Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
3D Titanic Screensaver was available as a giveaway on April 29, 2012!
She was the biggest and the most luxurious liner of her time. But the maiden voyage of the "ship of dreams" ended as a nightmare. Dive into the depths of the Atlantic and explore the mysterious world of the Titanic imbued with the spirit of the past.
See flashbacks of this beautiful vessel sailing across the ocean. This truly realistic setting will bring memories of the Titanic back to life. The story lives on...
Windows 9x/ 2000/ XP/ Vista; 32 MB Video Memory; DirectX 8.0 or higher; DirectX-compatible sound card
11.3 MB
Let this 3D screensaver take you on an unforgettable diving adventure to the heart of the sea. Explore the beauty of the underwater world with vibrant corals, colorful sponges and gently swaying plants. Dive into the depths and be awe-inspired by the mind-boggling diversity of marine life.
Bring the beauty of an exotic fish tank to your desktop! Own a virtual aquarium of your dreams full of cute sea creatures, beautiful accessories and vibrant water plants. Have fun watching your finny pals chase each other, swim among plants, hang out in schools enjoying life. Eye-pleasing colors, tropical feel and relaxing music will make this underwater world truly fascinating.
This screensaver is an outstanding 3D model of the solar system. Every planet is there along with its satellites and even a small info graph with basic facts. All the proportions and trajectories are right. It's not only the sheer beauty but also the educational content that make Solar System 3D Screensaver an absolute must-have.
This spectacular 3D screensaver gives you a chance to travel 200 million years back in time to the mind-boggling world of these dangerous, but elegant creatures. Old and young alike will be awed to see Stegosaurus, Brachiosaurus, or Pteranodon in their natural habitat and hear the truly realistic sounds of the wild. See if you can tell who is who.
Space tourism is only available to very rich people. Among its primary attractions is the awesome and thrilling feeling of looking at the Earth from space described by all astronauts as extremely intense and mind-boggling. This screensaver provides a unique opportunity to do that without having to pay 20 million dollars. It is a fantastically realistic 3D model of the planet!
@#52: A lot of people base their rating on a number of factors not always including the software itself but more on the description of the software and the publishers website, if it looks like it was designed by a nerdy teenager living in his parents basement it's going to receive a lot of negative ratings.
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GOTD: Day after day, month after month, a majority are voting on the basis of the wrong factors! Because of that, we do not know the real rating of the programs by intelligent, thoughtful people! Please tell people in a bold red font immediately below or above "Rate it!" the factors to use and the factors NOT to use in their thumbs up or thumbs down votes! Please!
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This is not for me. But I understand GOTD try to please as many different taste and needs as possible. The end result is " YOU CAN'T PLEASE EVERYONE EVERY TIME " All you can do is try , and for the most part you do so for all those that feel the same. here is a big " THANK YOU FOR TRYING & KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK "
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Ignore the haters, I appreciate the giveaway and I always love new screensavers. Thanks GOTD and AstroGemini. I hope you don't let all the jerks discourage you! This is great software and a great site!
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Why all the comments about being tasteless?
We see images and video almost everyday that either remembers, commemorates or even glorifies the past, whether factual or tasteful and we don't even bat an eyelid.
Anybody remember the Pearl Harbour movie or countless other War stories that do all of the above for our very enjoyment.
Glass houses and all that.
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Dive into the depths of the Atlantic and explore the mysterious world of the Titanic imbued with the spirit of the past.
Sound's Witchy Much?? lol i'm not downloading this 1 i'll pass..
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Come on people get real. Whilst this was a tragedy, did this stop any of you seeing one of the films made that "glamorised" the event? No stop complaining and use the screen saver or not!
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kinda kool commemoration-
with the release of so many books and docu-drasmas it makes plenty of sense a profit seeking software dev would put one out, AND- ccome on, plenty o folks who don't mind looking at ships n seas !
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Hi, whether Titanic Screensaver is tasteless, or comemmorative.., or both - Astro Gemini (in early days) had only one screensaver worth my personal attention, if I'm correct it was "Nautilius".., decent graphics and interesting, perhaps Flags of the World gently blowing in the wind?..
That said - Lost interest in Astro Gemini long ago, shabby 3D graphics, horrid, wicked remainders, lol, pushy adverts etc.
Too much competition in that Field, less interest in Screensavers as such, Live Desktops, Living Wallpapers that followed? So this one would really be for.. "die-hearts", I guess, or "Retro Software" Collectors? Which ever. If it brings joy and fun (or nostalgia:) - go for it!
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In the interest of balance regarding the subject matter, the Titanic never sank , it was the Olympic , in an insurance swindle . The Olympic previously hit a British Warship, so could not claim against its insurance or against the crown ( the crown can do no wrong ) and broke its back.
At the time of the maiden voyage of the so called Titanic , it was on fire during its sea trials , which the inspectors failed to notice and their was a dock strike on at the time. Yet the same owners managed to get another ship they owned loaded with fuel and blankets and anything else you would need to rescue survivors , which sailed out to sea , then stopped . It was supposed to rendezvous and pick up survivors of the Olympic ( Titanic ) when it had its accident .
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Screensaver downloaded and installed with no problem. It doesn't seem to be using a lot of resources, not affecting the operation of my computer. I don't see a big problem with the graphics. They're done in a particular style that works for what it is. I've seen much worse for sale on various art sites. There are a number of scenes, more than most screensavers, so it's not boring or repetitious. Transition between scenes is seamless. All in all, a nice screensaver, especially for free. Thanks, GOTD and Astro Gemini.
The families of the Titanic victims dealt with Leonard DiCaprio and Kate Winslet hooking up in the cargo hold and Julian Fellowes' made for television sob fest. They're probably going to be able to handle a simple screensaver. In fact, it's likely they understand, and appreciate, the fascination this tragedy still holds 100 years later. This is a nice offering for Titanic buffs. Others may not enjoy it and that's fine. Keep checking back and eventually there will be something to your liking.
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Downloaded and ran it, did not mind the walk around thought it was nice after that was not impressed with the rest of it. Tank you giveaway team and astro gemini.
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A tasteless offering. I am disgusted that anyone would try to earn money from somebody elses death.
No. 7 the families of those who died in the disaster are not all dead.
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Well done, GOTD and Astro Gemini. This complements the Titanic Memories screensaver from 3Planesoft well. They are both interesting products IMHO. This one runs smoothly and the "interior" views are tasteful too. Obviously not to everyone's taste, but I like these "screensavers". Thanks again.
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Don't understand all the negatives. Guess they were trashing the movie too. Nice job Astro Gemini and thanks GAOTD. Loaded nicely on Vista 32bit.
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As soon as I read the title I knew this would not go down well.
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Forget crappy screensavers and misleading & manipulated Hollywood movies and learn the true story instead....
Open your eyes.....
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1) RIP Titanic travellers. We'll remember you for ever.
2) Good design, but buggy and useless.
This screensaver keeps aborting after 15-20 sec, no matter I enabled "no exiting on mouse move" and staying away from mouse and keyboard.
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Installed on Win 7 (32) and tried to preview it but all I saw was a blank screen and my PC crashed, not to be put off I tried removing and re-installing but same thing happens every time. Right clicked on desktop and selected Personalize, when the Appearance window opens I noticed that under Screen Saver that nothing is showing so set Titanic from there with a 2 minute timeout and after two minutes the the screen went blank again and my PC crashed yet again. Not in the least impressed by this offering and definitely not a keeper. Has anyone else experienced this problem, or am I the only one? Can anyone offer any suggestions on how to get this to work?
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Look like this one's going to sink...
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Do we really need a screen saver? Even if yes, do we really need to buy one like this? Developers of this software please utilize your time coming up with something better, more useful and worthy!
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to # 25 ... There are plenty of movies and books to “commemorate” the sinking of the wondrous (and way ahead of its time) ship the Titanic. I think a screen saver is a little "sick", don't you agree? It will remind one EVERY time they use the computer of that sad event!
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Downloaded and installed fine on a Windows 7 32bit machine.
I for one like the screensaver. Yes, the graphics are a bit outdated and the wreck itself isn't accurate at all. But overall it's an enjoyable screensaver, or as someone else suggested, "a standby animation".
I've been a huge fan of the Titanic since I was a kid. I got a Titanic book by Robert Ballard in 1989 in a school book fair. Since then, I've been fascinated with not only the ship, the wreck, but the people and their lives. Everyone on board had high hopes for the future. I find all classes had difficulties. Some had money, but serious family issues. Some didn't have money and that's where their problems stemmed from.
But they were on THE Titanic, on their way to New York. Some to start a new life. However, that new life never came for many of them. Instead, they left an empty hole in many peoples lives. Hopes and dreams that never came true.
Some of you are complaining that this screensaver is in poor taste... Comparing it to the Twin Towers. Bull. Just like all those commemorative caps, coins, flags with the images of the Twin Towers, this screensaver was designed to keep the memory of the Titanic alive. And when I see the ship in the screensaver cruising the ocean, I remember the hopes and dreams of the people.
When I see the wreck in the screensaver, it reminds me that I should be grateful for what I have, as many throughout the ages, including those on the Titanic lost so much.
My own opinion of course.
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I had a little trouble with graphics. The first screen showed nothing but a blue screen with bubbles and during transitions bars appeared across the screen.
The screensaver shows images of the ship mostly underwater but then "time-jumps" to a pre-sunken vessel. Underwater there's a few fish swimming around.
Overall, I'm not that impressed. The graphics look very dated and there's not much detail to the images. Some good texture mapping would do a lot here. Screensavers today are unnecessary and if you really want to protect your monitor it makes more sense just to turn it off (which can be done in power settings). And screen savers are something that get displayed when one is not actually at their computer so they tend not to be noticed. I prefer not to use them because they can sometimes kick in at annoying times, especially when I'm watching a video.
There are three things I would suggest for AstroGemini:
1) Update graphics. Screensavers today should support high-definition widescreen and make full use of that feature. Impress us. I've seen some that look almost photo-realistic.
2) Package the screensavers together so one can choose from a selection of 100 or more. That would also allow for a randomization so that one can be surprised at the screensaver that appears. Screensavers today aren't worth more than 99 cents apiece, if that, and a bunch of them might sell for $20. A control menu could allow for selection or randomization of the screensaver.
3) More actual animation. Panning gets tired very quickly. Computers today can handle a fair amount of animation, although at the same time one doesn't want a screensaver to put too much of a strain on their processor.
Also being able to set a music directory would be good. In fact more control over the music in general would be good.
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I only ever use one screensaver and that is Dream Aquarium, but i
feel that i must thank you for the work that you have obviously
put into this screensaver of the Titanic.
Comment 25: Sacco is correct in what he says. It is to commemorate
and to honour the memory of the Titanic.
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Marcia Sacco #25
If it was to commemorate it would be free, it is to make nmoney!
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To everyone complaining that this is "tasteless" (especially Barry@#5, who ridiculously compares it to the Twin Towers): Have you ever heard the word "commemorate"? That is what this screensaver does. It honors the memory of the Titanic. It doesn't celebrate the fact that it sank. There's nothing distasteful or disrepectful about it.
I don't use screensavers anymore. And frankly, if I did, I wouldn't use an Astro Gemini screensaver. I just never cared for their product. But if you're going to gripe about the offer, make it a legitimate gripe, and not some smug, misguided rant.
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This truly realistic setting will bring memories of the Titanic back to life
who for - all the survivors are now dead - oh, you mean of the film ;P)
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#7 Are you serious? Now that all survivors and the families of those that died in the tragedy have now passed away. This was not that long ago and the GRAND CHILDREN are alive and kicking. The families are NOT DEAD. We just have no taste or respect for others. Pass.
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Hmmm, as has been already said, the graphics are somewhat lack lustre. 3Planesoft recently released a Titanic screensaver as well but alas the graphics on theirs looks cheapish compared to the better quality of a lot of their other offerings
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That's All I Can Say....
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It installed without problems, All of the settings work. I've been watching, and got caught up in the beauty of the seemless graphics that show scenes which fade in and out of "yesterday" then "today". Exited smoothly upon mouse move. Finally "Astro Gemini Screensavers" are well liked by plenty of paying customers, and IS a well estabilished company. I recommend that you try it for yourself.
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Looks like a programming exercise in 3D engines, dating back to the late nineties... Was very impressive then, if you programmed it yourself - in C ;p
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I don't normally use screensavers however this one interested me because it's of the Titanic, which I have been deeply interested in since I was quite young, even before its discovery in 1985. I just want an assurance that this does not have any kind of spyware or malware (etc) with it before downloading. I did that mistake ONCE ... am very hesitant to do it again, even with the fact that this is of the Titanic.
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Yes, because people want to be reminded of all the people who died on that ship.
Great idea for a wallpaper that you'll see everyday.
Face palm
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I don't know why people comment on something that they aren't interesting in, and their comments definitely will be useless!
If you've something useful (Advantages\Disadvantages) it's okay, go on. But if you don't have anything about the offer, rather than offending, I think it's better to keep silent.
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Why would I want a screen saver to remind me of a TRAGIC and sad event?
This is terrible!
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MAYDAY ... MAYDAY... #2 I think the 1.3MB is a typo as you rightly pointed out the file size is 11.3MB. I installed this an system Win 7 32 bit, installation was quick and painless but when I ran the screensaver the firs time my PC must have hit an iceberg and crashed, just like the Titanic. After having to force a shutdown I re-installed the screensaver which ran and is very good until I tried to exit the screensaver and hit another iceberg. Seriously flawed software fit only for the trash can. Do GOTD ever test the software they give away?
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Fully agree with comment #1. This does not add anything to our digital life, beside it has no use, the coding is very poor as well.
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SOS - 2 weeks delay.
The Titanic commemorial date happened to become the 15th, not the 29th of April.
Besides that not a bad idea even though I would see pretty much room for improvements. Why? Look here: http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0412/feature5/flash_pop_5a.html
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Should get a good responce, especialy the famous Titanic and aniversery of month it sunk 100 years ago. Thank you givewayofday for this clever offer!
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Oh WOW! Astro Gemini have put a little more effort in to their screensaver since the halloween and valentine's day flop last year. It's nice to see that the movement goes in a straight line for a change compared to the last 2 which rotated around a central position, which kinda made me dizzy. Thanks DAOTD and Astro Gemini.
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I used to wonder why GOTD waited until the last minute to offer holiday screensavers when it would be so much better to have them a week or so ahead of time. Now here's a Titanic screensaver almost two weeks after the 100th anniversary of it's sinking. And now I understand. Astro Gemini generously offers these things free for a day after people have stopped paying for them anyway.
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I do not use screensavers. I am either working on my computer or out of the room and never in front of the monitor looking at screensavers. Also I am not sure a sad event makes a good screensaver.
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The screen-saver could be much improved by including the full story of the Titanic, from its launch to it's demise on the seafloor. There has been fairly accurate modeling of the diaster and the subsequent breaking apart of the ship and it's decent into the depth. (See last months National Geographic for details)
Now that all survivors and the families of those that died in the tragedy have now passed away, I don't think it's as sacrosanct not to include these details.
The antialiasing doesn't seen to do much to improve the graphics. Perhaps use a different engine for example the Crytec engine, which would enable Astro Geini to give a beautiful representation of the ship as well as it's breaking apart.
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Installed fine on Vista 64-bit.
I like the music, how it changed to dramatic for the underwater scenes and a little lighter for the flashbacks.
The graphics look pretty dated, like they were made in the 90s. Still interesting to watch, but lots of pixels.
I liked how that famous clock at the main stair matched the computer time, nice touch.
I watched it for about 10 minutes and it hadn't started over yet, so pretty long.
I've said this before, but I think it should be called something other than a screensaver. That term puts a lot of people off, and there will no doubt be many comments about not needing screensavers anymore and power consumption. Call it an idle-mode something, or standby something.
My opinion (that has nothing to do with this program) is that it's too much work for nothing. I don't think many people have their computer as a centerpiece in their home, so this screensaver would be running where no one could see it. Maybe for work...
Looks alright, graphics could be better, music is nice, call it what it is (not a screensaver). I'll give it a 7/10.
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I have to say that I think this crosses the line for me in terms of being tasteless.
Let me put this simply; Had you created a screen saver of the Twin Towers and let users, "Travel back and forth in time and see the glamour and the devastation," I think you would have gotten a negative reaction.
Yes, the Titanic was an amazingly ship, but more than 1,500 people died. A screen saver seems disrespectful of that tragedy, despite the distance from it in time and despite the historical interest in the ship.
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I pretty decently made screensaver. Thanks giveawayoftheday and who ever made this screensaver.
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What the hell it is!!
File size stated below description is 1.3MB instead of 11.3MB...
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This is HORRIBLE, Im sorry but i dont call this software, or anything like this, this has let me down today :( if i wanted something like this i would just click a annoying popup that i seem to get 10 tonne of!
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