Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
AVI Toolbox 2.0 was available as a giveaway on August 24, 2012!
AVIToolbox is a user friendly toolbox for common video files operations such as video splitting, audio extraction, picture capture and much more!
Windows 95, NT, 2000, XP (x32/x64), 98, ME, Server 2003 (x32/x64), Vista, 7
7.70 MB
SUMo, which stands for Software Update Monitor. Thanks to SUMo you'll be able to keep your PC up-to-date by using the most recent version of your favorite software! Unlike build-in auto update features, SUMo tells you if updates are available before you need to use your software.
KCleaner is designed to be the most efficient Hard Disk cleaner, tracking every useless byte in order to give you all the ressources you may need for your documents, music, pictures, movies, etc. It is the first product of this kind featuring a full automatic mode, which works in background so that you don't have to care about when to launch it.
VideoInspector is a tool designed to provide you with as much information as possible about your video files. With VideoInspector you'll know why your video files has no sound or refuses to play correctly. VideoInspector will help you installing the required CoDecs (coder/decoder software) for an optimal performance. VideoInspector can also inspect your system to find which codecs are available, and it can also process multiple video files and export its result in HTML or plain text files.
Zer0 is a user friendly file deletion tool with a high level of security. With Zer0, you'll be able to delete files and to prevent file recovery by a 3rd person. So far, no user reported an efficient method to recover a file deleted by Zer0.
Downloaded, installed, and activated okay on Win 7/64 Home. I had to disable AVG, not happy about that because it shouldn't happen, period. It's getting harder and harder to try out GOTD software.
I really appreciate those who provide alternatives because sometimes the offering doesn't meet my needs. For example, I've NEVER done much with editing video but last week I used my camera to take some video, and it's too big for my Flickr Pro account. It's in .MOV format and I need a splitter. Windows Live whatever drove me nuts -- I just never "get" M$ software and the new ribbon makes me want to scream. I tried its feature to prepare video for Flickr, and the result was a 1.5 minute clip from my 20 minute video. Yeah, that'll work. Plus, the default name for output is "My Movie" -- I'm so sick of childish crap.
So I'm looking for alternatives. When I saw today's GOTD software, I immediately wondered if by any chance it would work on files other than AVI. No such luck. I installed it because I might need it someday, but I'm still left with my .MOV problem. I was able to research some suggestions from this page and will be trying out some of them. I do prefer the suggestions that are given in a pleasant way, with constructive criticism or comparisons, rather than those who just post "this sucks, use another instead."
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I downloaded the program and GhostScript 8.71. The program worked but the result of converting a multipage instruction manual to a word document were not satisfactory. The paragraph highlighting was off and some figures were superimposed over the text rather than put before as in the original.
I have uninstalled the program.
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@therube (#51) : added to the bug list : http://www.kcsoftwares.com/bugs/view.php?id=1726
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FWIW, “Mr. Knowitall”‘s posts are one of the main reasons I visit this page, and the only reason I stay on it/scroll down once I see that a title has gotten unfavorable ratings by the GAOTD crowd.
Don’t let this naysayer get you down, Giovanni. I value your posts with alternative options, and appreciate the time you spend putting them together. :-)
#41 Lance Brown nailed it.
Thanks as always for your contributions Giovanni.
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Use the third party reqs at your own risk.Caused a BSOD that took about 10 mins and 3 restarts to fix.Thumbs down aggressively.
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For users running AVG AntiVirus and having problems with the GOTD installer - there was some updated information posted a few days ago (Aug 22) on the GOTD blog:
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Oh, and when looking in ADD/REMOVE... don't go to the A's for AVI Toolbox. IT is way down in the K's for KC Software's AVI Toolkit.
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Install went easy after I paid attn to the read me file.
I had to re-boot to get the software to the registration screen.
It has drag and drop as well as nav to the AVI.
It doesn't like 50% of the tried AVIs so far. Items that came from the net.
Tried a purchased avi from Cartoon Central. It opened but the time bar wouldn't operate the AVI in the preview screen. All I had was a blank screen that the AVI opens with.
Stopped the program and restarted it.
Chose the same Cartoon. It opened and the time bar worked with the slider this time. There ought to be a PLAY function inside the preview window but there isn't.
After trying several times, It SEEMS that I am forced to place the ending point FIRST and then the Beginning point. I was just trying to snip useless dead air from the start of my AVI.
So, after 3 failed attempts, it finally snipped the dead air and opened the NEW AVI that we just created! YAY...
No Sound....
Tried 3 more times. No sound...
So, extracted the audio to an mp3 file and attempted to play it and Windows Media doesn't recognize it...
It DID picture capture to a .bmp file.
So, it only works with some of my AVIs that play just fine.
On the ones it works with.. it doesn't work well.
Parts of the functions do not work period.
Now I get to ADD/REMOVE this little guy.
P.S. It doesn't even show up in Start / ALL PROGRAMS.
If I had not allowed the desk cut I would have had no way to operate this.
Better luck with a new edition
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@Naked Princess Harry
Why trust someone with a goofy name like yours :-)
Anyways, there is nothing technically wrong with their website. Their main landing page is set-up with several choices and essentially asks the visitor, which direction do you want to go in our website.
As for it being "ugly" as the developer put it, I disagree. While I personally would not choose to do something similar, appearance is all a matter of taste, and while there could me a little bit better usage of the page (spreading out the few links to minimize whitespace, while maintaining enough white space to not clutter everything too close together). Also, they use a "professional" wiki and forum apps.
So, like the person who straightened out Mr. knowiall's post about other freeware alternatives, I would suggest you come up with constructive criticism that reflects your knowledge of proper design, or showcase something that YOU have done before criticizing others for their work.
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I know this is a real nit-pick, but one thing I really hate about many small software publishers is that they love to put their ego in front of their customers by defaulting to placing the program in a directory and start menu folder with the company name.
I don't know about anyone else, but if I'm trying to find AVI Toolbox, I am not going to think to find it under the KC Software folder. Who the heck is KC Software? When you get to be Microsoft, you can get away with this kind of thing. Until then, get rid of the company folders.
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#7 #18 #31.
Same error "Indice ImageList incorrect." “Check Video Codecs” i have too.
Its already kinda "fixed" with an workaround in their forums (a similar error) http://kcsoftwares.com/oldforum/viewtopic.php?id=24 so the full error should be "Unable to extract frame" / "Indice ImageList incorrect" AVI. It simply is a codec problem, i already had K-Lite (older version) installed, i updated it to maybe solve that issue. If the full K-Lite pack is not enough to make this thing work, i simply have no use for it at the moment.
It has nothing to do with the AVI filesize, the name or its number of digits. Biggest AVI i tested was 1.89GB, smallest one 73MB.
Im someone who tries to find an own solution, with testing, using Google and whatnot but i can't use it (actually) and had no luck.
If #33 is correct (i doubt that the 20%+ compression seems legit on my AVIs) it is a serious problem for many users and a main problem of the program in general.
Anyway, i appreciate the effort one man puts into all that different applications and is responding here and hopefully we can get this giveaway to work like the previous ones (yep, i kept all KC Software giveaways from the past =P).
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@Ariana_FFD, #41. You wrote Seriously? 441 thumbs up & down and only 40 comments to back these up?
There is a logical explanation. Many people, like me for instance, read through the comments before posting. This is because there may already be a comment that someone else posted earlier that explains our reasoning for a positive or negative vote.
Take today for example. I'm having the same problem as #2. That comment had a +22 rating. Providing that no one else voted down on comment #2, then I and 22 others are having that problem. If 50 people voted that comment down, then 73 people were having that problem, thus this up/down voting on comments can actually hide problems that the developer surely wants to know about!
Perhaps you'd like everyone who votes be required to leave a comment. That would create a myriad of duplicate and nonsensical comments. GOTD has a great system for voting and comments, except that I wish they'd take off the down votes for comments and simply make a "click if you agree" like so many other interactive sites have.
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File | Load file...
If you enter an incorrect file name or path in the dialog box with a terminating slash (/), you are presented with an "Invalid file type" error message dialog.
At that point, further attempts to File | Load file... no longer bring up any dialog, failing.
In the 'File name' field:
random_name fails & can try again
random_name/ fails & you must close the program & restart
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I've tried 2 AVIs. Both did not work. The GUI is also too simplistic. Uninstalled it. Thumbs down.
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Look,.. i've tried to work this software 4X, each time i used different .avi settings,... and according to your software, each time there was a codec issue. So, what are your ideal .avi settings?? I never saw the file actually work in your software like one person reported...
aspect and ultimate bitrate???
Next time i uninstall will be the laST... Sure hope you respond before that happens/don't we all.
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@David Murphy & Dany (#38 and #39) (and other users posting positive comments or just saying "thank you") : Thank you for your support. I know my software have some weaknesses but as i'm the sole developper for the whole range of KC Softwares products, it takes some time and user's feedback is very precious. That's why i'm trying to collect as much information here, even from angry users, in order to be able to improve my software faster.
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@Justin (#37) : added to the to do list !
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Product installed in satisfactory manner and activated. Computer is an Asus K73E running Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit. I removed the program after discovering it limits the file size to 2 gb which might be a suitable mpeg limitation but I have found AVI files to be much larger and feel a 2 gb limit will hinder my editing. In fact the reason I am editing is sometimes the file is too big.
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(could not install the GAOTD version sandboxed
in XP. had to download the trial direct from
(the trial talks about a "RelevantKnowledge",
also has (deselectable) "toolbars". don't know
if that applies to the GAOTD version? & then
more "trickery" after actual program install
dealing again with toolbars. actually the
trial version is WICKED. be VERY careful if
you install that!)
otherwise ( ;-) ) installs into directory of
your choice, 2 MB, & otherwise looks clean
(not really much needed, but still)
ONLY accepts AVI files as input
(IOW no WMV, FLV, MPG, MP4 ...)
split/trim can only select one set of
endpoints, so you cannot make multiple
if that is all that you need, then this will
do just that, very quickly, & losslessly
though on my first test clip, it did NOT capture
the audio for the clipped section. also on
playback the timeline was not being updated
ID : 1
Format : MPEG Audio
Format version : Version 1
Format profile : Layer 3
Mode : Joint stereo
Mode extension : MS Stereo
Codec ID : 55
Codec ID/Hint : MP3
Duration : 24mn 47s
Bit rate mode : Constant
Bit rate : 128 Kbps
Channel(s) : 2 channels
Sampling rate : 44.1 KHz
Compression mode : Lossy
Stream size : 22.7 MiB (15%)
Alignment : Aligned on interleaves
Interleave, duration : 26 ms (0.65 video frame)
there ARE shortcut keys, but the Navigation
menu does not display them
(looks to be Arrow, next frame, Alt+Arrow,
50 frames, Ctrl+Arrow, end)
options to Burn to CD or Convert to DVD, but
i did not try those. they are external
modules, requiring download. don't know if
they are free or pay?
would be nice if it displayed the frame/time
information without having to mouseover
audio extraction (it only does the entire
file, not a trimmed portion) works fine.
(though you could trim a clip & then extract
the audio from that ;-).)
on the clip mentioned above, audio extraction
only output a 3 sec mp3 file (rather then 24 min)
picture extraction works fine, but no way to
capture a series, timed or otherwise, set
of shots
it works
haven't looked at the comments yet, but i'm sure
(you know who) has listed any number of alternatives
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Kudos to the developer for being on GAOTD today. It shows a real interest in the needs of customers, actual and potential. But the developer is going to have to do more -- much, much more -- than merely update the KC Softwares website. This entire product needs updating, and updating fast, because an AVI-only app is a downer to begin with, and it ain't that good or that stable in the hoops I've put it through. Nor is it that user-friendly: c'mon, the developer surely knows about comparative screens at least?
Thanks, GAOTD, and thanks, KC Softwares. But this software is years out of date, and much too immature to be a keeper anyway when Open Source -- free -- development has overtaken it long since.
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Doesn't seem to do much, can do everything this does & a whole lot more with the free VirtualDubMod...
On the plus side though... I do like the Swiss Army Knife icon I now have on the desktop.
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Seriously? 441 thumbs up & down and only 40 comments to back these up? How does this help anyone learn about the products offered here? It is bad because I come and look at a product offer, and decline it, because it is not properly critiqued or completely dismissed. How can you do a thumbs up or down and not have to 'explain' your reasons? More attention by moderators needs to be implemented here and a less haphazard review system put into place.
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@graylox (#11),
FWIW, "Mr. Knowitall"'s posts are one of the main reasons I visit this page, and the only reason I stay on it/scroll down once I see that a title has gotten unfavorable ratings by the GAOTD crowd.
Don't let this naysayer get you down, Giovanni. I value your posts with alternative options, and appreciate the time you spend putting them together. :-)
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A developer joining the thread, bugfixing as we speak? Can I give two thumbs up?
I was emailed about KC's AudioGrail as well, but had already uninstalled so unfortunately I couldn't provide any additional info.
Nevertheless, it's absolutely rare to be mailed by a developer here!
As for AVI Toolbox 2.0: Installed without problems. Also worked without problems, thusfar no strange errors etc.
But I find it lacking in features. If you can split files, you can join files. As a Toolbox it's not that full of tools. Also, burning capabilities that require additional non-free third party software? No thanks. Either code it yourself, get some Open Source library or just remove this non-feature is what I'd say.
For quick editing it could be nice, but it can't replace Movie Maker so it doesn't merit the price asked imho.
But the developers deserve all praise for the efforts they're putting in!
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I'm amazed how many take offence (on behalf of the developer) at the critiques posted.
To further develop his/her software he/she needs as much criticism as possible.
Also he/she needs to see what others are doing. So a list of freeware that does similar stuff must be invaluable, it saves time searching for stuff that people think is good and will give him/her good ideas. It's got to be part of the reason for him/her being here.
Its not a case of wanting only praise, or to be the only one to get a mention its an attempt next upgrade to be the best on the block.
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I really like this company - especially with their last giveaway so i am going to be mindful of that in this comment.
This software needs to add a few things to be considered a toolbox.
ffourcc changing, repairing etc or even batch options.
with Virtualdub/avidemux out there - you have to have a few more things to offer. I guess the bottom line for me is with so many freewares out there this application needs to offer something unique.
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I'm kind of at a draw (neutral) on this software. AVI files by standard nature are really huge and thanks to compression technology we can work with files much much smaller then that. I just don't see the need to work with standard AVI files anymore. As far as the interface goes, I'm going to have to agree with a lot of the comments that were posted on here. If you noticed the Giveaway's of the past, there have been plenty of video conversion software / editors that have a much nicer interface then this. The interface presented in AVI Toolbox reminds me of the old ancient Windows Media Player from the Windows 98 days. Now it's good that the developer is actively taking suggestions and even offering to work with users when it comes to fixing bugs but I think its time for the developer to produce a new version of the software that not only looks good but presents more options then it currently offers. $14.99 seems fair in price to a sense, but I'm assuming that if they included licensed codecs it would drive the price of this software even more and I'm sure the developer would not want to do this at this time.
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@Mogens Pileman would you please contact me so that i can understand this bug and fix it ? support [AT] kcsoftwares.com
Thanks !
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Installed quickly and easily on Win7 64 bit laptop. Yay! Thanks for explaining that new installation file and that we need to extract to different named folder.
Looks like a simple though helpful program that will be fun to explore. Happy to let others know about it. Like somebody said, can never have too many video/photo editing software programs! Thanks to developers and GOTD
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This program uses an old avi codecs and if your files are compressed more then 20%, this software will create all kinds of unexpected errors.
Updating to new version is the aim of this giveaway. It is not worth installing if you have not done so by now,
I just uninstalled mine.
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I agree with @24. I would hate to be in a position of posting a free giveaway 365 days a year. Some will be good, some will be marginal and some will just be horrible.
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I did not have much luck with this programme either. First it would not accept the license key given by GOTD and when loading a file it said:
"Indice imagelist incorrect"
I will delete the program and go back to good old FORMAT FACTORY - a free programme that never let you down.
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@Jack (#26)
This is most probably a new bug. IT has been recorded there : http://www.kcsoftwares.com/bugs/view.php?id=1720
Would you please contribute to its description so that we can fix it quick ?
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Make it 10 bucks.
It is lacking core features.
Ability to burn / convert DVDs (requires CopyToDVD and ConvertXToDVD). Don't do that. That's just plain BAD BUSINESS on the customer. If you offer the feature, include EVERYTHING in the software that is needed, but don't tell the buyer to ease off to another website and by add-ons to make your stuff to work. It's like buying a car and you get told, "but the engine you ned to by somwhere else". That's ripping off customers.
Make the GUI look a little more modern perhaps, because people get better looking apps for free these days and appps that can do more and apps that do what they say without having to buy add-ons.
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You can never have too many video editors, so give this one a chance. I think VirtualDub has more extensive functionality overall than this one, but VirtualDub is limited to AVI files only (or MPEG with the modified version), and it can be a little non-intuitive. Windows Live Movie Maker will handle basics like trimming and appending, and even rotating, but I don't particularly like its user interface (where's the timeline?).
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Running Win 7 Ultimate 32 bit SP1
Downloaded, installed & activated easily (Thumbs up)
Program is very basic, not easily operated & needs fiddling around a bit. As it says, it only works with .avi files, in splitting, there is no joining, no conversion and it will not repair damaged avi media. I think the developer should try to include other features like those I mentioned above to really merit the Toolbox name.
All in all, it is not a bad program, thank you GOTD & KC softwares...
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I've tried many of these tools, looking for the ultimate simple video splitter tool-one that can handle any format. This is not it-the first AVI I chose (picked at random, not HD, nothing usual) it failed to load with this error:
FileOpen failed. Err: $80044066 (C:\Mes programmes\Delphi\AVIToolbox\U_AVIExtractor.pas, ligne 140)
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While I agree that there is not always productive or valuable software found here, I check the site every day and am surprised at the amount of criticism. If you think you can do better, write the code and we'll check it out. If not, shut up and just give a review that's worth reading. Yes, there are other 'alternatives' to almost anything out there - some just personal preference. I use Windows Live Movie Maker 2012 and it is a very strong contender (and FREE)....but offered software today made it very easy to cut out and re-edit an old movie that I had - quick, simple, and effective. I'll keep it as a backup - thanks GOATD.
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"Ahh, I sense a disturbance in the Force" - wish everyone would just relax bit more. Thanks you Giveaway of the Day team, thanks too to developers...'nuff said.
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In defense of any developer featured here I applaud your tenacity in putting your creations (children) up for a chance for consumers to have a go at it. Please take all criticism with a grain of salt if it isn't constructive or informative. Sometimes the GAOTD crowd can be brutish and rather uncouth to say the least, but there are some here who appreciate your giving us a chance even if we remain silent. I personally have found numerous offerings here that were just what I needed even if I didn't know it at the time. I am familiar with the video inspector product you have and it worked as advertised and I have no qualms about trying this offering. I have similar programs that provide essentially the same functions as AVIToolbox, but I am always willing to give another program a tryout to see if maybe it uses less resources or has a smaller footprint. It seems much of today's "box" software is bloated well beyond it's original intended use. Regardless of the negativity faced sometimes, I ask you to please keep striving for what you see as a good product at a fair price. Again Thank You.
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Thanks to KC Softwares + GOTD.
Tested it and easily cut out a portion of an AVI video to save under a different file name.
It does what it says.
The GUI is simple. Simple is good. No need to read manual.
You intuitively know how to use it.
The slider, "Beginning", "End" and "Save" icons are self-explanatory.
If you need more precise control use the Navigation menu to move by number of frames forward or backward.
You can extract audio and picture from the video.
The "Extract Audio" functions with some AVI files and fails to do so with other AVI files.
The "Extract Picture" performs flawlessly to BMP or JPG.
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Good freeware alternative:
Iwisoft Free Video Converter
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Found the software as useful as the forum
Have reverted to the freeware AviSplit Classic 1.43
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It's ridiculous that anyone would try to sell this when it doesn't offer nearly as much as the free VirtualDub.
There's no input and output preview windows, only a single window.
Fine tuning must be done through the menu.
Absolutely no sign of filters or compression settings.
The title text of the file is not displayed properly; the top is cut off. The program title is also overlapping part of itself.
From what I can tell this is only good for extracting audio or pieces of video files, and even then VirtualDub is a better program for that.
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Probs for me included No idea if the codecs sites it pointed to would not intro bugs onto my computer... Bin doing vids for years and .avi's too. Still can't get the programme to operate after successful install.
If you have Codec solution that you can stake your reputation on please post... I'm willing to give this software a try but apparently there doesn't appear to be any search ability to find or seek codecs i already have on my computer Suggestions???
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I like that you list freeware alternatives. If my computer crashes, then I can't continue to use the GAOTD version - so knowing freeware versions helps me if I need them.
I think your comment with nonsense and Mr Knowitall are harsh. In reality, you told us nothing of value - maynak00 did ... yet you criticise him for saying nothing of value.
If it counts, I have had problems with this giveaway too. I got the “Check Video Codecs” error.
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Program looks like it came from the 'old' XP era. It doesn't have any play/pause/stop functions. It doesn't show several of my own .AVI's that play just fine in VLC & Windows Media player, even though the file seems to load. Drag & drop does work but that's about all. The editing functions are rather 'crude'. Definite "thumbs down" from me!
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@Naked Princess Harry
- Software is maintained and corrective/improvement updates are released frequently
- We now that our current web site is ugly and outdated but we are CURRENTLY redesign it completely based on Twitter's Boostrap CSS and templates. It will looks like the new "SUMo" start page (if you don't know SUMo, look at the recommendation associated to this GA... it is worth a try)
KC Softwares Developper
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Not a bad price for this type of tool but, a generalized statement that it "supports common video files" is insufficient in my opinion. List the file types it supports.
Other than the above, those complaining about the features, or should I say the lack thereof, take another look at the price; $14.99. I mean, please, get real. Yeah, there are free alternatives but, as a software vendor myself who spends hours and hours testing software before I offer it on my website, I can assure you there are drawbacks to free versions of any software. Spam, ads or something comes with it. Guaranteed!
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@ Graylox #10 - Many Thanks to GAOTD and KC Software for today's offering. Without installing this product I can sense it does have awesome potential.
One would definitely agree with you since software creators spend much money and MANY countless hours to attempt to gain recognition and acquire some very practical feedback about ways to improve the vendors products.
Hence I LOVE the name of the program even if it does or doesn't do everything it says. I give my hats off to the vendors for bringing about new products in an ever fast paced changing technology arena.
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