Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Anyplace Control 7.0.4 was available as a giveaway on December 16, 2013!
Anyplace Control - Easy-to-use, powerful remote support and administration software. Control another PC as if you were sitting right in front of it, with the help of Anyplace Control.
If you're good with computers, you may get asked for help by people who aren't. It could be anyone: family, friends, customers, coworkers... Save your time and peace of mind with Anyplace Control, the most convenient and easy-to-use tool for remote PC access and assistance. Now you're free from endless phone explanations and cross-city trips to solve five-minute computer problems. Save your time and help your friends, family and coworkers get their computer problems solved.
Note that the best improvement idea will be rewarded with a full-functioning life-time licence of Small-Business Helpdesk which usually costs $399. Use Idea Informer widget to submit your feedback and do not forget to fill in your name and e-mail – otherwise the Developer will not be able to contact you in case you are the one to win!
Note: this program includes 1 year subscription for "Online Account Connection" and lifetime license for "Connection by ID"/"Connection via IP-address".
Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2008, 2003, 2000; CPU: 1GHz, memory: 512Mb; Internet or LAN connection is required (TCP/IP)
6.01 MB
Unlimited Corporate Edition of Anyplace Control includes the following features:
Anyplace Control is good. Additionally, you may try alternatives like R-HUB on premise remote support servers http://www.rhubcom.com/v5/remote-Support.html for remotely accessing computers from anywhere anytime.
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Removed it. Does not work beyond the initial screen. No remote control.
Sticking with TeamViewer.
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Dear users,
Thank you very much for your feedbacks!
Unfortunately I'm unable to answer to every message on this web-site, so please send any questions to my personal e-mail goncharuk.yura@... (it is specified in the About dialog box of Admin module).
1. Because installation package is not protected by GOTD wraper, you will be able to use it any time (not only during giveaway day).
But you will not be able to create new online account after giveaway day. If you do not have online account (you were able to create it for free during giveaway day), you will not be able to use the software.
2. Thank you for your ideas in "idea informer". The best idea is "Allow user to initiate help request". To author of this idea: please contact me to get your prize :)
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Installed and set up account. Very impressed with Yuri's providing us support today. I think this is a wonderful start and possibly a good example of the type and quality of business Anyplace Control is.
Thank you Yuri. I think we are lucky to have you on board.
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I keep getting, “This online account is not activated. Please use your registered account instead of this one.” I watched the installation video and did the same thing. Do I need to do something else to activate it?
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Again probably way too late even to get this moderated, but ...
Just installed on my ancient Dell running Windows 2000 Pro ... could not start up either Admin or Host, got error saying file GDIPLUS.DLL could not be found.
However, found several copies in 'non-windows' directories and copied one of them into C:\Windows\System32 and then Anyplace Control loaded up and registered just fine.
(LogMeIn would not even try to load on the old operating system).
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Maybe a bit too late to add this, it is now 00:26 EST... but I have installed on my home desktop and my laptop and tested between them with very satisfaction. I then used LogMeIn (!) to remotely install this sw on my friend's PC (who is always calling me for help). The log in and connection for AnyPlace is very much easier than for LogMeIn, and I like the interface and speed better. THANK YOU Yuri for your generosity to share this with GAOTD.
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Just tried this out. Very easy to set up and connect - using online email connection, except I am experiencing terrible lag. Takes more than 30 seconds for things to be rendered on the admin PC.. Otherwise, really like the software...
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To #9 who was looking for this type of software for tablet or phone. I have had very good success on my iPhone using pocket cloud: http://www.pocketcloud.com/
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So, I thought I had gone correctly through the installation, setting up the online account, and then the registration of the software. But when I start the Admin module, go to the Online Account Connection tab, where I provide my email address and password, and then click on the login arrow, it tries, but then informs me in red letters "This Online Account is not activated. Please use your registered Account instead of this one." It does recognise me, in that if I type in an incorrect password, then I get a wong password error message. Looks as if the automatic activation of the online account has failed for me. Suggestions?
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CEO Yuri either does not know Teamviewer well or chooses to prevaricate. Re: remotes assistance... is even simpler than this app, contrary to CEO Yuri... in fact there is "no need for any installation on the client side" (quote from Teamviewer).
I'd be very leery of using any app that feels it necessary to smear a competitor using falsehoods.
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I installed the program and it went okay but when was creating the online account I mistype my email address since I did not find a place to correct it I created a new account with the correct email address but now I can't log in at all.
How to fix it?
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Time constraints mean that I don't get to read all the responses, and I do look for some specific reviewers. I am glad to see #8 FUBAR back more frequently; as a follower of GAOD for a very long time (years) I have always valued his opinions.
Anyway just wanted to say that - 'give credit it where credit is due'.
Thanks GAOD et al
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Addendum to 68.
This is nice. I can do the same work as with Tv.
"Drove it" on 2Xwin7 dual core laptops on 10Mbit and it performed okay.
I initiated a Win update on one pc and saw a small movie clip and finally initiated a small chat with myself. (Call me Schizoid) :).
As expected the movie lagged and looked "slideshowy" but then it was not designed for that purpose, although it might be nice to be able to do presentations or show small "howto videos" this way.
I couldn't find an older version to see if compatability is an issue, which is one of my major concerns.
My native tongue is not one of the languages available. A lot of my clients arent too proficient in any other language...
The chat icon - "little green phone thingy" - is the only icon without a "hover mouse bubble".
Other than this it is okay.
I'll defiantely have my IT-boss keep an eye out for this.
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I keep getting, "This online account is not activated. Please use your registered account instead of this one." I watched the installation video and did the same thing. Do I need to do something else to activate it?
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Hi Yuri,
I'm missing something here: I'm typing at my main computer. Sometimes I use this computer to access other computers around the house, and remote friends - and sometimes I use other computers to 'phone home': to get access to this one, from somewhere out in the styx, whether it be somewhere else in the house or somewhere out on my travels.
What part of your software do I need, and can I use, and where, with today's giveaway, to operate in the two directions I describe?
I normally use Teamviewer; signed in with my name, but no account fuss.
(And thanks for the reference to administrator privileges during installation; everyone else forgets that here..)
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I have been using GoToMyPC for a number of years--this allows me to operate my home (host) PC from any PC (as a client) while I'm on the road. I also use it for trouble-shooting on my family's PCs. (It also also allows things like file transfers and even printing. I gather that the host software keeps GoToMyPC Central up-to-date on its IP location, and access is initially through their web site.)
I've also installed LogMeIn, but it seems a bit clunky in comparison and I don't use it. I haven't tried any of the others that have been mentioned above.
I'm a little uncertain about just how today's offering works: does there have to be someone at the host PC to authorize the connection? Does software have to be installed on a specific client PC? If there's client software, can it be put, for instance, on a flash drive?
GoToMyPC isn't really cheap, so I wouldn't mind replacing it, but I'd like to know a little bit more about Anyplace Control before I can consider it a viable substitute. Thanks.
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Voyager529 wrote
5.) Perhaps this is just me, but I signed up with my account, and then did my test with a link. After putting in the GAOTD key, it refused to acknowledge a working set of credentials, indicating that the account wasn’t activated. This makes very little sense.
I have the same issue.
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To Anyplace Control ~ You'll have to excuse Giovanni. He's the local troll who's so full of himself, all because of nothing. He's just a mouthy little kid troll.
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Hi Yuri,
I'm missing something here: I'm typing at my main computer. Sometimes I use this computer to access other computers around the house, and remote friends - and sometimes I use other computers to 'phone home': to get access to this one, from somewhere out in the styx, whether it be somewhere else in the house or somewhere out on my travels.
What part of your software do I need, and can I use, and where, with today's giveaway, to operate in the two directions I describe?
I normally use Teamviewer; signed in with my name, but no account fuss.
(And thanks for the reference to administrator privileges during installation; everyone else forgets that here..)
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Google Chrome Remote Desktop: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chrome-remote-desktop/gbchcmhmhahfdphkhkmpfmihenigjmpp?hl=en
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Commenter "nalk" makes a great point about TeamViewer. I worked for a company that bought v8. After we got 8 set up across the company and remote locations, all of sudden 9 comes out. The only way to prevent the "8 can't control 9 Quick Support" problem was to provide links to Teamviewer's previous versions. It's a needless hassle & is a scam, in a way.
TeamViewer says lifetime updates with pruchase, but they mean only for the version # you buy. That is NOT made clear when you buy it. They charge $US$ 749, US$ 1,499 and US$ 3,569 (Sale: US$ 2,839) for their software.
& I am not an Anyplace employee, just someone searching for an alternative that won't bankrupt the company I work for!
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To everybody:
1. Todays giveawayoftheday software is not only for personal use, but you can use it for business. So it is mistake of GOATD.
2. Anyplace Control has connection by ID as well. And you are not obliged to use e-mail only. You can use Skype or facebook to send a link.
3. Common link on web-site is impossinble, because every link is personalized (it contains encrypted password inside)
4. If you have any technical problems or questions, please e-mail me, because GAOTD is not right place for technical support :)
Please e-mail me and I will sell you update of 10 licenses with HUGE discount (because you are customer already)
@Remote Support Program Actual User:
Version 7.0.4 has minor improvements is compare with 7.0.2
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I have used Teamviewer, and I like it. I have used AMMYY Admin, and I love it.
Both are free for "non-commercial" use.
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Question to Yuri:
I installed this over the previous giveaway ( When I run the program it still says the same. Shouldn't it say in the "about" section of the GUI menu?
Also, this software is very good. It is a good alternative to TeamViewer for those who cannot pay the extremely high prices TeamV charges. When you compare the value it gives, for the price they charge, it is a better program.
Thanks for the giveaway & keep up the good work. TeamViewer has become bloated & annoying, much like Norton Antivirus. Competition is good for us customers.
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I have used this software for years. I started with version 3, I am currently using version 4. I do not use the online account, I connect directly to the computer I want to work on. The software has been very reliable and I would highly recommend it.
Yuri, if you read this comment I currently have 10 licenses. What would your best price be for 10 licenses for the version 7 of anyplace remote-control?
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After installing it on 2 computers and then giving it a test, I am really impressed with this.
In Comparison to teamviewer
1. Remote access is simple and almost as fast as teamviewer.
2. The full screen function is really great.
3. the desktop background of the remote computer disappears and turns to win basic.
4. Picture clarity is better than teamviewer.
I haven't had enough time to play with this long enough to check out everything, but all in all, I'm really impressed.
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I really like the feedback from Yuri about this software. I would give it a try, but I regularly use Teamviewers Android app to access my computer from my phone. Add an Android app and I'll give it a try next time.
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I'll echo some of the statements said here, and some will be a bit more original. First and foremost, I greatly appreciate the fact that you're taking the time to actively respond to the people here. Second, please be aware that I say the following as someone who does remote support for a living, and has an active subscription to Teamviewer as a result. All that being said...
1.) It would be nice if the 'for personal use' clause was lifted for this particular giveaway, but I know that it may not be practical to do so =).
2.) Like I said, I do teamviewer primarily. As much as I have had to have my clients repeat themselves over the phone, I find that in many more cases, the problems involve their inability to access their e-mail. this is where being able to read the ID and password is very handy =).
3.) Something that would be a welcome addition would be for there to be a highly visible link on the main page for the quick support tool. This would make it easier to support users that need support, but for whom the e-mail based link isn't practical.
4.) Teamviewer became my go-to remote support application when it did a better job than any of the others at handling low bandwidth connections with high latency and/or low throughput. By contrast, I have a 100Mbit connection here at work, and was attempting to connect to a server in a colo that has a similar amount of bandwidth. Anyplace took forever to start responding to commands, and was using 8-bit color in a situation where 32-bit color should have been easily possible.
5.) Perhaps this is just me, but I signed up with my account, and then did my test with a link. After putting in the GAOTD key, it refused to acknowledge a working set of credentials, indicating that the account wasn't activated. This makes very little sense.
6.) You've stated that you're Ukranian; I assume that your primary language is not English. The website, while certainly readable, could probably stand to use a bit of cleanup by a native speaker as to provide a more professional look, especially to customers who may potentially be parting with several hundred dollars for a business license.
Thanks for the giveaway! I look forward to additional testing!
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(1.) See comment#12 & comment#41
(2.) Help | Register (if memory serves me)
(4.) See comment#46, point 3
(5.) Suppose you could try & see if the GAOTD registration data is accept by it?
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1. Please read more about Anyplace Control security here:
2. If you do not start our software on your PC, anybody will be able to connect to your PC.
Because software does not work in hidden mode (like trojans).
Anyplace Control displays tray icon and pop-up message about connection, so you will know that it is installed on your PC
3. I informed that remote user does not need password and ID to make connection possible. But it is completely secure! because you send to remote user personalized link to download already secured software with build-in password inside. this password is known for you only, so nobody will be able to connect to your remote user except you.
4. We do not use FTP protocol. We use our own encrypted protocol to transfer files. Faster and more secure than FTP.
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About the program teamviewer you all praise so much.
I use it professionally which means I have a license bought and paid for version.
Started out with version 5. Bought the license. Then TV made version 6 and all my customers upgraded. Suddenly I had no access to my clients computers because if you have version 6 you can access a computer with version 5 but with 5 you cannot access one with version 6.
So you had to shell out some cash to buy version 6. Soon after came version 7 and the circus started all over again.
TV has a new version out each year so this means you have to buy a new license once a year in order to stay in business.
I havent had time to look at todays software to see how it measures up and if it is indeed a better alternative, bacause I have been on work ccomputeres all day but I am going to look at it closely when I´m on my private PC.
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1. You should create online account today and use it any time. Tomorrow you will not be able to create licensed account for free, but you will be able to use existing account during 1 year. When subscription expire you still will be able to use software in "Connection by ID" mode or in "Connection via IP address" mode during unlimited period. And also you can contact me to my personal e-mail and I will prolong your subscription or license for free for next year and next year again. (this limitation is because we afraid piracy).
2. You can ignore activation code in the zip-file because software automatically enters the same code after first start. the code is required if any problems with automatic registration (you can do it manually).
3. Activation key is used to register connection by ID and IP. But Online account is activated on our server by our staff. Today this process is automatic, but usually it is performed by our staff after purchase.
4. Yes the file is not protected by wraper, so you can start setup.exe tomorrow and any time. But you will not be able create NEW online account tomorrow.
5. No, you can not download common installation file from Anyplace-Control web-site, because only trial version is uploaded to web-site.
6. All traffic is encrypted and we can not decrypt it even if request from policy. We do not store your passwords on our servers. We use hash-function to check password.
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Well. After reading the "moans and groans" of all the comments, I did try this software today. I found it does what it says with no problems. I like the fact you have the chat option built in and the fact you can actually talk with the voice chat option. After registering for a free account, which you do not have to do but for Account Connection for 1 yr. I was able to use this software to connect to my 3 computers, 1 at a time and control them and make changes with no problem.
So I give this a 5 out of 5 and hopefully after a yr I will still be able to take Yuri up on his promise to extend.
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excuse me, I do not recommend anybody use Teamviewer, if you connect to a Windows server, the software will realize that and flag it as being used for commercial use, Then is will log you out in five minutes. If you plan on helping friends, etc. I would recommend you look for other software just be careful of Teamviewer. Hope this helps those that are looking for this type of software.
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This might be a stupid question but still....
Anyplace Control 7.0.4, if I install this on my computer, do, lets say my mother need a copy to, for me to help her?
If she doses, this giveaway is sorta a failure.
As far as I know and understand about these softwares, you need a server and client for it to work.
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In order to use this software, I have to know the security issues first.
I did read the instructions, set-ups, help, about, fine print and main print and did not find anywhere explanation about how secure the connections are, therefore, I conclude, this software is very dangerous to be installed in your computer.
Since yours and the remote computers can be accessed via many options, some of which do not require anything else but just to run the software in the background, creates, in my opinion a hacker haven.
The FTP option is another security hole issue.
Unless those questions are clearly stated, I hesitate to even download such software.
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Installed OK. Would not register. Tried several times to register without success. Uninstalled and tried again with the same results (DUH). What was I expecting to happen? Uninstalled permanently. NOT HAPPY. Does anyone have anything good to say about this product or company ... besides themselves?
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I use "Crossloop" since years ! never any troubles, no accounts, no limitations etc etc ...
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@3 - I completely agree with @4. TeamViewer works great. LogMeIn also works well, but I like the lookk of TeamViewer better on my smaller notebook PC (using it as the remote controller).
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The field of remote connect software is saturated.
There are too many free alternatives. One not mentioned here is
Ammyy Admin which can be downloaded here:
Personally, I use both Teamviewer and Ammyy Admin depending on my situation.
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@Anyplace: Dear Yuri, first of all, let me tell you that you active presence here is very much appreciated and not only by me as you can read. Then, concerning your reply to my point, I see what you mean, you do not need to install the software and use id and password to connect to someone for occasional remote assistance. This is indeed a point.
Personally I use remote control a lot (mainly Teamviewer and Splashtop), and I have even spent money on it (I purchased the anywhere option for Splashtop) and I’ll give you my feedback on what you have to improve to sell the software more widely (including to people like me):
1. (significantly) better quality and speed (including for videos), I know this is the hardest point...
2. Android (and IOS) apps
These are the critical points, then some minor ones:
- Allow to send any key combination.
- Translate more and better the software for non English-speaking countries...
- Correct some bugs (I had problems with receiving clipboard, with the back screen sometimes)
- Use the default browser to open links, not IE.
And finally let me tell you, I like the interface of your software, it's nicer than TV and ST
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On Dec 4, v7.0.3 was offered on Glarysoft http://giveaway.glarysoft.com/anyplacecontrol7.0.3.0-577/
The installation of both admin & customized host modules were smooth and easy, account creation was instant and everything seemed to work as expected. The next day while still within the 24hr of giveaway, the account was unable to connect to anyplace-control's server, I thought maybe the server was overwelmed, so I waited to test the following day. This time the program said my account didn't exist and it remains that way since then!
Instead of one year trial as some people put it, it lasted less than a day!
Today it's v7.0.4, it installs over v7.0.3 with no problem, I have to create a new account to try out, hope it delivers on the 1 year promise this time
As for the performance, based on some quick tests over the same connection & PCs, it does seem to lose out to teamviewer
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As promised, I tested it briefly and I'm not impressed. Feature set is pretty limited when you compare it to the alternatives. TeamViewer is definitely the way to go for most people who need this functionality. Trust me...if my mom and sister can use TeamViewer to allow me to remote control their computers, ANYONE can use it!
If you are looking to control your own computers and want an addressbook and a central login, you can try Jump Desktop. I originally purchased this to use to access my workstation from my iPad, and its actually pretty good. They have a Windows and Mac version and you can log in using your gmail account or connect directly using RDP. The iOS and Android versions are not free, but if you want PC-to-PC connections, that functionality is free.
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Amazing. Not one good review of Anyplace Control in 46 comments(mine included). The most info came from the company itself and a one sentence review by Giovanni.
I don't use this type of software so I'm not qualified to review it but I do know that in the business world this type of software is an absolute necessity for some workers. Aren't there any on GOTD who use this type of software for business purposes and can review it?
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#40 Scott
Really? "Every time you get in your car, you have to TRUST it will get you to where you’re going."
My opinion:
I'm still driving myself and using no Google experimental car - I wouldn't trust them either. I'm driving a mass car from a renowned worldwide manufacturer. And I never bought a Chinese Landwind car - perhaps you remember its security problems.
But my point is that this special sort of software needs more trust than usually as antivirus software is as useless as a lock is if you open all doors yourself. Everybody has got his personal risk level. And trust has to be earned.
My usual advice for private users:
Backup your system before trouble starts and give same advice to your relatives etc and help them doing this. Use Windows restoration points in between. This is far easier than searching for problems' solutions from distance and trying to remidy, perhaps in vain or uncompletely. Installing fresh Windows or falling back to delivery recovery status and building up your system again will cost you far more time and nerves.
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Teamviewer is very "light" and works great. Audio and video. Works on slow connections fine. Use it all the time. It's free...forever...with good support. And a very trustworthy company.
No...I don't work for them.
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Most common problems of Windows Remote Desktop tool.
Dynamical IP addresses (you do not know IP address when it changes).
Private (Internal) IP addresses (connection via Internet is impossible).
In many common situations, a remote computer you want to control is located in a corporate or home LAN, which is behind a router or proxy server.
Firewall protection is also common problem
The Anyplace Control automatically solves these problems
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1. Remote IP address is not required
2. Password and ID is also not required (however you can use ID and password if you want. This connection method is also present). Just run software on remote PC using special personalized link (you can generate it if you click "Add new PC" button) and it will automatically appear in your account.
3. Today you should created online account for free and you can use it anytime. Tomorrow (and forever) you will be ablt to run installation package downloaded from giveawayoftheday today. Installation package is not protected by giveawayoftheday wrapper.
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windows already have a desktop remote program that could connect you to other computers so what's the difference in this app?
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