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Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 5 was available as a giveaway on November 4, 2014!
The Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 5 is the intelligent tool for that certain something in your photos! All functions are clearly arranged and easily accessible. A long search for your desired function or favorite effect is a thing of the past! Those functions and effects can now be accessed instantly, as the program allows you to integrate up to 6 of your favorite functions directly within the user interface to keep them handy anytime.
This allows you to achieve amazing results right from the start. Add brilliance and refinement to your pictures in just a few clicks!
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8; 1 GB RAM or more, hard disk space 75 MB; CPU: 1500 MHz (or higher) x86/x64 CPU; Microsoft .Net 4.0 Framework
53.6 MB
Better-structured, more powerful and more efficient - Put the fun back into image processing with Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 6! Special upgrade price for GOTD users from within Photo Optimizer 5: $11.99 instead of $14.99 (regular price).
Hi, I already have Photo Optimizer5 v.( (0857), I belive it was an upgrade from 4 I bought. On today's page of Ashampoo site it appears that this Photo Optimizer5 has version 5.7.0.. Could it be special GOTD build, or something that followed my (mentioned above) version, thus already more advanced? It might be worth checking if today's version is also 'eligible for an upgrade to 6 for a fraction of it's price (that is $5.99) should anyone fancy something more up to date with added features.
Ashampoo must be by now mamma of all pet hates!:) for it's heavy and steady mailing flow. I learned how to ignore majority of it by deleting these e-mails directly from server and not letting them into my inbox if I'm not interested. However account there has it's merits, as it keeps all reg keys of their Software bought or given for free (like GOTD for instance) in case anything gets lost, and to take advantage of cheep upgrades for members.
Photo Optimizer is (can be) one of handy Tools. It needs improvements that other similar Programs already have and often for free. Saving pictures, even under different names is still 'messy', it doesn't need imho to ask (and confuse user) if original needs to be backed up as well.., why, if it's not bulk saving and pic has different name?? Another Feature that adds to it's lack of intuition is Framing, where bigger pics don't fit in frames at all and nothing can be manipulated even manually, that's bad news!:( Having said that - everyone will no doubt find something in it worth keeping.
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One of the things, I mainly find fault with is when you register devices or software, is the info they say is required.
For security reasons, unless the software is for monitoring credit or identity theft issues, do they have a need for your DOB. Name, email address, verification of said email, perhaps address, if it is a physical device such as PC, tablet or printer. As for DOB, asking for an age group would be a better choice.
BTW my laptop came with Adobe Elements so lol I have no need for this.
I will say however that I never encountered problems with Ashampoo products, in the past.
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For some reason , Photoscape, one of the nicest, freeware programs almost never gets mentioned as an alternative for many of the image manipulating, adjusting programs offered here.
Check out Photoscape. http://www.photoscape.org/ps/main/index.php
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@Serge #12
What difference did you expect, when you first opened the program, and why?
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You have to press the optimize button first before you see the differences.
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Does anyone know whether this program has a color restoration feature? My Epson scanner has this and its works great when you are doing a scan, but I haven't found anything that will work on an existing jpeg.
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I already have Ashampoo's Photo Commander 11. I was wondering if somebody could tell me if this program does anything that Photo Commander 11 does not do? Thanks for any replies in advance.
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When you first open the program, it shows you a before/after sample picture. IMHO I can't tell a difference! Lol.
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@2 Thanks to xp-man for the best tip of the week on 10 minute mail!
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Irfan View can do all this and more; available at Giovanni's favorite price, "Dudes".
Hope over to: http://www.irfanview.com/main_download_engl.htm
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Can anyone provide a comparison between this product and Google Picasa? Seem to be pretty much the same thing.
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To the publisher/developer -> In future versions, please remove the social menu (http://i.imgur.com/RnsZWVV.jpg) from the interface. In the screenshots provided on the product page, this graphic is using 41 pixels of the 913 vertical pixels...that is just under 5% of the vertical screen real estate. I'd rather use this space viewing my images and the tools to manipulate them rather than the link to Facebook and Picasa and your awesome product graphic. But trust me, I know what program I am running when I have it open!
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#1 Karl a good camera depends on the use you will make, I'm a Canon brand user, (Canon EOS Rebel XT 350 is a Classic) and Canon Powershot SX20is for daily use photography). For glamour you have to play with the Av (Aperture) and Tv (Time Value) to give the glamour effects, other software like Tiffen and OnOne Perfect PhotoSuite will give you a lot of filters to make a glamour effects.
I hope this will help you
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As stated, this program uses software from the freeimage project.
You can download from this side a newer version of FreeImage.dll (3.16 from March 2014).
It also provides better support for RAW, JPEG-2000, BMP, SGI, ICO, PSD, TIFF, TGA, GIF formats, as well as enhanced functions for JPEG lossless transformations. The rescale function is also slightly improved.
You'll find it in the Dist directory:
In a short test, I replaced the older Ashampoo version with this new version. The program accepts the change and works with the new .DLL version. I could see no problems, but also no direct visible improvement.
Rename and keep the old FreeImage.dll in case of problems.
Test it!
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Pretty decent app today designed to improve the quality of your pics.
So with this tool you can rotate or crop your photos, adjust the color levels, remove the red eye effect, as well as
apply several effects like blur, sharpen, reduce noise, sepia and grayscale.
Good for noobs or for the average Joe users out there!!!
If you want more functions you can switch to OS/freeware tools like GIMP or....
http://www.photopos.com/Photo-Pos-Pro_Photo-Editor-Key-Features.asp (Ad supported app)
My 2 cents for today's giveaway!! ^_^
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Features like removing red eyes, straightening horizon, cropping and watermarking work well enough. Automatic optimization is acceptable, but can't do much with seriously problematic images. Manual colour correction tool is basic. Noise reduction is no match for high ISO photos.
Saving edited jpg as tiff doesn't preserve the metadata, saving as png does. Saving in 16-bit depth is not supported, but this wasn't really expected.
The interface could be less clumsy and more informative.
The program works, but there is nothing sensational here. Everything it does (and much more) can be done with a simple image viewer like IrfanView, not to mention advanced free editors, that all can do some 'one click' corrections.
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For those of you who wish to take advantage of today's offer and not get spammed the following link to a 10 min e-mail service may be useful:-
Off topic
Regarding yesterday's requests regarding a search program will post shortly on GAOD Forum under "FileSearchy Pro 1.3” a topic kindly created by harpo2448
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Installed and registered the Ashampoo way on a Win 8.1.2 Pro 64 bit system. A photo tool from the Ashampoo world, a German company with name, address, phone&fax an a real picture of their office building.
After installation it tells, that a premium version 6 is available.
The Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 5 is the intelligent tool for that certain something in your photos!
I always searched for that certain something. Let's see, whether Ashampoo can help me in finding this certain something...
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No, I didn't do that and I received immediately my key.
In the "about" Ashampoo tells, that this program uses software from:
That's good and should always be stated by other companies, if they are using other software. In nearly all cases, they forget to mention...
The program is from January 2014 - for Ashampoo a rather new one.
A well structured dark interface opens. The main focus is on the image with the optimized/non optimized slider.
On the right side you can cut, rotate, mirror, ... the pictures. With the effects you can sharpen, change color, reduce noise and "outline" the image. You can export it to facebook or picase, but you cannot define a new picture hoster.
In the settings you can select the language, from Belurussian over Arabic to Catalan and the folder for the backup.
The program works in an easy and understandable way. The settings for the "optimization" are good and not to aggressive. The do not boost colors (at least in my case).
A photo optimizer, simple to use and all needed functions. One of the better ones, really! But, what a pitty - it didn't give me that special feeling. Maybe I should learn to make good photos beforehand... Can anybody recommend a camera, that I can make photos with this special feeling of professional glamour? LOL.
You can install this - its a fast tool, which can be kept besides PS or whatever.
You can delete the yoursoftwaredeals.exe and the additional icons on the desktop : Your Software Deals and CleverReach.com
I'll keep it: SFW (simply fast working).
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