address can anybody help
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I have jumped through all the hoops but still no confirmation eMail. I have installed several FRANZIS products in the past without difficulty but something seems to be wrong with this one. Black&White projects is an outstanding program, albeit version 3. I was really hoping for projects 4.
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The same version of BLACK & WHITE Projects elements has already been offered here last year:
If you have a version of SILVER Projects and are wondering: BLACK & WHITE Projects is the same program. It is the version number that matters. It is just that Franzis has a rather tricky naming policy.
Admittedly, Franzis doesn't offer us the most straightforward installation/registration process, but if you are already registered on their site, you will be spared a few steps. To help:
1/ On the registration page, if you can't find a button to click, scroll down;
2/ If you don't read carefully their last email (yes, there might be several), you are likely to come and complain here that, to activate the program, you are asked a serial number which you never received. Hint: just re-enter the registration code you needed to start the installation. Same code under two different names
Depriving a photo of all its colors is not a natural step to take for someone who considers colors to be the joy of life. On the contrary, the first reflex is to boost (often unreasonably) saturation, contrast etc., which explains the incredible hues all sunsets and forests have these days - at least virtually. Still, if you venture to give it a try, you might find out that far from dulling your photos, removing their colors might make them more intense and evocative, as if too many fancy colors were a distraction. And if you think that just setting the saturation slider at 0 in any image editor will do the trick, you will be in shock the first time you load a photo in Franzis B&W Projects! Paradoxically, it seems that there can be more differences between two B&W versions of the same photo than between two colored ones.
Depending on the tone conversion (you tube video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARL1AUwCCLY ) you will create entirely different atmospheres. Of course you can also, like in any image editor, modify contrast, brightness, blurring etc. And if you are a bit shy with that kind of software, you will just be happy with the 118 presets as they are.
If the idea of banning all colors from your photos is too painful, you can create a sort of faux B&W by retaining a tiny percentage of them (slider bottom right), or a higher percentage if you like the faded look of ancient postcards (like what you can also get in ANALOG Projects, another Franzis program). You can also retain a specific color selectively or, using another soft subsequently, leave some elements that you want to emphasize brightly or slightly colored. A primitive but easy way of achieving it:
1/ In an image editor supporting layers, paste the B&W photo over the original colored one;
2/ On the top B&W layer carefully erase the parts you want to show in color;
3/ On the bottom color layer, adjust, if necessary, saturation, hue etc. to your liking;
4/ Merge the two layers;
5/ For a more natural look slightly blur the edges of the color parts with a narrow brush, save and voilà!
To keep this post as short as possible, rather than copy and paste, I will refer you to my comment about ANALOG Projects if you want some clues about the interface (and Franzis' peculiar terminology), as most programs of this company share the same one:
https://www.giveawayoftheday.com/analog-projects-3/ (post #4)
you can have a look at 12 animated GIFs (created online on the site https://ezgif.com) showing some of my photos 1st/color 2nd/ B&W (all created with Franzis B&W Projects) and sometimes 3rd/ after reintroduction of color in some parts with another image editor. (Click a thumbnail to enlarge, then click again to animate.)
Photo n° 03 is a montage. All photos are scans of analog photos. They were shot at a time when shooting in color or in B&W was an irreversible decision, at least until I had taken the 24 or 36 photos allowed by my film roll (I suspect a good half of GOTDers here today have no idea what I am talking about). Nowadays, you don't have to chose in advance or even later on, you can have as many versions of a given photo as you wish, so give yourself the chance to find out that black and white is beautiful too.
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As usual with this publisher, far too many hoops to jump through. Pass
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It says "NEED PASSWORD", but it doesn't send any info to my email. I forgot my password when I registered before, and I have bought other software from this company. Can someone help cause i'm confused here. Is anyone else having this registration issue?
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Their homepage is showing a 500 error - not working https://www.projects-software.com/
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Ken, obviously, that page doesn't exist anymore, as this version is no longer sold.
But I found it, archived by WayBack Machine (a very useful free extension to Chrome - other browsers I don't know...)
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TK, err yes ;-) I was able to get the page from the link that ouialaraison posted. It took a while to redirect, but it did.
Thank you, ouialaraison!
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Thank you Suze! If it works better for some I put the page in a zip (extract before opening the page - you will find interesting info on it):
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