Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
AptEdit was available as a giveaway on September 18, 2007!
AptEdit is a 32-bit full-featured text / hexadecimal professional editor for Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista. It offers many powerful features to view and edit any file (text or binary). And it is also an excellent source editor for Web page authors and programmers.
Text/binary files comparison and merging, full Unicode support, HEX template, edit disk drives, seamless Web browser, function list, EBCDIC to ASCII, OEM to ANSI, convert to html (WYSIWYG), customizable keyboard shortcuts, favorite files, and so on.
Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista
2.54 MB
AptDiff is a visual text/binary files comparison and merging utility for Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista. It is highly useful for software developers, web designers and other professionals. It displays two files side by side, highlighting the differences. Full unicode support, customizable keyboard shortcuts, and so on.
After updating, this software suddenly unregistered itself.
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99#, thanks.
Please refer to the description in 96#. There is an update version for Giveawayoftheday users on our website.
Download URL: http://www.aptedit.com/download/aesetup_giveaway.exe
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I downloaded this software in the day it was offered, I made the installation and I placed the name and the serial number indicated in the page that was opened in the installation. It was all good until today, 09/25/2007, when it started to give a message of that it goes to die in 23 days and nor replacing the name and serial number it decides this problem.
As I downloaded from giveawayoftheday, I thought that it would go to be functioning without dying. I would like that they solve this problem.
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We have updated AptEdit for Giveaway users. You can download it from our website.
Download URL: http://www.aptedit.com/download/aesetup_giveaway.exe
Fix bugs in new version:
1. Operation "Delete" and "insert space" could cause the program crashed.
2. Cannot define the shortcuts combination with "ALT + letter or number".
3. Program crashed after input the register code.
4. Cannot detect the Windows Vista version on the About window.
5. Backspace could cause the program crashed.
6. Select all and input space could cause the program crashed.
7. The program allow user to define same shortcuts.
8. Delete the process of detecting new version as launching the program.
9. Error in "Remove shortcut" and "Default shortcut" on the option keyboard page.
10. Caret position is error after editing for new file.
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The thing keeps crashing. I uninstalled it. The MultiEdit light was a LOT better than this. I think the programmer(s) need to do some more work on it...
Another strange thing: if one copies some text and pastes it in aptedit, the text isn't shown until one of the arrowkeys is used?!? Why??? Same thing for deleting text...
Sorry, but this app is not good enough.
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Uh, guys...
If this is all AptEdit does..:
Then I'm sorry, this isn't "phoning home". It's checking what the latest version is. Note that it is a GET operation (as opposed to POST) and there is no data attached to the URL.
No information about you (not even "demographic information") is sent there.
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I wish I had a chance to download this - always interested in new programming editors.
My current favorite (I tried about 35 before settling on this one) is Programmer's Notepad (www.pnotepad.org). I've never heard of anyone else that uses it but it's a great open-source programming and text editor. It has a good set of features - every other program I tried lacked at least 1 major feature. I needed the ability to keep track of and display project files by directory, to see a tag list of functions, collapse blocks, search/replace with regular expressions, and see quick output in the editor window. I also wanted a good and modern interface - Programmer's Notepad does all of these really well, is relatively easy to customize, loads quickly, and still has plenty more features.
Some others that came close to satisfying my requirements were ActiveState Komodo/Komodo Edit, PSPad, Notepad++, and Crimson Edit.
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Hi, after testing I find the program unstable. It's a shame because it has many features. I couldn't edit text without the program closing down and as suggested above you can't backspace. I suggest to programmers to fix the problems and then pet it back on this site.
International ۞
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I create an AptEdit folder at the following location:
C:Documents and Settings\windows username\Application Data\AptEdit, and the programme runs normally. Maybe you can try.
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http://www.gridinsoft.com is what I recommend (it's an earlier GOTD) as a notepad replacement/text editor. It has a lite version (freebie) but I wanted the extra features of the $30 version (spell checker for one). It will alpha sort the numbered lines, has tabs, basic editing, everything I need. Very reliable, too. It does advanced stuff, too so check it out.
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Ran it on WinXP, SP2: Crash... freeze... crash... uninstall.
Went to a neighbor so I could run it on a Vista machine: Crash, crash, won't run anymore.
Ran it on a Win98SE machine: Seemed to work - wouldn't save work - froze, crashed, crashed (This might be expected when looking at the system requirements, but let's face it... it claims to run on what's just souped-up versions of Win98SE, so it was worth a try).
Then tried to run it on Win2003 at a friend's place: Crash on start-up, crash on start-up, ran but was very hard to read any text with the constant flickering - it gave me a damn headache.
So, the stability is about as good as a brick can swim...
The "phone home"-issue is next.
The few occasions where it worked (and I use the word loosely) long enough, it did phone home, more than once.
Any registering that requires you to turn off the firewall is a clear sign of someone trying to bend you over, there are many programs where the firewall remains ON, and you simply tell it to allow one case of connecting for a software that has to phone home.
However, I saw at least three cases of phoning home on one machine - what, it registers in parts?
So this is a real concern as well.
For those of you claiming to be programmers or other whizzes, but who still say it's okay to TURN OFF a firewall... yeah, it's as safe as wearing a blindfold when running across a racetrack in use...
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This is one is bad, try HxD, it's a free HexEditor with the same
Features (maybe not Merging, but who cares), and it doesn't need to be installed.
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Not trying pile one, but BUGS, BUGS, BUGS!
For reference I tried this on Windows Vista Home Premium.
#27 is totally correct: pressing Ctrl + A and then hitting space crashes.
Even worse NEITHER BACKSPACE NOR DELETE WORK! This was trying to edit a text file on Windows Vista Home Premium. You can type, but that's it. You can't even select text and then type to replace it! And it also crashed when I selected text and then hit the program's delete button. That's enough for me to get rid of this rubbish!
Had hoped to find a small, nice text/web editor, but this isn't it. Not at any price.
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Nice job Messie - that PsPad is full of freakin Viruses and Trojans -
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#3 FTW.
PSPad rocks. If it had code collapsing, it'd be perfect, but as it stands, the myriad of options, built-in FTP editing, code completion, etc. etc... have made it my instant #1 favorite editor.
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A software that crashes after i finished registering, definitely will not get my trust to handle my text changes.
And it definitely calls home too, to send whatever information the programmers decided it should !
All this combined with the price tag gets an obvious NEGATIVE VOTE from me.
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#34 you might want to give Kompozer / Nvu a try. Freeware that does WYSIWG as well as "normal" colorized source code view. It also has a "Tag" view that is sort of intermediate between source code and WYSIWG
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Here are the packets captured using WireShark:
GET /aeversion.txt HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: AptEdit
Host: www.aptedit.com
Cache-Control: no-cache
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 02:12:26 GMT
Server: Apache
Last-Modified: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 13:00:45 GMT
ETag: "5e40b7-9-46e9347d"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 9
Content-Type: text/plain
No thanks. I'll stick with PSPad or Notepad2 for my test editing needs. As always, looking forward to tomorrow's offering. Thanks GOTD for keeping the software coming, regardless of whether or not I keep it. I like reading the comments to find new open source software (hidden treasures) that I have not seen before.
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TK (#75) -
Are you confusing my blockquotes (visible by the indentations) as things I've said myself? I don't misuse blockquotes (nor any other tag for that matter) unlike certain people I'd refrain from naming (But it's so tempting). What's indented in my posts are things OTHERS have said.
By the way, the About Windows API call is NOT mythical - you can very well have the same About window that notepad has in your own program (looks kinda silly, but it works).
And FYI: 2147483648 is the size of a signed int, actually. Google the number and you should get a fair amount of results concerning over/"under"flows.
John (#68) - Imply? You quite explicitly said:
I don't know what the demographics are, here, but most people who run pirated copies know they are, therefore those who do won't admit it (usually), and those who aren't running pirated copies will take offense (rightly so) at this suggestion. Still, this would never, ever affect a build number (not the interpretation of it).
So Microsoft likes to think.
Honestly, I didn't check what my firewall had to say about the program, but only the setup/validation should need to go through the firewall - and even then, the firewall should not be completely disabled. All they were doing was reporting an attempt to access the internet, not saying that they couldn't validate because of it.
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How come these commercial programs are SO unstable whereas most freewares seem to have much more quality into them?!!
I always wait for Andrew/BladedToth accurqate and well informed reviews before making a decision about GOTD offers.
And when it starts with: "My problems with this title started pretty early on." I know I don't need to bother reading further, I know I'll pass on this title.
Thanks a lot, Andrew, we always appreciate your hard review efforts!!
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I don't like this one. I tried it numerous times, and tried reinstalling, but I always get an error when running this program. I am running an XP SP2, but I doubt thats the problem. I'll stick with Notepad ++.
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Well there are a lot of opinions out there about this product.
I use UltraEdit32 for all my editing needs. At $50 it is an absolute steal and Ian & company do a class job of providing support and updates!
It will edit any binary file in the known computing world, and I don't really have time to muck around on the HD level. HxD is what I use for that level of work... :D
So, thanks for the offer, GOTD, keep up the good work. But today I will refrain from downloading what sounds like a buggy product.
The Sponsor company can use all the free debugging help they can get, since they don't quite have the funds to hire a real test team.
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The program keeps crashing when I try to edit a perl script. Never seen anything like that happen to any editor before this one. No thanks! Glad I've kept my old, reliable PFE!
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#39. Thanks a lot for HxD. It really rocks. Talking about a window killer app at $60! They must be joking!
You truly expressed it. There ought to be suckers born every minute.
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Johnny, "but I a subject matter expert in the computer industry for over 35 years."
I don't care and personally I don't think anyone else here does either - Turn off a firewall rofl still laughing at that and you intend to buy this for work? "I intend on the company BUYING it for work." What company, hope its not yours - Did'nt think a farmer would need something like this... but I could be wrong...
Have a nice day Master DOS32 look'n face ;)
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EFFFFFFF this program, it is the worst!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I have to agree with BladedThoth's 15 Minute Review ... in the end there are plenty of free/open source apps out there that do the job more reliably. Even as a freebie, this is too complicated and buggy to be of much use. I certainly would NOT pay anything like $60 for this, considering the available competition!
Since it is free, you can try it (and ditch it after trying it, if you wish). I suspect that most people who find a need for this kind of app already have several that they are quite happy with.
I do not mean to diss GOTD, who perform a useful service to software publishers in allowing a few people (members of GOTD) to use the unlimited versions of software - and to advertise it for them. GOTD also performs a useful service to its members in arranging unlimited access to software they might not otherwise have known about or considered. The exercise works both ways!
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This is meant to be a comprehensive list of TextEditors regardless of classification. Every editor in this collection of reviews should be listed below. There are 459 editors listed as of September 17th, 2007.
Another way to view this site is to use the TextEditorFamilies page to drill down based on lineage.
Microsoft Windows Editors
Windows Notepad Replacements
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Forgot to tell you all, I use winMerge, cool comparing tool, give a try; http://winmerge.org/
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Not bad, but hardly worth the price tag. Doesn't measure up at all to HTML-kit (chami.com/html-kit/) which is undoubtedly one of the best text editors available.
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wow pspad ( )is very rich! I like things like "open system files" in the tools, and close all to right/left in the multitabbed window, eye dropper to catch the RGB values, color translator, numeric base translatort, hmmm....definetely a thing to try out guys!Also light weight and not installer, so can use as a stanalone app, cool....
Special thanks to #3 and #30.
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Na Na! Na Na! Na Na!
Undo/redo all disabled! for what?
I wish the author(s) put their energy into something different and expected less for this work.
uninstalling! For $30 textpad is amazing compared to this one for $60.
let me try pspad as someone said, in the meantime try this too: Komodo Edit! Good one, free too! http://www.activestate.com/Products/komodo_edit/ I am using this in parallel to textpad for my python codes, I like the indenting vertical lines that help me a lot as you know python is indenting is the placenta! :)
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SuperEdi is a text editor with syntax coloring and build-in FTP client. The build-in directory tree helps you locate files quickly without opening the Windows Explorer. Context sensitive information is available via keyword lookup in any Windows help file. The editor is extendable using executable programs, text clips and automation scripts. SuperEdi supports Unicode UTF-8, UTF-16 as well as many locale- specific encodings. "
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This program is about as useful as "dud" ( www3.telus.net/_/dud/ )which is also freeware, but you'd probably pay $60 for "Dud" also.
And I am a redneck.
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********* This Program is so cool *****************
I have been using HACK702 for years, but not anymore! What most people dont realize that are commenting is that THIS IS ALSO A HEX EDITOR! Whats really cool is that you can search "inside file content-> within a whole directory" for a (string of text) or a (string as HEX). This makes operating on programs easy, when it comes to making user friendly changes to commercial software :*)~
It also has a GREAT feature that dreamweaver has for its html editing-> a command called [find and replace]. Type in a search query [string or HEX], tell it what to change it to, then GO GO GO-> and it will replace all instances! saving so much TIME!!! and without missin any, having to search back again to change! So very cool! and in a HEX editor!
It has the built in scientific calculator [HEX to acsii convertor]
This is a very cool program for any kind of software, or web programer. Or for somebody that likes to alter software for personal use.
Very cool! thankyou much guys.
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BladedThoth, about your review: The program does NOT "take over" the TXT association unless you tell it to. That was one of the last options in the setup, but you had to scroll down to see it - perhaps you missed it?
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Okay, I downloaded and installed it.
Upon starting the program, I get the prompt for the activation key. I enter the activation key and the program tells me I have to close the program for the activation to take effect. I click 'OK' and close the program.
I start the program again and get the prompt for the activation key. Enter it, restart program, get prompt for activation key.
I don't have time for this. Uninstalling and deleting. They're charging $60 for this?
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This program does have one thing going for it, though - in hex-edit mode, it doesn't load the entire file into memory. I guess developers are finally getting the idea that fully loading binary files is a bad idea (What? I edit 500+ MB files, okay?).
I don't think I'm going to keep this around, but maybe a future version will have better luck.
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# 15,
You joking ja? "$60 for this is cheap when you figure that most programs have to sell approximately 900000 to 1000000 before the author sees even a rent payment in profit." 1000000 times $60. The rent payment for what? A private island plus harem in the Pacific? )
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I bet you haven't downloaded and tried this software. And have you read the author description on the top of the page?
"AptEdit is a 32-bit full-featured text / hexadecimal professional editor "
"And it is also an excellent source editor for Web page authors and programmers."
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#39 - thank you for the heads-up abut HxD! (Some other interesting programs offered with it as well.)
I remain thankful for the programs offered here at GOTD. As i have mentioned before the comments continue to be an excellent source for hearing about freeware alternatives while at the same time getting to do an extended "test" of the actual GOTD offering.
I almost never get to fully explore the usefullness of a program for my individual needs within the limited (and often feature limited) time most trials offer.
I have actually purchased some of the programs offered here as they really did meet my specific needs. But then i usually end up also donating something towards the freeware i use frequently as well.
There really is no such thing as a "free" software program (or lunch.) As far as i am concerned, people who simply "leech" the freeware and NEVER donate (even if only a few dollars) towards covering the various costs involved in developing and making available the "free"ware are.....well..... let me simply say some of them appear to frequent the comments around here. ;)
Anyway... thanks again for the offering today GOTD. And thanks to everyone who has postd comments on various alternatives they use. And to those who tend more towards whining - thanks for providing a source of some humor at your own expense.
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Completely unusable as a text editor under at least Vista Home Premium. A solid thumbs down as not fit for purpose in the state it is offered here.
Here as well. Segfaults on every attempt to launch the app in WinXP Pro, SP2. Here's the error message:
Faulting application aptedit.exe, version, faulting module aptedit.exe, version, fault address 0x001f435c.
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Crashes with a segfault whenever I try to launch it in XP Pro, Service Pack 2
Faulting application aptedit.exe, version, faulting module aptedit.exe, version, fault address 0x001f435c.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.
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I installed this software twice, using the supplied serial number that comes with the download. Both times, when entering a program, I got a message stating that this was an evaluation copy, good for 30 days. I removed it from my system.
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Hmm... some of the features of this program are tempting, but the amount of instability reports pretty much turn me off from trying it.
Also, I don't normally pick on people, but these are just begging for it:
Pirated versions wouldn't say that anyway (And before you ask, yes, I would know. I admit having pirated copies in the past :P). A real API-called about-Windows window would never say "unknown" anyway; It's obvious that the program doesn't recognise Vista.
Hmm! Let's see... you suggest turning OFF the firewall, running the phone-home program, then turning ON the firewall.
That defeats the purpose of the firewall, stupid. The whole reason they reports a "phone home" issue is that such a program shouldn't do that, and therefore the firewall has done it's job.
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Crashes. Backspace doesn't work. Does not appear to be able to handle basic text editing properly. Developers should alpha test before handing it to the wolves. Not interested in seeing an improved version.
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Looks really nice and has some nice features. It appears that they started with Helios Software's TextPad and improved upon it. I like the fact that it has HEX editing built into it. Lots of nifty tools. My problem was that I couldn't get a lot of the command short cuts to work. The program kept crashing. I think that for the time being, I will stick with TextPad. It has been around quite a while and has a pretty big following with lots of support.
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Tried installing on XP Pro machine. It kept crashing, so I didn't get far. Uninstalled it. I don't know what the issue is.
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Hello all! Today's 15-Minute Review is up! Check it out!
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GOTD FYI: The link to AptDiff (at the top of this page) actually links to zardssoftware's uninstaller.
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