Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
A4DeskPro Website Builder 7.10 was available as a giveaway on July 1, 2015!
Create websites, host them anywhere and maximize your options with A4DeskPro Website Builder. The program provides templates to create websites for multiple companies.
Windows XP/ NT/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1 or later; Internet Explorer 6.0 or later with flash player plugin installed
18.2 MB
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Ann, The registration key is in the Read Me file that was in the file you downloaded and unzipped. It registered fine for me using the key included.
The program works as advertised. If this is something you are looking for then it should be good :) It isn't what I am looking for at this time, so I will unistall.
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I uninstalled & reinstalled it one more time & it still asks for a registration key. So - what's up with that?
Any one else have that problem?
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See my reply to the last comment, same applies here!
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does anyone ever RTFM other than folks like Karl? *sigh* I'm surprised they can open the zip files to get near the read me file!
(which, BTW, contains whatever instructions you need and any passwords/passcodes that are necessary! to install the application!
Read! the Fracking Manual/readme file
Read! the! Fracking! Manual/readme file!
Read the Fracking! Manual/readme file!
Read the Fracking! Manual/readme file
how many times must someone say it, and I can't think of many more variations to say it with, RTFM means just what it says and implies, if you read, you learn and find out how to take care of things!
as to the person who was talking about the w3c schools and such I just hope I am never doomed to use a site they has worked on, since they failed to notice or acknowledge that the whole purpose of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) sight/school is to alert folks to the existence of the web accessibility guidelines, and to teach folks how to produce web sites that are accessible to everyone, not just the lucky folks with all five senses working!
BTW, most of us find there site a bit heavy on the number of page links, but very clear and easy to follow!
as for the program, it might be accessible but since most flash work is not rendered by folks who think to find out how and use the accessibility features available in flash, I'm not going to bother this time, thanks though GAOTD, a nice try
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That is not a problem, it is normal to have to have a registration key. There is a "Readme" file that will solve your "problem".
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Ann, the key is provided in the Readme.txt
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You want really an answer?
Please do that what all GOTD users daily do: Read the Readme.txt. If a giveaway must have a key/serial, you find it there; or an Activate.exe or a link to a page with a form.
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I downloaded & it's asking me for a key code.
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RTFM......The registration code is in the read me file that came with the software download. You should have read that before trying to install the software. That is why it is called a "read me file", the clue is in the name!
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Read the "ReadMe.txt"
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For those who want a serious solution for that task is there other options as Xara Web Designer without coding skills or Adobe Dreamweaver as a more expensive software.
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Hmmm, ok I don't usually comment but a warning. Both my anti virus and Zemana Antilogger didn't like the setup and refused to install this, so take note if you are at all squeamish about these kinds of things.
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Very sad that there is no alternative for Flash in so many applications, like online games. I while ago I´ve was busy with html5 and css3, it is not a programming language, but I think the W3C consortium could have hired some expertise from the early basic founders in what is logical: to me they were Einsteins compared to the people who designed html5 and css3. Its unbelievable: forum boards are still flooding by people who want simple things linke vertically aligning a text in a div, but are totally confused that it does not work the way that is logical to them (the solution is often also not logical at all!). It should and could have been setting a simple property but.... It seems W3C never gave it a thought.
I don´t know flash very well, but it seems it will be there for a while. As long as the W3C committee is persisting in creating more restrictions and imposing more and more demands in symantics instead of playing a part in problem solving, there will be very few html5 based online games around.
The giveaway of the day is perhaps nice for someone who like a make a website about their pet or hobby, I can´t take the shopping cart feature seriously.
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Dual boot here! Tried this in Win10 build 10130 (not to be confused with the NOT working 10158 & 10159) it got about halfway through showing me the "lawyer's" template & the program just disappeared - Well, so much for that time wasted today. C U tomorrow GOTD & as always HAGD
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Program seems to be working fine on Win 10 Pro build 10159. Quad core AMD graphics, 8 MB memory.
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On the publisher's website I noticed two main license versions of this program:
One is about a three month subscription.
Another one is "unlimited"
The offer of today's GOTD is which one?
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Armed with a free copy of Wordpress and very cheap hosting (approx 18 GBP) you can have a responsive website up and running in hours. You don't need to be a design whizz - there are so many free templates out there already, and many templates allow limitless customisations. If you need a website, it has to look as professional as possible and unfortunately, this software would make your website look pants.
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I´m not saying that todays giveaway is a good software but introducing Wordpress as an alternative is to much for me. This software is created for newbies, newbies should stay far away of Wordpress however. Wordpress is very different in that it is a CMS with all its advantages and disadvantages. When you create a CMS you must accept a higher risc that it is hacked or otherwise injected: you have to have knowledge of how to protect your sql database on your host (f.i. protecting sql queries against injection attacks: no work for newbies). I am also not convinced that a Wordpress template looks better than the example Karl gave (in the hands of a newbie). I´ve seen lots of Wordpress sites that look very very unprofessional. I hate Flash as well and there are security riscs there to, but I don´t see an big overtake by html5 (in online games etcetera) happening on a short term.
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"I´m not saying that todays giveaway is a good software but introducing WordPress as an alternative is to much for me. This software is created for newbies, newbies should stay far away of WordPress however."
Then go with the site &/or blog creation tools that come with a hosting package. IMHO that's really the easiest, because when you're done it's configured for your web host. If you use A4DeskPro Website Builder you still have to learn how to upload the site you created, & get everything working with your host's setup.
As far as learning Wordpress or any of the many alternatives, if you want a site or blog that's actually seen by more than your best friends & family, it takes a commitment to learn all sorts of things, from promoting your site to making sure it shows up at least in the 1st couple few pages of a search to maintaining an e-mail mailing list [& using it] etc. Most people I think find out it is a bit of work early on, which may be why there aren't as many super easy to use web site creators on the market as there used to be, but that's just a guess.
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Mobile devices are hastening the move to responsive web design making all of these old school website builders less relevant with each passing day. That said, this is OK for it's category, there are better and worse alternatives, but investing any serious time learning this method of website building in 2015 probably not the best use of one's time anymore. I would instead suggest looking into openElement; Pingendo; Mobirise or another of the many user friendly tools available, just Google: Free Responsive Web Editors.
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Downloaded and Installed easily. I thought I'd be able to create a site from scratch, but you can only use the templates created by other people. I have to compare this to the online website builder like Weebly & GoDaddy. I find A4DP(A4 Desk Pro)more difficult to use. Why this is called pro, I don't know, because any of the extra features, after the basic version, you have to pay for.
ATM i'm not inpressed.
Uninstalled the same way Karl does, via reboot.
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These appear to be framed or tabled templates which are not mobile friendly due to resizing limitation. Am I correct in my assumption?
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Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1.3 Pro 64 bit system. This time a really "clear install".
A company without name and address, no digital signature:
"A4DeskPro is a popular flash website maker first released in 2004. Simply search for A4Desk or A4DeskPro and you will find our products listed on thousands of websites, software reviews by many reputable websites including ZDNET, Download.com, TUCOWS and several computer magazines."
A look into the programs directory shows, that the big part of this software package is some years old, nothing bad about this, but it shows a principal problem of this software:
It is a "flash" website creator, with all known advantages and disadvantages - and no future.
The good side:
Upon start a resizable window opens, you have 50 ready made presets for a website, bashed on SWF. Some examples show, how this works:
The examples are nicely made.
I selected a new template, the change of the existing text, photos and background is easily made, understandable also for a (not totally) newbie.
A first impression is positive, a quick way to produce a fast web page based on flash. If you are interested in a simple web page creator, this could be the right software. Basic HTML skills are needed to change the text appearance, no skills needed, if you only replace the preset text with your own text. Does what it claims.
Uninstalled via reboot, don't need this one.
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Thanks Karl.
I like your comment about flash website, "No Future"! So true with all mobile-centric websites.
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