Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
AudioGrail 7.4.0 was available as a giveaway on May 25, 2015!
AudioGrail (Formerly K-MP3) is the best solution to work with audiofiles, such as MP3, OGG, MPC etc. Rename and tag your files (add artist name, album, title etc.) automatically. The program can organize files on your system, analyse their quality, find duplicates, and improve your audio experience.
Windows NT/ 98/ Me/ 2000/ XP/ 2003/ Vista/ 2008/ 7/ 8
9.21 MB
SUMo (Software Update Monitor) keeps your PC up-to-date & safe by using the most recent version of your favorite software! Unlike built-in auto update features, SUMo tells you if updates are available before you need to use your software.
KCleaner is designed to be the most efficient Hard Disk cleaner, tracking every useless byte in order to give you all the ressources you may need for your documents, music, pictures, movies.
VideoInspector is a tool designed to provide you with as much information as possible about your video files. With VideoInspector you will know why your video files have no sound or refuse to play correctly.
Zer0 is a user friendly file deletion tool with a high level of security. With Zer0, you will be able to delete files and prevent file recovery by a 3rd person. So far, no user reports an efficient method to recover a file deleted by Zer0.
Never mind -- elsewhere on their web site, I found comparison of:
Free / Full - Expert
All Tools / All Tools
30 files limit / No limit
Tech Support / Premium Tech Support
You might think adding such comparisons of free versus Giveaway version to future Giveaway pages.
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(a) What's the difference between this and the one on their web site?
(b) Their web site version choked on ONE of 6,000 files and came up empty
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is there a portable version of this?
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I downloaded this program because Quality Analyser sounded promising, but unfortunately it's not what I was hoping for (a tool to verify that FLAC, or other lossless files, are not transcoded from lossy format files). I'll check out the rest of the program, maybe there's something useful there...
Thanks for the giveaway!
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The same version is available as freeware on numerous sites, so what makes the offer here so special?
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Not proposed as freeware anywhere (except for exceptionnal, version-limited Giveaways)
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So, again, what makes the version offered here today different from the easily-available freeware version?
GAOTD offers something special each day, such as paid software for free, or extra features (Pro vs Free), and there's nothing to say what makes today's different, which is why I'm asking. Maybe it was just omitted from the description on the opening page, but whatever the reason, it's legit to ask. Kyle is posting on behalf of the software publisher, so it makes sense to ask him.
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I cannot get this to install. I tried 5 times, but it won't move past the GAOTD check to see if it is still valid. I keept getting an Unexpected error code 0072
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@"Eugene Bolton" : Please contact KC Softwares tech support for assistance & troubleshooting : support [AT] kcsoftwares.com
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Try "GOATD" I had same problem till I realized the mixed up the letters...
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I paid for this back in Feb 2010.
May 9 2010 I reported two problems.
As the months passed I received responses like
"Sorry, i haven't progressed on this issue since inital bug report. However, this looks like an obvious design flaw on my side."
"sorry, you're right i have to urgently work on this."
On June 14 2014 I EMailed them "Never mind ... this has turned into too big a pain. ... After 2 years I give up."
That same day I received "The following issue has been ASSIGNED. http://www.kcsoftwares.com/bugs/view.php?id=1603"
The bug is STILL open and no further communications.
I regret paying them for this product.
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Investigation is not easy in this case. But i won't give up !
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Dual-boot here - Installed & registered without incident on both of my physical partitions (Win8.1.3 & Win 10 Build 10122) and seems to work, but I don't have the time necessary to scan 20+ TB of hard drives, will work with the program through-out today, if anything to report or any suggests - I know what to do! HAGD
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Can this recod off the sounscrad? Thank
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Nothing can recod off the sounscrad. It just can't be done.
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I tried using Lister but have questions.
Is there a way to add additional tags to the output?
When creating a .CSV file, can you change the separator from a semi colon to a comma? (as in .CSV = COMMA separated value)
When I open the file in Excel, all fields are in column A - I have to rename the file to .TXT in order to import and then change the default separator to semi colon. Or, load it into notepad and change all occurrences of ; to , Kind of minor, but extra steps to take.
There are no separators when creating the output file in .TXT
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Looking into the issue of opening semi-colon .CSV files in US Excel, I found that if the first line of the file is
double clicking on the .CSV file opens with all fields separated.
If you use ^ as a separator, the line would look like:
And it works just as well.
BTW - The lister function has a typo. It's COMMA not COMA
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To open the default, semi-colon separated, output .csv file in Windows 8.1, you can change the default list separator.
How to change the list separator
Windows 8.1
Open the Control Panel
click on Clock, Language, and Region
click on Region
click on Advanced Settings.... (lower right of the window)
click on Numbers if not already selected
change List Separator value to ; (or whatever you want)
click OK
click OK
Exit control panel
O-Best solution for this software would be to add the sep=; on the first line of the output file.
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I don't care if a program doesn't have a street address.
What I worry about is where is Giovanni? I miss him and hope he is well.
Meanwhile, Jahid is doing a noble job. Thanks, Jahid.
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On the web site: "Internationalization support." From the screenshot taken by Karl, it seems internationalization is limited to the UI. Apparently, the program does not support Unicode (25 year old) or it is badly implemented. With this kind of failure, you might end up with file names like "??????.???" (although the "?" is illegal for file names, Windows is able to save such files; sometimes, it is impossible to delete/rename them while running Windows) if you rename files using tags.
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whois for kcsoftwares.com
Tech Name: PLAIGNAUD Damien
Tech Organization: KC SOFTWARES SAS
Tech Street: Chemin de traverse du Bouet
Tech State/Province:
Tech Postal Code: 31190
Tech Country: FR
Tech Phone: +33.676125826
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Quite a few repliers take issue with Karl and others when they state that a vendor/website has no address, indicating that they have found said information through other channels. In clarification of Karl's statement(s), Current [European] law (as of 18 May 2012) on E-commerce Site Information Disclosure stipulates basic information that must be provided under the Regulations, among which is the individual's name, a valid email address, and "...the geographic address at which the service provider is established..." That the information might be available resulting from a "WHOIS" search doesn't satisfy the requirement for this information to be included on the website.
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Can anyone explain why it is so important to know whether the address is of the physical location? I understand there is a law but what does it really matter in the real world? It is the first sentence of every single review "Karl" posts.
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Installed fine (just remember that the username is GOATD not GAOTD).
Nice try, but just not user-friendly enough and the interface is dated.
Not a keeper.
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What do you mean by "A company without name and address" ? It has a name (KC Softwares) and an address (www.kcsoftwares.com)
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What he meant is a real-world address with street name, not an internet address.
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It has one !
Located near Toulouse, France.
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"near Toulouse, France" would not be enough to find them or contact them by post. Saying they do not have an address is not a derogatory statement, it just that some people prefer to get software from companies that "exist as corporate entities"
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@ the folks who click on 'No' re. the usefulness of this comment:
It's silly to disqualify a legitimate question.
So thanks Coo Daddy for your serious answer.
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KC Softwares SAS, Chemin de traverse du Bouet, AUTERIVE 31190 FR
Phone: +33.676125826
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Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1.3 Pro 64 bit system. A clean install.
A company without name and address:
"We develop and distribute user-friendly software
designed to ease your computer life"
We had had a previous AudioGrail 7.2 on February 9, 2014. Here are the old reviews:
A only to full size resizable window opens. In the settings you can switch language, define the freedb server for the tag info, register file association and some more.
The software claims to be a Swiss knife for audio tasks. I know Swiss knifes. They work...
You add your files and you have numerous possibilities on the right side, from play over detect double files to search in the online database. This makes some problems with the predefined address:
The "quality analyzer" shows:
For the "burn" you have to download a separate software:
Hmmm, what to say? It can be useful, if you don't have any audio software for tagging, renaming or creating a playlist. In the crowded field of managing software audio files, this has a simple interface. Maybe you like it because of the simplicity.
Uninstalled via reboot. Don't need this.
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We have received earlier versions of this software before. If you miss out on this check out these free and portable alternatives...
Thank you GOTD team and KC Softwares.
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Besides MusicBee and MediaMonkey also want to mention
MP3TAG and
* TAGSCANNER Both are Powerful and easy to use Tag Editor of several audio formats with batch functions and capable to rename files based on tag information , import/export tag information, create playlist with ability to export playlists to HTML or Excel. and also It can access online database for gathering proper tag information for selected CDs or Files.
Infact 'AUDIOGRAIL' is also a decent Audio/MP3 Managing program having features such as Tag Editor , incomplete tag finder, jukebox tool, search box, quality analyzer (e.g. bitrate) , transfer of audio files from the USB to the PC, generation of playlist with all the current files, finding duplicate files in an album in order to erase them and keep the originals only.
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