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Batch Image Resizer 1.2 was available as a giveaway on March 10, 2022!
Easily resize images, photos and pictures with this lightweight mass image resizer software. Simple and powerful, it resizes and converts images, one by one or in batch mode. Images can be resized in bulk.
Select your output resolution, resize the original images by simply doing a batch resize in one go.
The software supports JPEG, BMP, GIF, ICO, PNG, TIFF, WMP, DDS image filetypes and preserves transparency.
You can use this highly intuitive and user-friendly application to quickly change the dimensions of multiple graphic files. You simply need to add one or more image files either via drag and drop, or by manually browsing to the location of each file.
Additionally, the installer can add shortcut to SendTo directory, so that users can right-click files or folders from the context menu and resize selected files all at once.
Once you are done with adding the source files, you can move on to the next step, that of selecting the resizing mode that best suits your preferences. You can start with specifying if you want to resize according to percentage or pixel width-height, then explore the available interpolation methods. You can choose between Nearest Neighbor, Linear, Cubic or Fant methods.
Vovsoft Batch Image Resizer is an efficient solution that can help both novices and experts into quickly adjusting the height and width of their graphic files.
Windows 7 or later
2.2 MB
Lifetime, no updates
does do do what I was hoping it would do. I want to send a 1920 x 1080 photo to someone at reduced file size so they still receive as a 1920 x 1080 photo to full their screen.
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Every batch imager on earth except this one allows "Keep aspect ratio".
Without the ability to keep the aspect ratio you would need to calculate the size of each image manually and do them one by one i.e. it can't batch process and it's the slowest converter on earth.
I have just tried it and the programme is useless in terms of what it is supposed to do.
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Simple and straight to the point program. Thanks!
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Free XnConvert - and you do whatever you want with the images. Resize, crop, color adjustments, filter + full support for webp files.
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Many good comments. Why only 44% rating?
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This one is a simple resizer.
I prefer to use FastStone Photo Resizer. It is a converter and renaming tool to convert, rename, resize, crop, rotate, change color depth, add text and watermarks, etc...And is completely free.
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My past experience with Vovsoft is that after installing one of their software, my computer has problems.
Not sure if it is malware.
YMMV. If this software works for you, then good for you.
I am using an excellent portable and free software Faststone Resizer.
As such no need to take a risk with this giveaway.
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I need to resize to a bigger resolution, is this also working fine with this program? I use now the free tool "a sharper scaling" version 1.2 and that works good, but things can always be better.
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Does this program reduce the quality of an image to redue it's file size?
Most just resize the image making the image it smaller to reduce the file size.
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Resizing will cost quality -- that's something that's unavoidable. You'll also lose quality when you compress an image to save it as jpeg. Batch Image Resizer gives you a choice of algorithms to minimize quality loss -- the loss downsizing an image *shouldn't* be noticeable in most cases. But it's easier to discard data -- downsizing -- than it is to create new -- upsizing... that's why companies are coming out with image enlargers using AI.
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Thanks Mike but it doesn't do what I wanted . I want to send a 1920 x 1080 image at reduced file size so it stays a 1920 x 1080 image when converted.
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It works just fine. Thanks.
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As far as JPG files (jpeg) are concerned, that program is of no use. Jpg files are already compressed!
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Dennis Zwarts,
You are correct that .jpg is a compressed file. But it can be compressed much further. With programs like these, they reduce the pixel count to create smaller files.
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This software isn't about compression. It's to change the dimensions of images.
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Dennis Zwarts, This is resizer soft, not compressor, it has different use.
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Dennis Zwarts, I resize JPGs all the time.
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