Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
BatchInpaint 2.2 was available as a giveaway on December 3, 2014!
Batch Inpaint is a batch version of Inpaint – photo processing and retouching tool. While removing an unwanted object from a photo with Inpaint is easy, it may still consume a lot of time if you have a whole bunch of pictures to process. Batch removal of typical objects from images is what Batch Inpaint is designed for.
Watermarks, time stamps, glitches, scratches, facial wrinkles, power lines, persons accidentally caught by the camera in the very moment of a shot and other things can be effortlessly erased from photos in automatic mode.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8
15.5 MB
PhotoScissors background removal tool can easily extract objects and remove background from photos. All you need is to draw some foreground and background and algorithm takes care of details.
Inpaint photo restoration software, reconstructs the selected image area from the pixels near the area boundary. Remove undesirable objects from still images, such as logos, watermarks, power lines, people, text or any other undesired artifacts. There's no need to manually go through messing around with your old clone tool any more! Now you can use Inpaint to easily remove all those unexpected objects that end up spoiling an otherwise really great photograph.
iResizer scales an image without changing important visual content such as people, buildings, animals, etc. iResizer lets you shrinking or enlarging images to improve a composition, fit a layout, or change the orientation.
PhotoStitcher will automatically combine overlapping photos to produce perfect panoramic image. You just snap some overlapping images and click Stitch button. PhotoStitcher is a fully automatic image stitcher.
FolderIco allows to customize the icon of every Windows folder in one click! Don't you know how to change standard yellow folder to a colourful and bright? With FolderIco, give some color to Windows folders. With just a one click, colorize your folders, and discover a new intuitive way to classify your files. A quick look is now enough to identify the folder you are looking for!
I'm new on this product. First time I discovered it. I'm using Photoshop to edit an image. So What do you think guys, May I use it beside the PS?
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Thank to GAOTD this product was free....I don't want to waste bucks on it...
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We are talking about a $19.99 software NOT a $19,999 IBM.Come on...
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I installed this software with no problems, can load photos and I can use the tools to select the area/object I wish to remove, but for the life of me I cannot find a remove/process button. All of the instructions/photos I have looked at are showing these tools in the left hand side toolbar, I have only the 4 selection tools and the eraser. I must be doing something wrong - any help appreciated!
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After installing the program ( by setup.exe ), upon trying to operate the activation.exe on my win7x64 laptop, I get a message stating thjat GAOTD stopped working.
How can I be sure that the activation worked properly? In the "About" window there is no info in this regard.
Thank you for any help.
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Made two attempts to install on Win7-32. Installed with incomplete toolbox both times, making it unusable. Disappointed, because I've already uninstalled the previous version, which I like. Now I'll have to manage without it.
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This works as advertised. It’s fast and does the job very well. I discovered that pictures in landscape mode must be processed separately from those in portrait because the watermark you want to remove is in a different place.
One very big gripe is that “open folder only” always starts in …libraries/photos. That means that every single time I use it I have to navigate away from that and to the folder I want. If I could set the default folder I would be very happy. Also, the navigation pane doesn't show desktop. I often use desktop for temporary file manipulation because it's usually easy to find in navigation panes.
Question: does anybody ever want to save their photos at less than 100% quality? Anybody? Why isn’t the default set to 100%?
As is too often the case with products from this company, there is no option to set defaults. Is it hard to include such things as setting default directories and, of course, the option to save at 100% quality?
Despite these gripes, this program does the job quickly and well. Thanks GOTD!
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Have you tried placing a shortcut in the default location to the desired starting point, you should get your desired outcome w/only a click (or two.)
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Portable version please !
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I made three portables: Cameyo (free), Evalaze Free and SandboxIE (paid licence). They run perfectly.
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Thanks ToreoX, the Inpaint program is a good offer, but as far as batch mode is concerned, I only see it useful in removing logos/watermarks from a set of related images.I just happened to come across this great freebie, simple yet efficient :
or try the clonestamp tool present in any decent graphics editor
Merry X-Mas and cheers!
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Like Karl at #8, I find it irritating that the developer proclaims one thing in large type and then disavows it in small type. But then, it has to, because there ain't no such thing as a "batch processor" for the kind of work Teorex cites because there is no software anywhere intelligent enough to say, in effect, hey, I'll clean up the wrinkles on that lady standing bottom left on picture 1 and then proceed automatically to picture 2 where I'll do the same for the wrinkles on the lady at top right.
Total gibberish: batch processing of multiple images only works if pixels of the exact same extent appear in the exact same location in each individual image.
BatchInPaint is simply a commercial product that does nothing which existing freeware doesn't already do in terms of removing logos, camera time-stamps, copyright warnings etc that appear in the same place in different pictures.
As to Giovanni's endorsement of InPaint (non-batch version), I agree, it's a handy little app, and I'm happy to have paid for an earlier version. Unfortunately, the latest version is a classic case of over-development, resulting in the abandonment of the quick 'n simple press-Shift-mouse-click-on-sizing-handle to change a pixel capture area in favour of a hapless "double painting" process which requires both the object and the surrounding capture area to be brushed over. Some software really shouldn't be tinkered with, and especially not to make a change for the worse.
Thanks, then, GOTD, and Teorex, but no thanks.
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I think 'BATCH' InPaint is designed for the OOPS moments when you find your whole batch of holiday snaps have the wrong date stamped on then, or even the wrong location. These pics will usually be be the same size and date stamped in same place on each pic.
I am disappointed there are no discounts available for other TeoreX products. I managed to get InPaint half price during last discount offer.
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I installed it and ran setup then ran the activate and it still says it needs the key. It won't let me use the program the full version. I thought I installed it the right way. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
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Try closing the original installation. Then open it again from your program page. The registration drop down line should have disappeared from the "help" link. I believe this means that it has been registered.
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I have used Inpaint with great success in the past.
After I downloaded and installed Batch Inpaint, I then ran Activate.
When I tried to touch up a picture the program said it was in trial mode.
How do I get the program to register?
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INPAINT is already a great product and as I can see BATCHINPAINT is even better, since it gives you the ability to process several pics in batch. But do we really need a program like this?
Usually, unlike you are a professional photographer, the average home user doesn’t have tons of pictures with unwanted persons or objects accidentally caught by his/her camera. So, in my view, INPAINT is more than enough for 99% of people here and elsewhere!!
Anyway THUMBS UP from me!
http://www.photopos.com/Photo-Pos-Pro_Photo-Editor-Key-Features.asp (==> Ad supported app)
http://graphicssoft.about.com/od/paintnet/tp/clone-stamp.htm + http://graphicssoft.about.com/od/paintnet/tp/clone-stamp.htm + http://paint.net.amihotornot.com.au/Features/Effects/Plugins/Others/AddRemove_watermark
http://www.scriptol.com/design/gimp/removing-objects.php + http://liquidrescale.wikidot.com/en:examples
https://github.com/bootchk/resynthesizer + http://www.scriptol.com/design/gimp/removing-objects.php
Enjoy! ^_^
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thanks for the list of freebies Mr Giovanni!
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I just returned from holiday to find I had a blemish of some sort on all my photos, apparently from a speck of dust on the sensor.
I don't know how good BatchInpaint will be, but it's just the kind of tool I want to fix this.
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Most of the time I rely on Photoshop when dealing with these types of things but of course it is not a free program. I have used inpaint and though I found it to be a bit clumsy with care it does a good job with many problems you encounter. Iresizer which I did not know was still available for free, is a different type of program that is both interesting and useful, explaining the program is not as good as you watching a video or downloading it so here is the link. https://www.iresizer.com/ liquid resize aka retarget has been taken over by ononesoftware and was a similar program.
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QUOTE: . . . Iresizer which I did not know was still available for free, is a different type of program that is both interesting and useful . . . Not sure if I followed you there, but anyway: iResizer is a $19.99 app from the same developer as today's batch Inpaint. It isn't free.
Most if not all Teorex software originates from academic research undertaken by the Open Source scientific community; iResizer is no different. If any GOTDer is interested in discovering more about the genesis of the stuff Teorex sells commercially, Wikipedia has an accurate article on the "seam carving algorithm" here:
whilst mathematician Boqing Gong of the Computer Science Department at the University of Southern California has a nice little "image resizing" project blog in which the pioneering algorithm work of Ariel Shamir and Shai Avidan is given the recognition it deserves (yet all too rarely receives) here:
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After half and hour using, I think, BatchInpaint is an intuitive and reliable tool that can remove unwanted objects from batches of images. Corporate watermarks, timestamps or dead camera pixels can be fixed in a few simple clicks. It's helpful to deal with individual image processing. Nice tool!
Other Photo Tool Recommend:
SoftOrbits Photo Digital Suite @ http://www.softorbits.com/digital-photo-suite/
Aoao Photo Watermark @ http://www.aoaophoto.com/watermark/Details.htm
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Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1.3 Pro 64 bit system.
A (Russian) company without name and address, focusing on photo manipulation and removing unwanted objects. Maxim Gapchenko is regularly participating here with good products.
We had several versions of Inpaint in the past:
On October 13, 2014 Inpaint 6.0
On January 9, 2014 Inpaint 5.6
Instead of a review of the software, which we know already, I would like to address Maxim Gapchenko:
Dear Mr Gapchenko, in your software description you write:
Batch removal of typical objects from images is what Batch Inpaint is designed for.
Watermarks, time stamps, glitches, scratches, facial wrinkles, power lines, persons accidentally caught by the camera in the very moment of a shot and other things can be effortlessly erased from photos in automatic mode. Here is how things work:
And a little bit later:
Note, the selected area is applied to every image, so you don’t need to define it for each file manually.
Hmmm, does this mean that each facial winkles, each power line and each persons accidentally caught by the camera must be on exactly the same place on the photo in order to work in batch mode? I am afraid, that this exactly the case. I think you should rewrite this, in order not to make false promises. Say simply :
It works only on identical objects on identical places, like watermarks or time stamps. And as you write in the program itself:
Batch Inpaint can only process pictures of the same size and the same orientation.
Better to rename this to a watermark remover...
And see what happens, when I want to remove the same chair on slightly different positions. LOL
Of course it does not work!
Uninstalled via reboot.
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But if u have dirty lenses in your camera (like i did) this is the tool for you.
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Hi, You are right Karl, any such false promisees should always be pointed out and shamed. They defy logic and insult common sense. Whilst it's possible to deal with (remove) objects that appear exactly in the same spot on batch of photos, besides cleansing usual impurities - claims of removing power lines, smoothing wrinkles on faces (or more to point everything that has 'fleshy color'..) and unwanted persons:) - ALL at the same time(?) is simply laughable!. What if I want to remove only 'Mary' from all holiday snaps (and most common understanding of 'batch photos' is exactly that: Set of photos on one's camera depicting events, people, nature, photos taken from all angles in different locations etc) - will this Software 'look for Mary' lurking here and there and intelligently remove only her?? What nonsense!:)
That said, Inpaint Software have their decent uses and most of Folk here (including myself) have a collection of them, unfortunately when they go free.., and on understanding that NOT ALL promisees are to be taken literally. Problem is that purchasing these Programs - might lead to bigger disappointment! Honest marketing then? That's all it takes.
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Karl - Excellent point! I was wondering about that myself, as most of my pix are done freehand. But, I also shoot some time-lapse projects using a tripod. I can see this working perfectly for those rock-steady, identical background shots.
Sure wish I had this a month ago, when I found myself manually fixing a glare problem that appeared in several hundred frames. It took over two hours and was pretty tedious, to say the least. Since I'm sure that won't be the last time I don't set up the perfect angles and I'll have to deal with some kind of recurring issue, am glad to get this for future use.
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This BatchInpaint 2.2 well definitely make a good Christmas gift this season.
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I Have been using three softwares ( iResizer , PhotoScissors , Inpaint ) from TeoreX. All of them have produced the OPTIMUM result in their respective area .
This is BatchInpaint. The Inpaint is really impressive and super-efficient compared to some other programs in this category I had used.
TeoreX has offered almost all of their programs here throughout the year.
Thanks a ton to TeoreX and GAOTD.
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This has to be one of my most favorite software providers for the GOTD project! I don't want to say my absolute favorite, since there are others who rank up there, but this company is definitely on my short list. If you are new to GOTD, or by some strange oddity have missed their previous offerings, This company is at very least worth giving it a try, and I'm pretty sure most will commit changes before rebooting :)
I've never had an issue with the programs from an error standpoint.
They deliver a product that does what it's intended to do, and do it well.
Have been a contributor for a very long time, yet to let me down on any of their releases.
Much appreciated!
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I had version 2.0 from an earlier giveaway. I chose to install this into the same folder. The installation was flawless as the program used all of my previous install preferences. A good program from a well respected and generous publisher. Thank you GOTD team and TeoreX.
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I like inpaint products and have downloaded it many times. The problem I have is that the program stops working after a few weeks and becomes trial version and the changes can not be saved. i have paragon backup for a few years and still works.
Am I doing something wrong?
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Did you run Activate.exe AFTER instaling the programme??? That will insert a key in the register of your computer and will inform the programme that it has been registered/activated.
If you run Activate.exe first and then Setup.exe, it is possible that Setup.exe first cleans the registry and then rewrites it as a trial. If that is the case, the effect of Activate.exe is lost.
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Over aggressive registry cleaners are often to blame.
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Same problem here. As is recommended I put the downloaded archive in its own new folder and ran the setup program from there. The program installed without a problem. But when I ran Activate.exe it appeared to work (I saw a moving progress bar) but when I opened the program and clicked on "Help" it still wanted an activation key. What's the secret for getting this to work?
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I agree with (ASBY) I have had the exact same problem with any and all software from this manufacturer over the last few years from GOTD! I have downloaded and installed a lot of FREE Software from GOTD over the past 5 years! And this company is the only ONE! (1) That after the Free download and install day is Over! The programs mysteriously become "Trial Versions!" I have paid for many of the programs that I use and like! Others that I just play with from time to time, and some are close to Five (5) years old from GOTD! and still registered and working fine! So, It is NOT ME! Or, My system, Or, Cleaners etc! I have contacted the company at least two (2) Times this year alone! And, To date, Have received NO Replies! Its a rip-off of the integrity of GOTD! I am Very happy with GOTD and this is NO Reflection on GOTD! Or, The software they put up for us everyday to test, Try and Revue for FREE! Thank you ALL! At GOTD! But! This BatchInpaint 2.2 is not for me! It does Work as stated and is worth having for fast photo fixes in the field etc. The $19.00 Dollars is not bad ether! I just do Not! Agree with there Ethics! Hence, I will not use there products! To many other FREE alternatives out there anyway. Have a Great Day Everyone!, Take Care, Always Have FUN!!! Rick D.
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Finally figured it out. After downloading the archive I used 7-zip to extract the files to a new BatchInpaint folder. I then ran Setup.exe and Activate.exe from there and the program installed and activated correctly. TeoreX programs offered on GOTD seem to be fussy in this regard; most other programs offered here install and activate with no problems from the downloaded location.
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