Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
AthTek DigiBand was available as a giveaway on July 4, 2013!
AthTek DigiBand is an intelligent music program which can automatically improvise an accompaniment to existing audio file or even humming. It can also be used as music composition software and you will be able to create music by one click. It enables user to quickly write a song for singing or playing. There are direct guides for music composition and accompaniment, so even novice can easily use it to make original music.
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8; 1GHz Intel/AMD processor or above; 512 MB RAM; 100MB space for installation
57.7 MB
AthTek Free Voice Changer is a handy audio tool for Windows users. It has a very clean interface without any exaggerated color and overstated features. It clearly lists 4 steps for you to obtain the sound effects you want.
Skype Voice Changer is a funny Windows application for Skype users. It can change your voice pitch to be male voice or female voice flexibly, and sync the changed voice in Skype call. It supports to send funny sound emotions to the contacts.
AthTek Skype Recorder is widely used by many individual consumers and enterprises. It concentrates on providing high-quality Skype recording services in both audio and video formats. It can record both sides of a Skype call automatically and save the recordings as MP3, WMA, OGG, FLAC and/or AVI files.
IP - MAC Scanner is quite smart program for both business and private use. It enables to scan IP address and scan MAC address quickly. As the best IP scanner, it supports to fast scan IP from both distributive and DHCP addresses. IP – MAC Scanner also supports to analyze the scanning results to track unknown clients.
Registrycleaner is developed for PC users to clean registry and prevent system crashes. It integrates advantages of many other best registry cleanup tools and has been awarded as ‘Recommended Registry Cleaner’ by many PC users. You can take this registry cleanup tool as a servant of your PC. It will help you completely remove registry errors and greatly boost the running speed of your PC. It can work on both 32bit and 64bit systems.
Synthfont is nothing like this. I use synthfont myself. The purpose of Synthfont is to load say midi files and play them back using various sound fonts. There are some editing capabilities in Synthfont, but nothing to compare with the music generation or autoaccompaniment offered by this pretty unique software. Synthfont is not freeware either as far as I know, certainly I've seen the odd nag screen.
For those complaining about sound quality, the program uses sound fonts. Just like getting a nicer text font improves the appearance of text, a good soundfont is the same principle. Get another soundfont off the web, and there are thousands of free ones aswell as some very expensive ones, and the generated midi file by digiband will be played back through your new soundfont. The default one supplied perhaps is small, or basic just to get you started. I'm not sure yet whether digiband can use a different soundfont for each track, but if not, then the exported midi file could then be loaded into synthfont and have say a specific drum soundfont for the drum track, a fender guitar soundfont for the guitar track etc.
As for not being happy with the results song wise, that is a subjective area. You might think a song depressing, which someone else enjoys. I don't think the software makes any guarantees as regards song quality. It would be pretty special software indeed which could take some input of preferences and generate a song that you would be guaranteed to like!
Looking at the comments, many of the negative ones, other than installation and license points, seem to be as a result of not understanding what midi files and soundfonts are.
This is pretty unique software, and a great source of inspiration. You probably won't get a hit out of it straightaway, but you might hear a musical phrase that stands out to you which you can develop.
I'm nothing at all to do with Athtek, but I really love this and will use it regularly. With the now unexpiring license it is even better, but I might upgrade to future releases anyway. Well done Athtek
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@L S
Thank you for the suggestions! We will definitely consider that in the following updates.
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Was very interested in this program. Downloaded onto XP Service Pack 3, will not open, crashes first. :-(
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We will definitely add Native American Flute in the following updates. Thanks for suggestion.
The url to request the key was given in a txt file you downloaded from GOTD. Thanks.
System crash?
Please try to change your voice input settings and you will be able to record your voice.
@Steffo @tomcat
It's the online registration verification system which requires an internet connection. We feel sorry for this but it is an effective way to avoid illegal registrations.
We will definitely support more audio formats in the following updates. Thanks for your suggestion.
@bill smith
It's in accompaniment guide.
What is BLUE COAT?
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Tom (#89) thank you so much for the key generating page. I also am using Win 7 64 bit, and got the same frustration. Don't know how you figured it out, but am very thankful just the same. Good luck to you.
And thank you to AthTek for a singular program. I suspect it will be a lot of fun.
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the Program downloaded fine and setup without any problems
It has also been Activated without a Problem.
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I am running Win 7 Ultimate and it's been fairly well maintained.
But I'm got the "No disk in drive" message first time I tried to run the program. So uninstalled, and, at the advice posted here by AthTek, cleaned the registry. Used Glary Utilities. Rebooted. Re-installed. Same message. Uninstalled w/ Smarty Uninstaller. Deleted shortcut on desktop. Cleaned registry w/ another program. Rebooted, re-installed. Same message. Uninstalled w/ Your Installer. Deleted Shortcut. Downloaded and installed AthTek's registry cleaner. It claimed to have found thousands of problems but wants $30 to fix them!
Ran Win Utilities reg cleaner instead. Rebooted, re-installed DigiBand once more. Same problem.
I have never had this problem before -- except with AthTek's Voice Changer, which I have now uninstalled. Looks like some pretty buggy products from AthTek. I see that not everyone has had this problem, but many have -- far many more than have ever reported this many problems or incidences of problems in the 3 years or so I have been on GAOTD.
I've spent way too much time
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Steven O wrote:
"Can't seem to get it to accept the key from the vendor page."
Athtek replied:
"Please check it as follow:
1. there is no extra blank space when you paste the key to the registration field.
2. there is no letter missing when you paste the key to the registration field.
3. the key is case sensitive."
Please check it as follows:
1. BE SURE there is no extra blank space when you paste the key into the registration field.
2. BE SURE there is no letter missing when you paste the key to the registration field.
3. REMEMBER, the key is case sensitive.
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I would REALLY, REALLY like to know how to get rid of the glitch of "No Disc." Any help here???
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This is really fun software. Easy to install on WinXP and to get the key. It seems very intuitive and easy to use. I was able to quickly create a composition and output to a .wav file.
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Overall a nice little program. Seems to do a good job adding accompaniment tracks to midi files. The composition feature is nice also.
Some suggestions:
Give it the ability to resize the Accompaniment window. It’s too long for my 1280 x 1024 monitor and does not fit. Or at least make it smaller.
The letter E in Emotion is cut off by the Scale\Major down button in the Accompaniment window. It’s too close to the box.
Abbreviations like Instru. group and Instru. name are incorrect and should maybe go something like this, Inst. Group and Inst. Name.
Make the R key a hotkey, so that when pressed it records.
Make the W key a hotkey, so that when pressed it rewinds the song.
Very important: After you Import a midi file, have the program remember the last folder location. It takes me about ten clicks every time I want to Import a midi file.
Add an Edit menu with, at the very least:
Control Z = Undo. (Preferably with multiple Undo’s.)
Control + Z = Redo
And the ability to use those key combinations on the keyboard.
Add shading, lighting, etc., to buttons and bars. Spice it up some. It is very ancient looking and not pleasant to look at, although useful and fun. Check out Reaper and others for an example.
In the Program Files install folder, rename the folders to something like Icons, Data, SF2 or Soundfont, etc. There are too many abbreviations and no reason not to include capital letters. It looks unprofessional.
Give it the ability to right click items.
Within the Track window, the Mute button makes the notes disappear with no way to UnMute and no way to get them back. It shouldn’t.
Generally speaking, this program needs some more work. These are only a few suggestions and certainly not a complete list.
Thanks for the program and have a great day!
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Congratulations to any of those who have gotten this to run successfully.
Being active in music production, I was very interested and intrigued, but all the errors are way too much. Actually it won't even run now, it only re-boots the system. But prior to that it gets the "Windows - No Disk" error over and ever, as much as 200 times. Then it re-boots, and everything seems to slow way down after that. This is on XP Pro SP3.
If there's a solution I would gladly try it, but if not then that's a bug the developer really needs to resolve before distributing this program. And in the meantime, for me, it will be 'thumbs-down' and eliminated. I'd recommend doing a Registry Backup before installing this the first time, if you haven't installed it already.
As for "phoning home" each time, that's a problem too, but one can usually remedy that. However I haven't gotten far enough to be concerned with that so far.
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@82 Stefan.
You're the expert, apparently. Please explain your comment.
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Well I haven't seen this on here. I almost never have an issue with download and installation, but this never got opened after instal. Continuous error message about "There is no disk in tray" something to that effect. Had to use the task manager to even close the error window. Uninstalled and reinstalled twice, to no avail.
In subsequent installs it kept giving me error messages trying to overwrite. Vista 32bit, too bad I was looking forward to trying this out.
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This is brilliant! Lots of fun, easy to use and it actually generates tunes that are pleasing to listen to. THANKS for a fun program. Great for putting a soundtrack on little bits of video ect.
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Getting a "there is no disc in drive" error - if you click on the error enough times (about 7) it will go away - not sure if I want to deal with that everytime I want to open it. How can you suggest running a reg repair program when it corrects itself after the continuous clicking? Have installed and uninstalled twice still get the disc error but managed to register after getting rid of the disc error nag screen. I'm running Win7 64bit - Looks like a fun program though, I'll hold off on an uninstall to see if the disc error screen problem can be answered without messing with my registry before the end of the giveaway. Tx anyway :-)
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@#95. Myself! Of course I found the solution to my problem "no mic recording" just as I have posted my complaints. Control Panel/Sound and Audio Devices/Voice/Default Device/"Samson" (in my case)
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downloaded, went to website, and every link I've tried took me to a purchase area or download a trial. Where am I missing this form at?
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Nice program, something to play with on a rainy day. Unfortunately I have the same problem as some others: the program does not find my microphone (Samson USB mic). May I suggest that you compare with Audacity's interface where one can choose input device. Please include this possibility in a future version. The compositions sometimes are quite good. Complaining about the sound quality I find strange, I guess the idea is to play the music on real instruments once you are happy with a melody. What about a lyrics generator ;>
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BLUE COAT web protection marks the registration page as suspicious. Any other way I can get the key? Otherwise I'll have to pass
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Good program!, I would like to be able to edit notes though
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By the way... why is ath tek registry cleaner suspected by ad-aware as trojan?
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What's with the constant call home?
The program works great but my firewall is screaming... program creates amazing patterns but the call home is enough to call AthTek a sub of the NSA...
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@Fallen The readme terms and conditions states
Please note that the software you download and install during the Giveaway period comes with the following important limitations:
3) Strictly non-commercial usage
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Wait . . . I'm an idiot.
To generate a key: http://www.athtek.com/digiband/gotdkey.php
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So how do you record there seems to be no input choice and I can record no prob with my other programmes and it a usb Mic
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Installed on Win 7 64, but never directed to register. Only option is to purchase.
"2. You will be asked to generate the key on our website AthTek.com."
No, I wasn't. How do I generate a key?
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A question and a couple of suggestions for the developers.
So, why does the program want to connect to the web every time it starts? And how can one stop it from doing so?
I’d suggest that the program should also accept input as wav, because many users already have recordings of themselves thru mike in that format. In fact, MP3 would be desirable, but there may be license fees attached. To bypass these, the user could be asked to install Lame himself, rather like in the case of Audacity.
Also, if I don’t want to save the result in the program’s default folder, I seem to have to change the destination every time. Is there a way to set it in the preferences? If not, I suggest it be added.
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It crashed Explorer.exe and later a lot of other items in Windows XP SP3 + all updates until today. Newly installed XP. Everything else work just fine, but NOT todays giveaway.
And to You who thumbs down that i complain about a needed internetconnection should rethink, a software should not need an internetconnection after registration to accept the key. What do the software send for data exactly ? I don't trust software that demand an active connection more than when it is activated.
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Installed fine on Windows 7 64 bit. Looks very interesting. I guess it will be a lot of fun. Generated some tunes with the composition guide and they are guite good. Unfortunately accompaning a recorded song did not work. I can start recording a song ("Sing a song") but never leave that diaolog any more. The "Ok" button simply doesn't work. (While all the others including "Play" and "Record" do). So the most interesting feature did not work and I have not found a way to import one's own recordings.
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Windows 7, i7, 64 bit: Installation, registration and launching the program were problem-free.
Cool program! I often need background music for videos and slide shows and get tired of mucking in Jamendo. This gives me another source of tunes that won't be zapped by the YouTube music filters
The program is intuitive and, besides offering a lot of emotion options, click on an instument's icon and you'll see all the options offered for it. Add tracks and you can create a rich mixture of sounds. Just for fun, I created an all-guitar piece using all the guitar options. I created a tune then changed emotions, changed instruments, changed bpms, changed what I could change and had no problems doing any of it.
Thank you GAOTD! This is a really useful program - especially for those of us with few or no "music genes".
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@71 REGEISTRYCLEANERS DO MORE HARM THAN GOOD ! Don't recommend something YOU KNOW can render Windows UNUSABLE !
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Too poor internetconnection is needed every start, else it would be a cool software. Now i give it thums down !
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Downloaded and installed fine on Win7. Nice program - I was impressed with the feel/mix of the random compositions around an emotion and mix style.
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It crashed setting an 'emotion' and now it won't load at all. It gets to 77% and then just vanishes.
Bit disappointing really as I wanted to give it a good try out as I love this sort of program.
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Got home gave it a try, and it seems like a really good program. With midi export, the possabilities become virtually limitless. Haven't tried the accompaniment option yet, but this can give inspiration.
Thank You AthTek & GAOD!!
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After installation, it did not give a form for product key and the program stays unregistered. Where do I go to get the product key?
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FANTASTIC! I play Native American Flute. Now I no longer have to be accompanied by guitar players who don't have a clue. I can do it at home with this program that doesn't have a clue.
Amazing program, but definitely not for Native American Flute.
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I rarely try programs from here but as a musician i couldn't resist trying this one. Easy Set up and registration. Set it going on automatic then played with a few settings and got some interesting results. This is a fun program to play with, i suspect even better results are possible once the options become more familiar. Definitely a winner.
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Installed on Win 7 64bit. Got Key from the web site. No problems for installation nor for registering.
Nice program. Very easy to use, even for dummies (in music issues, like myself)
Thanks GAOTD
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I will recommend you to clean and repair your Windows registry, then try to reinstall AthTek DigiBand to your computer.
If you don’t have a registry cleaner, I will recommend you to use AthTek Registry Cleaner.
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Not my usual download, I am not musical, although I love music. This is great fun to play with. It is truly fun with no need for music knowledge to play with it on a fun level. I probably would never buy such a program, but for what it is, the 49.95 price tag seems reasonable. Thanks to the developer and GAOTD to give me a new toy to play with, thumbs up!!
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Bad installation or program error. Cannot run program and must force close to make the error message stop when it ignores clicking on any of the buttons: cancel, try again, or continue.
DigiBane.exe - No Disc
See screen-shot: http://my.jetscreenshot.com/460/20130704-twif-16kb
I am running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Thank you anyway GOTD.
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It installed but there is no form to fill out for registration as stated by the vendor. Whats up?
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I'm having the same issue several others have reported, about there being no disk in the drive. Can't cancel, continue or retry, but by continually attempting to close (X in the upper right corner) the program eventually will run. But that's been frustrating enough that I'm probably just going to uninstall. Was going to recommend it to some musician friends to try but won't if it works this poorly. Win 7 Home Premium, 64 bit, installed via admin account.
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@filkertom that ChordPulse looks really cool and easy to use, thanks for the link.
Thanks GAOTD - looks like nice app, and thank you AthTek Software.
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Installed clean and registration went without any issue.
On the face of it, this looks a worthy and unique software. I will surely use this, at least to enjoy the effects.
Thanks, GAOTD.
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We are preparing some sound samples. Hopefully to be available on our site within 24 hours.
@Mikie markwick & @Pete
It seems there is a compatible problem to some of Windows 8 64bit systems. We will check it and hope to provide a solution ASAP.
@LA #41
Thank you for reminding me. I should paste the coupon code in my first comment here: ADJ-YIBR-EXC. With this coupon you can save 20% from the regular price.
And to your second question: yes, we can transfer your license to a new computer (3 times per year) if you have delete AthTek DigiBand on the old computer.
Why not let us know the url to your video? :)
I will recommend you to clean and repair your Windows registry, then try to reinstall AthTek DigiBand to your computer.
If you don't have a registry cleaner, I will recommend you to use AthTek Registry Cleaner.
Also you should login Windows with an administrator account, not a guest account.
I think there should be no limitations in using the music you created by AthTek DigiBand. It just creates melodies randomly. There is still possible that the created melody is similar to exsiting music. I think you'd better to make an announcement to all your created music.
@M.I. Summerset
It supports to import music file in midi, vsqx (Vocaloid3, format of Hatsune Miku), ust (format of UTAU) and nn file formats.
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Cute little program. Potentially useful, especially with the MIDI export. (I, too, have the "no disk in drive" problem -- click "cancel" about 20 times, and you get to the actual program.)
On the other hand, having been a user of Band In A Box and various similar programs for many years, I actually can provide a freebie Giovanni didn't know about!
ChordPulse ( http://www.chordpulse.com/info.html ) is an inexpensive and nifty program that lets you input or menu-select chord progressions (up to several pages worth), generate auto-accompaniment, and export it to MIDI. The main program is $24.95; there's also a free version ( http://www.chordpulse.com/lite.html ) which has fewer musical styles and chord types.
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downloaded and installed....
when installation finished,
a little box popped up that
read "DigiBand.exe - No Disk
There is no disk in the drive.
Please insert a disk into drive\
Task manager could not stop it...
had to reboot...
when I clicked on the icon on
desktop, the error message came
up again...
going to uninstall and try again...
if you can offer any suggestions,
I will appreciate it..
OS: Windows 7 - 64 bit
thanks Karen
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