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50 Ultimate Fonts Bundle was available as a giveaway on October 12, 2022!
This pack has a wide range of typeface styles from modern calligraphy, monoline script, dry brush handwriting, grunge/rustic, elegant serif, clean sans serif, watercolor, cartoonish, horror, signature style, logotype font, etc.
This wonderful fonts bundle has a unique, detailed and handmade look. Whether you want to try a classy look with uppercase letters or a beautiful look with lowercase letters, this font bundle is meant for something completely timeless.
Perfect for gorgeous logos, displays, headers, invitations, save the dates, weddings, titles, web layouts and branding, etc.
Compatible with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, GIMP, Final Cut Pro, Davinci Resolve, HitFilm Pro, Affinity Photo, Affinity Designer, Vegas Pro
1.54 MB
It is even better to use the FonTemp program, which allows you to use fonts without installing them.
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I appreciate the free commercially licensed fonts.
It is helpful to small gamedevs.
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Kind of looked like a lot of the same two or three things to me - no real variety except to those who look on a micro level. but free so thanks.
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All these fonts were given away earlier this year (June 10?) as part of a 100 font bundle, so those who downloaded them then can save some time by not downloading today.
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I installed two of these fonts - Draisial-regular and Ebrion-regular otf. The remainder appear to me to be merely modified, one after another, and look almost identical.
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I didn't see any must-have fonts in this collection. What I did notice was that many of the fonts are rough in appearance if you use them at any larger size.
To make viewing and installing easy, I used AMP Font Viewer, a free font installer and viewer. This makes it possible to see them before installing them, so you don't install fonts you'll never use.
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Donald, I agree. I found only two fonts to be useful - but that's only me. I'm sure others have their own opinions.
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Peter, What were the two you liked? Just curious, as I might go back and see what they are like. Also, which of the two types of fonts were they? I saw two folders, one for true type and one for something else that I'm not sure what they were for, but my fonts viewer/installer let me look at them.
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Peter, I looked around and see the two you found useful, Draisial-regular and Ebrion-regular otf.
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>"I saw two folders, one for true type and one for something else that I'm not sure what they were for,"
The two formats are OTF and TTF. The OTF format is the OpenType Format. It was created by a joint project of Adobe and Microsoft. The formats combines features of the slightly older True Type (TTF) format and adds some additional bits of information that was in the Post Script (PS) format. In most cases, it will not matter which one you use, however if you get into an unusual situation using the TTF format that causes a design to not look correct, you might wish to switch to the OTF format. The problems most often occurs in large designs, sometimes in kerning, and sometimes in other things, such as writing in a circle, or cascading smaller or increasing in size for each letter. For most letter sized outputs, you probably will not notice any difference.
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Can vendor or user who already installed these fonts please confirm that German Umlauts a ö ü Ä Ö Ü and ß plus the EURO-currency sign € are included. Otherwise makes no sense to download, register and install. Thank you
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ELBE, I checked two of the fonts and they do seem to have those characters (I checked the Glyphs in Adobe Illustrator) but not much extra there, just the basics. These fonts do have a "home made" appearance and would be good for some things, but not brochures or professional printed products (in my opinion). Might be better for Craft Projects, not Professional Typesetting.
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I installed one of the typefaces (Baigus) and was able to see all of the German unlauts you wanted, but not the Euro currency symbol (both Euro symbols. slots are empty). The Umlauts can be be easily typed in using the Alt+nnnn values. I suspect that all the other typeface files have the same characters. Sorry, I could not dedicate enough time to go through all of the 50 typefaces.
I develop typefaces so when I need to fix a different typeface of a single character or two, I make my own, then edit the typeface file and add the character into the correct spot. To do that, you need a good typeface editing program that allows filling in all of the other attributes, such as kerning, etc. There are some expensive typeface editing software, but I do not do recommendations. I wrote my own many years ago, but it is not a product. Best of luck to you.
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I think I've made a comment about a similar offer before.
As long as you actually 'download' the fonts 'today', you can 'install' them whenever it suits you.
John H
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Is there a way to install multiple fonts at once? Double clicking on one font, then click on install works just fine but it is time consuming.
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Yes, you can install multiple typefaces at once. First, you need to have all of the typefaces you wish to install in a single folder. Thankfully, the 50 of each format offered here are already in a single folder.
The 50 typefaces provided here are distributed into two formats, OTF and TTF. The two types are essentially the same, but the OTF edition does allow some additional information, although the 50 presented here are likely no different than the TTF edition. Modern operating systems can use either file format, including a mix (some TTF files, some OTF files).
In Windows, first, you need to get to your system folder that has all of your typefaces listed. You can locate it in the Control Panel or do a search for Fonts.* Once you have the folder open and can see all of the typeface names you already have installed, all you have to do is drag any number of typeface files into the same folder. Modern versions of Windows will automatically consider them installed (that did not work in older Windows OSs).
To select your large list of typefaces, select either the OTF or the TTF edition folder, then you can make a selection by dragging the mouse pointer around the ones you wish (box select). If you wish to install all of the typefaces, you can do that easily. Make sure you have clicked once inside the folder with the list of the 50 typeface names, then do a Ctrl+A (for Select All). You can also toggle typeface names on or off by holding the Ctrl key and clicking on the name (all of these are common selection methods in Windows).
Once the typefaces you wish to install are selected, drag them into the system folder of the typefaces already installed.
Even though Windows uses the word Font, the correct name should be Typeface. The misnomer started with the first edition of Windows in their Software Development Kit (SDK) when the word Font was placed (poorly) over the list of typeface names, thus causing many to think the word Font is correct. Since Gutenberg's time, the word font had a clear definition. A font is a specific size of a typeface in a specific style (bold, italic, etc.). Change any of these and it would be a different font. For example, a change of a single point in size would be a different font.
Best of luck to you (if you have any problems or need more clarification, comment back).
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Rosa, Not 100% sure, but if you 'highlight' multiple fonts, then right click and select 'install'....that may work.
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Rosa, on most versions of windows you can open the folder, select all (control+a) then right click on any one of them and choose "Install all."
Hope that helps even if it is a bit late...
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Many of the fonts are very similar to the 3rd panel shown, meaning the useful variety is narrow.
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Thank you for the nice offering! I now have to figure out how to make them work! (74 Years Old Computer Newbie) D. N.
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David Navratil, For most versions of Windows, simply double-click one of the fonts that you want to install. A window will come up showing you what the font looks like. Near the top left corner of that window is a button that says Install. Just click it and the font will get installed. Then go to a word processor such as Microsoft Word, and in the font section, find the name of the font that you installed. If all went well, whatever you type should be in the font that you installed.
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David Navratil, it's as simple as right-clicking, then going Preview or Install.
Anything you install gets installed globally, so that font will be available to any program that uses fonts (like Photoshop or Word) and will appear in the program's list of fonts.
Fonts are a great way of stylizing text, just don't use more than two (3 at the most) in the same document. Different fonts pair up and play off each other in different ways. Google font pairs for a deep dive.
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Trevor Baudach, Thank you all for the nice replies! Folks like you make the internet fun!! D.N.
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7Up, you can also drop all the files into your fonts folder and that automatically installs all of them. I would recommend reviewing all of these first as you suggested as many may not want all of these fonts installed on their system. Your Method Would Obviously be Better for These Fonts!
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Thanks for the lifetime license with commercial use allowed!
I tend to horde fonts, especially those that specifically allow commercial use. Two or three of these are certain to get some use.
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Thank you, its a very nice set of fonts..
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I am a Graphics Designer since 1988 (not a web designer who want to call themselves grafics designer) and was designing from scratch Fonts and Logos and layouts for Magazines.
the only Font useful in this mess of TTF giveaway is »Annandonregular« all the other Fonts, I don't know what the heck this could be used for
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