Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Aplus Combo PDF Tools 2.0.1 was available as a giveaway on August 22, 2015!
Aplus Combo PDF Tools provides highly advanced features to perform almost any operation on PDF documents. You can instantly split them into several parts, join multiple PDF files in one, encrypt PDF with password, resize page dimension or orientation, add watermark to PDF, create bookmarks, place two pages in one page, extract set of pages or specific ones from document, remove all unwanted pages from document and create a new file.
It offers lots of other options to operate your PDF document, and a batch operation on password protected PDF files.
Please note: The software provides a 1-Year license. The user with the best improvement idea will be rewarded with a full-functioning lifetime license of the Giveaway product.
Windows NT/ XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1; Processor: Pentium class or equivalent; RAM: 512 MB; Hard disk: 10 MB; .Net Framework (2.0) or higher
9.7 MB
Aplus PDF Password Remover can instantly unlock your secured PDF document for copying, editing, printing, commenting, form filling, etc. It can instantly remove user`s, as well as owner`s password from locked PDF.
Aplus Image to PDF Converter can convert all standard image files into PDF documents. It supports batch image files conversion into Adobe Acrobat PDF with several setting options to get better results as per your requirement.
Aplus PDF to Image Converter can convert multiple PDF documents into several standard image formats. It supports JPG, BMP, EMF, PNG, TIF, GIF, WMF picture formats and batch mode operation to save your time with multiple setting options.
Aplus Text to Speech is a very useful software for everyone to read any text content with natural human voice. It works with all voices installed on your system and supports all file formats using clipboard monitoring option.
Aplus Image Watermark Creator is a very valuable software for protecting pictures while sharing them online. It puts text as well as image stamps on your image files, and protects them from unauthorized access.
Downloaded and installed with no problem as I followed Giveaways instructions Programme so far works well. Many Thanks!
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I had no problem downloading, installing or using on Windows 10.
I didn't have a DOC to PDF converter so I found an online converter at http://www.doc2pdf.net/. It did a nice job. The site emailed a link so a could download the file. I didn't try it with graphics though. I had a problem with the Bookmark Creator, so I tried another DOC to PDF converter source. I tried the free version of Soda 7. It also has a nice output. I had the same problem with Bookmark Creator. The converters are two resources that I'll probably need in the future, so that's definitely the upside. I was not able to finish the output of the Bookmark Creator.
I Split a 4 page file into 4 Single Pages. I liked how the Page numbers were in the file names. I left the default Destination to the Desktop. I sat for a while waiting on some type of notification that the operation had finished. I finally checked the desktop, and sure enough, there they were. They were very nicely done.
I liked the screen that popped up, when Bookmark Creator was selected, to let me know that only one file could be in the PDF Files List for this function.
I really liked the use of the fonts in the program. The start key was my favorite. All of them were very well done.
I gave Aplus Combo PDF Tools a Thumbs Up. It is a piece of software that I will most likely be able to use in the future. Thanks to Aplus Software for offering it and I think the 1 year license is very generous for such a flexible piece of software. Thanks to GOTD for the offering every day. I always check. :-)
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The software is unable to crop PDF documents.
The software is unable to remember the user's preferred choice of destination output folder. You have to redo the selection of output folder EVERYTIME.
This is a sign of low quality program coding.
This is a sign of OEM subcontractors who do the program coding for you.
My guess is that this whole thing was "bought" from a third world program coding sweatshop where the workers are paid next to nothing. It is then customised according to buyer's taste for the user interface. The basic engine is the same - say by way of illustration, a company buys a basic Toyota engine and then choose to encase the engine in a Nissan car body. Other buyers choose the same Toyota engine and a Mazda car body.
That is why this software seems to similar to another PDF multi-tool software.
They must have bought from the same third world program coding sweatshop.
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Thanks a lot fot great tool!! greetings
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Will this program convert a pdf image to a text document. If not can anyone recommend a FREE pdf image to text converter?
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I downloaded the GAOTD zip file, then copied it to another folder to work on it, and it installed easily. I copied the GAOTD license from the text file included and entered it into the space in the Help screen and it was ready to go. I experimented with the program by combining 200 separate pdf pages that I have of a book. I told it what to call the final pdf and where to save it. It worked very fast and now I have all the pages in one large pdf. This is a feature that many freeware pdf program will also do though, so this alone wouldn't be worth buying it. I haven't tried any of the other features yet.
I was hoping it had the ability to look at the pdf pages you enter so you could select the ones you want to extract, delete, merge, etc., without having to have noted these page numbers in some other pdf reader first, but I can't find this feature in it. This has always seemed like an obvious thing to have in a pdf program, but I don't know of one that does. If anyone else knows of such a program, particular a free one, please let us all know. I deal with pdf's all the time and even have a class that I give on working with them.
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Thanks Andy! I was not clicking the Complete the Installation Button and that is why I was not seeing the pop-up window.
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It is not clear where to enter the software license? I don't see any relevant screen? Can anyone help?
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Once the program has been installed on your computer, a panel should pop up showing that it has been activated, there should also be the the License Key. Highlight and copy it. then open the program and another panel should show up to put in your name and License Key.
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Without real text editing, I can not call it "to perform almost any operation on PDF documents".
Editing is what is needed to give it such title and editing is 90% and the rest of the functions are just 10% of the real needs for such software.
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When I downloaded this, I realized that the interface looks very familiar. Then, I remembered the apex tools that were given away a few weeks ago. When you start comparing the interfaces, you can see a lot of resemblance. Here are the activation windows.
Apex All in One PDF Tools:
Aplus Combo PDF Tools:
Both apex and aplus have exactly the same software programs on their websites, just slightly different interfaces. I strongly believe that apex and aplus are both made by the same developers, just marketed under different company names to increase profits. This isn't an uncommon practice, as I know many companies that do the same thing.
As for the software, it installed perfectly and added watermarks to this pdf without problems.
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A remark
Spaces etc are not allowed in a range of pages:
A PDF split up in several page-range's:
Another remark; be aware to deactivate a box:
Some random PDF, random pages:
A error at applying a password :
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This is apparently not an editor, despite the promised "perform almost any operation on PDF documents".
A good PDF editor is AbleWord : http://www.ableword.net/
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Can we edit a PDF file ?
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I haven't downloaded today's offering because it can't auto-straighten pages (a deal-breaker for me), but reading their feature list closely, I would say "yes" you can "edit" a file at page level (insert/move/re-order/delete entire PAGES); but "no" you don't appear to be able to edit text or images WITHIN a page.
If you're looking to fix that typo on page seven of your existing PDF, then it seems this isn't the right tool for you. A good tool at around the same price of today's GOTD, and which DOES let you fully edit the content of a PDF, is Foxit PhantomPDF. There are also cheaper 'page-level utility' tools comparable to today's GOTD out there which DO let you auto-straighten images and pages.
So I'm afraid today's GOTD is one I'll pass on, but thanks to Aplus for offering it here.
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Of course you can edit a pdf file.
With an unprotected file it's as easy as with an ordinary text file, almost.
You can highlight the text in your pdf reader, copy it to the clipboard, and paste it into a text editor of Wordpad caliber or better. Do any editing you need on the text in the editor and save as rtf text first, so if you need to further edit, you can come back to this file. If you need to do further edits, don't forget to save after every edit, before you make a further pdf version.
A good editor will let you also save directly to pdf, or export to pdf. At the very worst, you can print to pdf by diverting the print output to pdf.
For my everyday use, I use Jarte as my text editor and save to Nitro free version. There are paid versions of both these programs, but for the casual user, the free versions will do nicely. The advantage of Nitro Pro is that you can edit the pdf's directly, bypassing all these text editing steps, but is it worth the cost to you? Look them up in your preferred search engine to get an idea of what they can really do, and also it's where you can download them, if you decide to give either a try. Both sites are maintained by their respective owners.
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@Cad Delworth CEng MBCS
Impressive initials after your name. Let me congratulate you on your achievements.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to remember that Foxit PhantomPDF puts its watermarked background on all files you work on. Maybe that doesn't apply to the paid-for version, though, I only used the free version to read a few pdf's and had that watermarked background in the face. It was so ugly an interface that I deleted the program immediately and searched for another to work with, and finally used Nitro's little brother, Primo PDF reader, before going on to a free version of Nitro. It does everything I need from such a program.
On the other hand, I know that you can edit a pdf file directly in Nitro Pro. That version, though, costs $160 (well, $159.99, but you get the idea). But for that, you get a program which is a pro's dream.
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Installed and registered without problems, opened up to easy to read interface with a number of useful features.
Must admit that I really like the PDF file format particularly for reference; its ability to display really detailed information in the form of graphs and images that can be zoomed without loss of quality is particularly good.
Surprisingly many reference files do not have bookmarks (index) and so this program's ability to create bookmarks looked interesting.
Opened a password protected -against editing- file without any problems or requests for a password and was able to add both watermarks and bookmarks which it did very rapidly.
What was surprising was the program's inability to display the PDF within the confines of the program window all that was offered was the ability to open it.
This is not particularly useful when trying to apply bookmarks, in fact for a $40 program this is unacceptable.
Pretty well all the functions available can be done with freeware programs such as PDFill PDF Tools and JPdfBookmarks is much more versatile.
The latter can be obtained at the following link:-
A nice handy tool but overpriced as it stands.
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